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Erlautern Sie also die wichtigsten Bestandteile Ihres Businessplans in online evaluation Kurzform. Introduction Write Paper. Diese Zusammenfassung nennt man auch „Executive Summary“. Online Evaluation. Die Zusammenfassung enthalt Kurzinformationen uber: Unternehmensgrunder Produkte/Dienstleistungen Markt Vertrieb Marketing Rechtsform Finanzbedarf und Finanzierung Zeitpunkt der Unternehmensgrundung. Problems. Erstellen Sie hier einen kuzen tabellarischen Lebenslauf. Essay Evaluation. Aus diesem Lebenslauf sollte Ihre Qualifikation und Ihre Berufserfahrung bezuglich Ihres Grundungsvorhabens hervorgehen. Scdl Papers. Bei einer Teamgrundung muss jedes Grundungsmitglied einen eigenen Lebenslauf erstellen. Jedes Unternehmen benotigt eine Rechtsform. Online. Uberlegen Sie sich, welche Rechtform fur Sie die am besten geeignete ist. College College Admissions Uchicago. Grundsatzlich unterscheidet man zwischen drei verschiedenen Rechtsformen fur Unternehmen: (z.B. Evaluation. Gesellschaft des burgerlichen Rechts (GbR), offene Handelsgesellschaft (oHG), Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) Kapitalgesellschaft. Medical School Application Essay. (z.B.

Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung (GmbH), Aktiengesellschaft (AG) Die organisationsrechtlich einfachste und schnellste Art der Grundung ist die Einzelunternehmung. Essay Maker. Egal ob Sie dabei als Kaufmann gem. A Term Vegetarianism. § 1 Abs. Online. 1 oder § 2 HGB oder als so genannter Kleingewerbetreibender tatig werden, Sie fuhren Ihre Geschafte allein und bei voller personlicher Haftung, auch wenn Sie Geschaftsfuhrer oder Prokuristen bestellen. With Word Problems. Sie stehen mit Ihrem gesamten privaten Vermogen fur Ihre Handlungen im Geschaftsverkehr ein. Essay Online Evaluation. Das hei?t Sie tragen eventuelle Verluste selbst, brauchen dafur aber anfallende Gewinne nicht mit anderen zu teilen. Papers. Viele Existenzgrunder fallen Sie zumindest in Essay evaluation der Startphase unter die Kleingewerbetreibenden. Kleingewerbetreibende sind gewerblich tatige Selbstandige, die nicht im Handelsregister eingetragen sein mussen. Help Word Problems. Dies gilt fur Gewerbetreibende, deren Unternehmen nach Art oder Umfang keinen in Essay maker evaluation kaufmannischer Weise eingerichteten Geschaftsbetrieb erfordert, das hei?t die Hohe der Jahresumsatze oder einfache Geschaftsab-wicklung erfordern noch keine doppelte Buchfuhrung etc. Weitere Informationen zur richtigen Wahl der Rechtsform erteilt Ihnen Ihr Rechtsanwalt oder Ihre zustandige Industrie- und Handelskammer (Fur Grundungen im Handewer Ihre zustandige Handwerkskammer).

An welchem Standort wird Ihr Unternehmen gegrundet? Wenn Sie in help word einem Home-Office beginnen, so wird der Standort Ihre Privatadresse sein. Geben Sie zusatzlich einige Informationen zu besonderen Standortgegebenheiten. Maker Online Evaluation. Untersuchen Sie genau die Gegebenheiten an Ihrem Standort nach folgenden Kriterien: Anzahl der Kunden im Verkaufsgebiet Anzahl der Konkurrenzunternehmen Weitere Einflussfaktoren. Write A Term Paper Vegetarianism. Fur die meisten Existenzgrunder empfiehlt es sich, dass ihr Standort mitten im Zielgebiet liegt.

Wenn Sie sich mit einem Dienstleistungsunternehmen 20 Kilometer au?erhalb einer Gro?stadt selbstandig machen und die meisten Ihrer betreuten Kunden in der Stadt liegen, dann mussen Sie sich spatestens bei Beschaftigung mehrerer Mitarbeiter auch dort ein Buro zulegen, um lange Anfahrtswege zu vermeiden. Essay Evaluation. Schnelligkeit ist Trumpf! Interessante Informationen fur Ihre Standortanalyse finden Sie hier: Beschreiben Sie hier genau, welche Dienstleistung oder Produkte Sie anbieten werden. Sie konnen hier auch Ihren Einzigartigen Verkaufsvorteil beschreiben. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Kernaussage, welche beschreibt, warum Ihre Kunden bei Ihnen kaufen sollten. Jedes Angebot hat sowohl Starken als auch Schwachen. Homework Science. Seien Sie ehrlich mit sich selbst! Nur wer seine Schwachen kennt, kann auch reagieren, um diese Schwachen zu beheben. Sie konnen Ihr Produkt/Ihre Dienstleistung nur erfolgreich verkaufen, wenn Sie Ihre Zielgruppe genau kennen. Die Definition Ihrer Zielgruppe konnen Sie sich anhand folgender Kriterien erarbeiten:

- Offentliche Hand Geografische Lokalisierung des Zielmarktes: - internationaler Markt Verkaufsstrukturen innerhalb des Zielmarktes: - Handler oder Vertreter. - gemischter Vertrieb Ebenen der Kaufentscheidungen: - Technische oder kaufmannische Leitung. - Einkaufer oder Einzelverbraucher Art des Kaufvorganges: - langerfristige Vertrage (z.B. Maker Online Evaluation. Jahresvertrag) - Einzelverkauf Besonderheiten auf dem Markt: Stellen Sie dar, wie die allgemeine Entwicklung in Ihrem Markt ist. Write A Term Paper Vegetarianism. Auskunfte hierzu kann Ihnen die IHK (Industrie- und Handelskammer) und die HWK (Handwerkskammer) geben oder eigene Recherchen im Internet. Es gibt fur die meisten „kleinen Existenzgrunder“ Konkurrenten auf dem Markt. Versuchen Sie, soviel wie moglich uber Ihre Mitbewerber in online Erfahrung zu bringen. Grenzen Sie sich mit Ihrem Leistungsangebot klar von diesen Mitbewerbern ab!

Ein klares Serviceprofil Ihres Unternehmens bietet klare Wettbewerbsvorteile. Daher behaupten Sie sich durch Qualitat, Qualitat, Qualitat! Mitbewerber lassen sich oft in essay mehrere Kategorien einteilen: Professionelle, bundesweite Anbieter Ihres Produkts/Dienstleistung. Essay Maker Online Evaluation. Diese scheinen auf den ersten Blick oft marktbeherrschend zu sein. Medical. Aber: Uberall dort, wo ein personlicher Kontakt vom Unternehmer zum Geschaftspartner erwunscht ist, sto?en diese Anbieter an maker evaluation die Grenzen. Medical School Essay. Regionale Anbieter Ihres Produkts/Dienstleistung. Essay Maker Online Evaluation. Diese sind wahrscheinlich Ihre starkste Konkurrenz, da Sie (ahnlich Ihrer Existenzgrundung) uber regionale Marktkenntnisse und Kontakte verfugen. Au?erdem konnen diese zumeist bereits Referenzen vorweisen. Einzelunternehmer mit gleichem Leistungsangebot.

Hierbei handelt es sich oft um Existenzgrunder, die die gleiche Geschaftsidee umsetzen mochten, wie Sie. Positionieren Sie Ihr Angebot! Machen Sie sich ein Bild uber Ihre Wettbewerber nach folgenden Kriterien: die Anzahl der Wettbewerber das Profil der einzelnen Konkurrenzunternehmen die Struktur des Leistungsangebots die Starken und Schwachen. Surveillance Invasion Of Privacy One. Dem Gegenuber stellen Sie Ihr eigenes Angebot und Ihre eigenen Starken und Schwachen. Essay Online Evaluation. Auf diese Weise konnen Sie sich ein eigenes Profil erarbeiten.

Versuchen Sie Ihre Leistung dabei immer aus der Sicht Ihrer Kunden zu sehen! Erarbeiten Sie daraus Ihre Position und Ihre Starken! Bei der Umsatzplanung sollten Sie zuruckhaltend, aber realistisch vorgehen. Homework Science Word Problems. Beachten Sie dabei, dass Umsatz erst dann gemacht wurde, wenn die Zahlung bei Ihnen eingegangen ist. Essay Maker Online Evaluation. Die Erbringung der Leistung bedeutet noch keinen Umsatz. Camera Invasion Xbox One. Stellen Sie also den Umsatz erst ein bis zwei Monate nach Erbringung der Leistung in Ihre Umsatzplanung ein. Das ist vor allem fur Ihre Liquiditatsplanung wichtig, da Ihre Kosten auch in Essay maker der Zeit bis zum Zahlungseingang weiterlaufen. Scdl Papers. Die Zahlen fur die Umsatzplanung entnehmen Sie aus dem Finanzplan. Online. Mitarbeiter konnen auch auf Stundenbasis als Teilzeitkrafte eingestellt werden. Wenn moglich, sollte fur einfache Tatigkeiten uber die Beschaftigung von Studenten auf freiberuflicher Basis nachgedacht werden.

Damit kann schnell und ohne kostenintensives Vorhalten von Personal auf neue Auftrage und saisonale Schwankungen reagiert werden. Assignments Papers. Au?erdem hat die Verteilung der Arbeiten auf mehrere Teilzeitkrafte den Vorteil, dass flexibler auf Fehlzeiten reagiert werden kann. Essay Evaluation. Dadurch wird das Risiko fur Sie als Unternehmer gemindert. College College Admissions. Die Lohne der Mitarbeiter sollten marktgerecht eingeschatzt werden. Die Daten des Personalplans ubernehmen Sie aus dem Finanzplan. Essay Maker Online Evaluation. In Ihrem Personalplan sollten Sie die Moglichkeit des Bezugs eines Einstellungszuschusses bei Neugrundungen seitens des Arbeitsamts nicht berucksichtigen. Bitte sprechen Sie vor einer Einstellung mit Ihrem zustandigen Arbeitsamt uber einen eventuellen Einstellungszuschuss bei Neugrundungen!

Weitere Informationen hierzu auch unter Scdl Assignments Papers. Bei der Kostenplanung sollte vor allem darauf geachtet werden, den Finanzbedarf so gering wie moglich zu halten. Online. Gro?te Position sind normalerweise die Personalkosten. Um diese so gering wie moglich zu halten, mussen Sie als Grunder in Scdl assignments and solved papers der Aufbauphase moglichst viele Leistungen eigenstandig erbringen. Die Investitionen einer kleinen Existenzgrundung sind normalerweise relativ gering, da zur Erbringung der Leistungen meist keine teuren Produktionsmaschinen benotigt werden. Notwendige Buroeinrichtung und Kopierer konnen gebraucht gekauft werden. Essay Online Evaluation. Interessante Quellen hierfur sind und Homework With Science Problems. Parallel hierzu besteht naturlich immer die Moglichkeit, Investitionsguter zu leasen, anstatt zu kaufen.

Eine weitere Moglichkeit ist der Kauf auf Raten. Maker Evaluation. Beide Varianten wirken sich positiv auf Ihre Liquiditat aus. College. Die Rentabilitatsrechnung gibt Ihnen Kennzahlen uber die Ertragskraft Ihres Unternehmens. Evaluation. Die Rentabilitatsplanung ist daher vor allem fur die langfristige Vorschau von Bedeutung. Fur die Finanzierung durch Banken ist die Rentabilitatsplanung ein wichtiger Indikator. Ihre Liquiditatsplanung ist zumindest in Writing help der Grundungs- und Wachstumsphase Ihr wichtigster Plan. Da viele Kleingrundungen nicht an Essay online Auftragsmangel scheitern, sondern an paper help fehlender Liquiditat, sollten Sie ein besonderes Augenmerk auf diesen Plan legen!

Achten Sie daher stets auf Ihre Liquiditat! Bedenken Sie, dass Sie soviel wie moglich Ihrer laufenden Umsatze per maker evaluation Bankeinzug einziehen. College College Uchicago. Versuchen Sie dieses auf jeden Fall in online Ihre Vertrage aufzunehmen! Sie schlie?en einen langfristigen Dienstleistungsvertrag uber die monatliche Summe von 500.- Euro ab. Meme. Diese Summe wird automatisch am Ende des Monats per Bankeinzug auf Ihr Konto gebucht. Maker Online. Auf diese Weise mussen Sie nur fur den laufenden Monat in write vegetarianism Vorlage treten. Sie schlie?en einen Dienstleistungsvertrag uber die monatliche Summe von 500.- Euro ab. Am Ende des Monats stellen Sie eine Rechnung. Essay Maker Evaluation. Der Kunde benotigt 3 Wochen, bis er die Rechnung per meme Uberweisung beglichen hat. Online Evaluation. Auf diese Weise mussen Sie einen Monat und 3 Wochen in College college admissions Vorlage treten.

Ihre Kapitalbedarfsplanung setzt sich aus folgenden Posten zusammen: Anfangsinvestitionen Anlaufkosten fur die ersten Monate Grundungskosten Kosten der privaten Lebensfuhrung. Essay Online Evaluation. Stellen Sie hier zusammen, wie Ihre Existenzgrundung finanziert werden soll. Medical School Application Essay Dental. Oft sieht eine Finanzierung folgendermassen aus: Eigenkapital Bankdarlehen (evtl. Essay Online. abgesichert durch offentliche Forderprogramme) Forderung durch Arbeitsamt. Science Problems. Stellen Sie sich Ihren ganz speziellen Marketing-Mix zusammen. Maker Online. Hier mussen Sie darstellen, wie Sie Ihre Kunden gewinnen werden, um die angegebenen Umsatze zu erzielen.

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Erstellen Sie einen Zeitplan. Definieren Sie dazu Meilensteine auf Ihrem Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer. Maker Online Evaluation. Auf diese Weise verlieren Sie Ihr Ziel nicht aus den Augen.

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Material Expediter Job Description Samples. Summary: Locates and moves materials and Essay maker online parts between work areas of plant to expedite processing of College admissions goods, according to evaluation, predetermined schedules and priorities, and keeps related records: Reviews production schedules inventory reports, and work orders to determine types, quantities, and college uchicago availability of required material and priorities of customer orders. Confers with department supervisors to determine materials overdue and to inform them of location, availability, and online condition of materials. Locates and moves materials to specified production areas, using cart or hand truck. Records quantity and type of Introduction write a term paper materials distributed and on hand. May direct power-truck operator or Material Handling Laborer to expedite movement of materials between storage and production areas. May compare work ticket specifications with material at work stations to verify appropriateness of material in use.

May prepare worker production records and timecards. May update and maintain inventory records, using computer terminal. EOE M/F/Disabled/Vet This company is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions without regard to race, gender, disability or protected veteran status. EOE M/F/Disabled/Vet This company is an Essay online equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions without regard to race, gender, disability or protected veteran status. Vander-Bend Manufacturing is vertically integrated Contract Manufacturer specializing in low and medium volume component and product manufacture for the Medical, Semiconductor, Data, Telecommunications, and related industries.

Located in Sunnyvale, we serve the manufacturing needs of over 200 companies in Silicon Valley and beyond, producing Sheet Metal, Machined parts, and Cables, and with Electro-mechanical and electronic assemblies. q Receives notification of material shortages verbally, via email, or through kit lists and shortage reports. q Creates shortlist from Kit lists. q Tracks location and progress of fabricated materials using Visual ERP. q Notifies department supervisors and/or outside process coordinators of the need to accelerate completion of fabricated parts, and College admissions change fabrication priorities as needed.

q For purchased item shortages, arranges for buyers to accelerate deliveries as needed. q For parts at outside service suppliers, works with Outside Service Coordinators to rearrange priorities and accelerate deliveries. q Occasionally picks up or delivers parts from/to suppliers. q Minimum 2 years experience in maker online, a similar position in a manufacturing environment. q Read and paper write in English. q Basic computer skills including MS Word, Excel and at least one MSP system. q Read and Essay maker write in English. q Work independently, without direct supervision. q Valid Class C driver license. Interested individuals may apply by Homework help with word …. Apply online: JOBS.VANDER-BEND.COM (You can upload your resume) or Email or Fax: +1(408)245-4120 or come by and fill out an application today, 2701 Orchard Pkwy, San Jose, CA 95134.

Tri-City Electrical Contractors, Inc. Online. is the leading electrical contractor in Florida. Tri-City was founded in 1958 and handles commercial, residential, communication and BIM/Integrated projects. Projects of all sizes are handled from start to and solved papers, finish. “To do more than is expected for client, project and community. Essay. That’s Tri-City! The Material Expediter is responsible for following up on all orders, scheduling delivers on-site, as well as performing any related activities.

Excellent customer service skills are required to provide fellow staff and end users responsive service ensuring that the department is establishing and maintaining cooperative working relationships. Invasion Of Privacy Xbox One. The incumbent in this position must be able to work under pressure and deadlines, carry out written and oral directions. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to Essay online, perform the essential functions. Analyze and Writing paper help meme process requisitions, as well as check requisitions for Essay maker evaluation accuracy based on write vegetarianism needs assessment Follow up on Essay evaluation all orders via phone or written correspondence Coordinate delivery of materials to assignments and solved papers, job sites Handle all correspondence concerning over-shipments, shortages, freight claims, and return material Maintain filing system of Essay maker online purchase orders by job number and purchase order number Adheres to Surveillance invasion of privacy xbox, purchasing policies and procedures, including buy outs Knowledgeable of material work planning and procedures to coordinate product delivers Coordinates product deliveries in online evaluation, regards to Homework help with science problems, policies and procedures. Knowledgeable of online various machines and Introduction a term paper equipment needed to schedule items necessary for continual production cycles. Experienced with Microsoft Office Suite; including Outlook, Excel, and Word Minimum 2 years of experience as a Material Expediter for an Electrical company Basic knowledge of electrical construction material; including gear, fixtures, commodity items Valid Driver’s License. Is honest and has the highest integrity Adheres to all appearance guidelines Follows established policies and procedures Is in support of mission statement Sets the example for others and is above reproach Can handle fast paced, potentially high-pressure environment Ability to work effectively and efficiently under time constraints and job responsibility pressure and stress Effective communication written and verbal communication skills Highly organized.

Ability to read, write, and maker evaluation communicate effectively in the English language at help with word problems a minimum 8th grade level. Proficient in the use of computer and telephone equipment Must be able to operate routine, every day office equipment such as a printer, copier, and evaluation scanner. Requires corrected vision and hearing to Surveillance camera invasion xbox, normal range Must be mobile, able to physical move around jobsites Must be able to operate a computer Ability to evaluation, work in a fast paced environment and quickly and effectively react to job demands, as well as meeting work assignment time frame constraints Must be able to handle work-related stress Repetitive tasks such as bending, stooping, stretching, pulling, crawling, climbing, digging, trenching, excavating, and ability to lift and carry a maximum of 50 lbs. Requires ability to perform physical duties listed above for extensive periods of time. Typical Working Conditions: Requires ability to work for extended periods of time in heat and direct sunlight. Regular exposure to outdoor weather conditions. Regular exposure to dirt, hazardous electrical equipment and Homework with word problems wiring, underground and elevated heights.

Please note that this job description is Essay maker evaluation, not designed to cover or contain all activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the school application dental employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and Essay online activities may change at any time with or without notice. EOE/APP, Drug Free Workplace. The Material Expediter is responsible for researching material/item availability. Writing Meme. The person in maker, this role creates procurement requisitions for needed material and troubleshoots as needed. The Material Expediter verifies the status of orders, material and tracks the progress of work orders ensuring to update the CSR’s and Management on the status of all items.

Conduct research on uchicago material/items availability Troubleshoot for Essay evaluation items on back order or misplaced Track and verify status of orders, material, provide status of work orders to CSR’s and Management Acts as the write lead, providing guidance and direction to facilitator workgroups Resolves problems encountered during daily operations and determines appropriate solutions Provides quality customer service to maker online, both internal and external customers Attends department/company meetings and trainings Acts as a team player to achieve department and organizational goals. Ability to read, speak, write and understand English in a sufficient manner as to follow work requirements and prepare basic reports. Sufficient manual dexterity to operate various hand tools and Scdl equipment properly. Physical ability to climb ladders and remove parts from racks and put parts into Essay online evaluation, racks. Physical ability to stoop, bend, walk and use hands 100% of the time. Physical strength to carry up to 80 pounds frequently. Monitor open orders.

Monitor rush orders along with necessary paperwork. Retrieve parts to fill orders. Prioritize the sequence of late order parts with CSR’s and Management. Assist production in locating inventory as required. Must understand and follow all safety rules and regulations. Rotates and/or fills in for other jobs and Surveillance camera one departments as needed. Participates in physical inventory. To perform the job successfully, the Expeditor must demonstrate the following competencies: Problem Solving Customer Service Oral Communications Teamwork Managing People Reasoning Ability Computer Skills.

Material Expediter - Pressure Sensitive (3Rd Shift) Do you enjoy working hands-on utilizing some of the maker online evaluation best technology in the printing and packaging industry? Does accepting daily challenges and Introduction write a term exceeding goals resonate with you? Belmark is Essay online, seeking a Material Expediter to be responsible for the flow of materials through departments to conform with production schedules. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, our material expediters are able to Scdl papers, work in a friendly environment with a potential to maker evaluation, grow with the company. The hours are 10:00 p.m. Paper Help Meme. – 6:00 a.m., Sunday - Thursday. Belmark creates many of the labels, cartons, and flexible film we as consumers see daily when shopping for various items. Maker Online. Our primary markets are in the food and beverage industry. A nationally recognized company; our customers vary from small to xbox, large companies, and customer satisfaction is our primary goal.

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Knowledge of and the ability to effectively utilize the English language. Must be certified to operate a forklift truck. Regular attendance is required. May be required to work some overtime. Ability to add, subtract, multiply and admissions uchicago divide whole numbers, decimals and fractions. Ability to work in a team environment, using concentration and attention to detail. Ability to operate a computer and computer systems. Belmark offers a friendly working environment with a competitive benefits package for eligible employees.

Our benefits include: Health, Dental, Life Insurance. Flexible Spending Account * 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan. Paid vacation, personal time holidays. Employee Assistance Program. On-site Health Clinic. On-site Fitness Center Department: Production Location: De Pere, WI. Technica LLC seeks to maker online, fill a Material Expediter (Ammunition) position on Writing paper a Government contract with a place of performance at the Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) located in the McGregor Range, New Mexico area under Ft.

Bliss, TX contract. This is Essay evaluation, a temporary position. Work includes the following tasks: Providing service and escort to all ASP customers; units, contractor, visitors, other. Receipts, issues, turn-ins, shipments, inter-depot transfers (IDTs), inventories and other AE. related movement, storage and accountability processes. • Accounting for AE prior to, during and Writing paper meme after physical transaction/process. • Following AE accountability, safety and physical security policies, procedures and direction. • Process and account for ammunition residue turn-ins. • Using MHE or other approved equipment to Essay maker online, handle and College admissions store AE.

•Must have High School diploma or GED equivalent. •Must be computer literate. •Must possess a current and valid state driver’s license. •Must be able to pass a background check and clearance. •Must be able to stand or sit for Essay prolonged periods of time. •Must be able to squat or kneel on continuous occasions. •Must be able to read, write, and speak English.

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You should possess great communication skills and knowledge of basic purchasing and technical principles and ability to solve problems and knowledge of basic purchasing and technical principles. The goal is to support the Homework help with timely and cost-effective completion of Essay maker online construction projects. Correct product naming on MM Sheet Liaison for estimation team Data entry Defining how material is packaged/bundled/and shipped Gathered information for PM and Estimation teams Verify material ordered on PO to the Invoices Verify correct pricing on invoices Ensuring all materials, supplies and equipment received for project/s are processed in school application dental, M.M. Sheets in a timely manner Data base management (red Flags) Keep accurate records Manage the orders of materials and equipment to Essay online evaluation, meet project requirements Gather material warranty information Maintain good relations with suppliers and vendors. Ability to understand technical specifications of material and College college admissions uchicago equipment Proficient in MS Office (especially Excel) and filing systems Excellent communication and negotiation skills Well-organized with multi-tasking abilities Apt in Essay online evaluation, problem-solving High school diploma is preferred.

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Fair Trade - In or Against the Market ? “Before you’ve finished your breakfast this morning, you’ll have relied on half the world.” Martin Luther King. Fair Trade is the Essay online evaluation most important and paper help meme, fastest growing market-based mechanism to Essay evaluation improve the lives of producers in developing countries. It does so by offering small-scale producers in the global south fairer trade relations, including a guaranteed minimum price above world price and developmental support. Global Fair Trade sales have reached € 1.1 billion (US$1.4 billion), increasing at rates of around 50 percent per year and paper help meme, are projected to continue to grow. Fair Trade bananas have a market share of 56 percent in Switzerland and Essay evaluation, the U.S.

Fair Trade coffee market has been growing nearly 90 percent per year since Fair Trade coffee was launched in 1998 (Max Havelaar, 2006; TransFair USA, 2005). The success of Surveillance camera xbox one, Fair Trade is reiterated time over maker time by a variety of personalities and institutions, ranging from advocates of Fair Trade in paper meme, the North and producers in the South to such prominent promoters of trade liberalization as the online G 8 and the European Commission. 1 The general feeling of euphoria is captured by one of the pioneers of the Fair Trade movement, Carol Wills, on a conference in the European Parliament in June 2005: “Fair Trade works! It works for Homework help with word poor people; it works for consumers. It works as a business model; it works as sustainable development; it works to protect the environment; it works as an idea!” (Fair Trade Advocacy Newsletter, 2005). However, one could wonder what this is Essay maker online all about. After all, Fair Trade started as an alternative to Homework help word problems free trade, explicitly focusing on solidarity and the well-being of producers and maker evaluation, rejecting classical economic notions of competition, the self-regulation of the market and Surveillance camera invasion of privacy xbox one, sometimes even employing anti-capitalist rhetoric. How should one asses that at the G8 summit 2005 in maker evaluation, Gleneagles leaders of those economically dominant countries that are continually held responsible for global trade injustices (often by actors and organizations in the Fair Trade movement) formally acknowledged the growing success of global Fair Trade and said in their final statement that they “welcome the growing market for Fair Trade goods and their positive effect in supporting livelihoods and increasing public awareness of the Homework positive role of trade in Essay, development”? (Fair Trade Advocacy Newsletter, 2005: 4). Or, even more disturbing, how should one think about the fact that Nestlé, famously 2005’s “least responsible company” worldwide and as one of the four big roasters responsible for with science word the coffee crisis that impoverishes millions of producers, prides itself of launching a Fair Trade brand in Britain (Nestlé, 2005)? The sentiments and reactions of many people working in the field are nicely summarized by John Hilary, policy director at online War on Scdl assignments and solved, Want: “The Fair Trade movement was set up to maker evaluation challenge the practices of companies like Nestlé. How can such a company deserve the Fair Trade mark?” (Vidal, 2005).

In this paper I will try to asses if Fair Trade really works for all and even more importantly how it works for the different participants of Fair Trade, mainly consumers and producers and what the wider effects of Fair Trade are. Scdl Assignments. As a framework of Essay maker online, reference I will employ a tension between two visions of Fair Trade that underlie contemporary debates in the Fair Trade movement as well as in the growing literature about Fair Trade. At the one extreme a pragmatic position interprets Fair Trade as a developmental tool to increase the college standard of living for disadvantaged producers in developing countries by making neoliberal free trade work the way it is supposed to work. Online. At the Medical application essay dental other extreme a more idealistic vision sees Fair Trade as a practical critique of the neoliberal free trade model that aims at Essay evaluation transforming the Introduction write a term vegetarianism capitalist market through alternative trading practices. Online Evaluation. Since these visions are at least in tension with each other, if not inherently contradictory, the question is: what is Fair Trade really?

Is Fair Trade a neoliberal solution to current market failures for small scale producers in the global south that works within and thus perpetuates the free trade and free market regime? Or is Fair Trade a practical tool of social change that challenges neoliberal trading practices and more generally aims at transforming free market and free trade? This paper will argue that these dichotomous visions are useful in terms of conceptualizing different possible trajectories but that they are both two one sided and extreme. Writing Paper Help. Fair Trade is maker online evaluation neither a purely neoliberal and admissions uchicago, free market solution to maker online evaluation certain market failure nor a tool to entirely transform capitalist free market relations. Rather, I will argue with Polanyi, Fair Trade can be analyzed as a complex and multilayered process of social defence against destructive effects of with word problems, unrestricted market forces that tries to re-embed the online evaluation economy. As such it is Surveillance camera invasion of privacy one a site of contestation, conflict and maker online evaluation, negotiation between different actors that brings about multiple and partly contradictory effects on different levels. I will first describe what Fair Trade is how it is defined, how it works, how big it is today and what problem it tries to address. I will then analyze the two vision of Fair Trade in more detail to specify and contextualize the question this paper tries to answer. The central part of the paper tries then to assess the impact Fair Trade has, first on the level of producers and producer communities and secondly the socio-cultural, political and help with science word, economic impact on the free trade market in general. And in the end I will propose a theoretical framework of Essay online evaluation, Fair Trade that tries to avoid the strict dichotomy of the two visions. 2. 1. Definition, Functioning and Scope of Fair Trade.

During its long history there have been many different definitions of Fair Trade, but in College, an attempt to come up with an understanding that can be widely accepted, an informal network of the most important Fair Trade organizations called FINE produced the following definition in 2001: 2 “Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in maker evaluation, international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers - especially in the South. Fair Trade organisations (backed by consumers) are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade” (FINE, 2001). The goals of Fair Trade that are implicit in this definition have been laid out by Redfern and Snedker in write a term paper, a 2002 report of the International Labour Organization (ILO) as being: To improve the livelihoods and well-being of producers by improving market access, strengthening producer organizations, paying a better price and providing continuity in the trading relationship.

To promote development opportunities for Essay online evaluation disadvantaged producers, especially women and indigenous people, and to protect children from exploitation in Medical application, the production process. To raise awareness among consumers of the negative effects on producers of international trade so that they exercise their purchasing power positively. To set an example of partnership in trade through dialogue, transparency and respect. To campaign for changes in the rules and online evaluation, practice of conventional international trade. To protect human rights by Homework with science word problems, promoting social justice, sound environmental practices and economic security” (Redfern Snedker, 2002: 11). Historically Fair Trade evolved out of a range of faith-based and secular alternative trading organizations (ATOs) that can be traced back to Essay online evaluation relief efforts after World War II. Camera One. Charities in Western Europe like Oxfam began importing handicrafts from producers in Eastern Europe and in the United States the Mennonites started to buy products from Puerto Rico in what would become Ten Thousand Villages (Redfern Snedker, 2002; Low Davenport, 2005, Kocken, 2003). The Fair Trade movement developed from these charities that understood themselves as radically opposed to the market over several stages into the mainstream.

Fair Trade has thereby changed in Essay online evaluation, a variety of ways, the most import shift being that “Fair Trade has moved from being purely an activist-led advocacy and empowerment model towards being a market-led commercial success story” (Nichols Opal, 2005: 13). This shift was mirrored in the change of name and assignments, discourse from “alternative” to “fair” trade (Low Davenport, 2005: 147). Especially after the establishment and international harmonization of labelling organizations in the 1990s Fair Trade has experienced enormous growth rates and since the 2000s, Fair Trade is entering a new stage of becoming a serious option for many mainstream retailers (Krier 2005, 5). The most important labelling organizations are organized under the umbrella of the Fairtrade Labelling Organization International (FLO). Maker Online Evaluation. FLO was formed in 1997 out of 14 national labelling organizations with the aim of collaborating on Homework with science, defining international Fair Trade standards, certifying and auditing Fair Trade producers organizations and traders and on providing support to Essay maker producer organizations that need external help (FLO, 2005a: 23). Today 20 national labelling organizations joined FLO-International (FLO, 2006). These marks in the U.S. and Germany for example called TransFair and in the Netherlands and Switzerland called Max Havelaar guarantees independent third party auditing of Fair Trade products. However, due to the complex and expensive process of getting the mark, not all Fair Trade products are sold under these labels Tradecraft for example, the largest Fair Trade company in the UK, offers most of its products without it (Nichols Opal, 2005: 11). 3. In operational terms Fair Trade is school application dental characterized by several key practices that are practiced by the labelling organizations as well as by the alternative trading organizations that do not participate in certification (Nichols Opal, 2005: 6-7): agreed minimum prices, usually above or independent of world market prices, that allow for a living wage for producers; an emphasis on development and Essay evaluation, technical support through the payment of a social premium; direct purchasing from producers to shorten the global supply chains and reduce the margins of middle men; transparent and long-term partnerships; provision of admissions uchicago, credit when requested and pre-financing of maker evaluation, up to Homework with problems 60 per cent of the total purchase value; producers are democratically organized, often in a cooperative; sustainable and increasingly organic production is practiced; there are no labour abuses and unionization must me allowed. Since most products are certified through the national labelling organizations this paper will focus on the standards established by the FLO.

These standards, which must be met by producer groups, traders, processors, wholesalers and retailers, can be divided into Essay maker three parts (FLO, 2006; Nicholls Opal, 2005: 131): First there are two sets of generic organizational producer standards, one for co-operatives of small-scale producers and Scdl assignments and solved, family farmers and another one for maker plantations. Independent small-scale farmers must be organized into democratically organized cooperatives that transparently account for and distribute the Fair Trade income, especially the social premium. Fair Trade plantations must have a democratically elected worker body or a union that is able to decide on and distribute the Fair Trade social premium (FLO, 2006). Secondly there are several sustainable production requirements. Help Meme. These environmental standards vary by products but in general prohibit the use of pesticides and require protection of maker, drinking water and endangered resources (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 131). Write Vegetarianism. And thirdly there are, as the maker core of Fair Trade, certain trade requirements that govern the relations between producers and importers. Traders have to pay a price to papers producers that covers the costs of sustainable production and living; they must pay an maker evaluation additional social premium that has to be invest in development; they must pay up to 60 percent in advance, when producers ask for it; and the trading contracts have to allow for long-term planning and sustainable production practices. And producers have to meet the college uchicago above requirements, have to accord with the online labour standards of the camera of privacy International Labour Organization and Essay maker evaluation, have to meet certain quality requirements (FLO, 2006).

These trade standards vary by product and are determined by the labelling organizations and Medical school, the quality standards can be extremely specific and rigid. 4 . The minimum price for washed arabica coffee for example is set by the FLO at US$1.21 per pound (455 gram) in Central America, Mexico, Africa and maker online evaluation, Asia (and at paper US$1.19 for South America and the Carribean). In addition to this minimum price producers get US$0.15 per evaluation, pound for certified organic coffee and a social premium of US$0.05 per pound for all coffee. And if the market price is higher than the write a term Fair Trade minimum price, the evaluation market price applies but the social premium is still paid on top of the market price (FLO, 2005b). This means that while the coffee price in 2004 on the conventional market averaged at US$0.76 per pound, Fair Trade cooperatives were paid a guaranteed price of US$1.26 for conventional and US$ 1.41 for coffee that is also certified organic (TransFair USA, 2005). 5 For other products the standards are very specific and camera of privacy xbox, complex. For bananas for example the maker evaluation minimum price varies depending on the country from Scdl and solved US$5.50 in online, Colombia and Ecuador to US$7 in the Dominican Republic for a box (18.14 kg) of conventional bananas at the farm gate, with an additional premium of Medical school dental, US$1 per Essay, box.

Organic bananas from Costa Rica, for help meme example, are measured entirely different and Essay maker, priced at US$0.15 plus a 3 cent premium per kg (FLO, 2005c). With market prices in Ecuador currently under the official minimum price of US$3 per box this translates into a substantial benefit for Fair Trade producers. 6. In order to provide a sense of the help with word scope of Fair Trade it is useful to look at online evaluation some facts and figures that describe the ‘success story’ of Writing paper, Fair Trade: World wide sales of Essay maker, labelled Fair Trade products are estimated at €1.1 billion for 2005 (Max Havelaar, 2006: 28). At the end of 2005 there were 510 producer organizations from write a term paper more than 50 countries that represent over one million producers and together with their families over 5 million people are integrated into the Fair Trade system and profit from it (Max Havelaar, 2006: 28). This makes up a considerable amount of all small scale growers world wide. Essay Online Evaluation. 7 Between 2003 and 2004 the Surveillance camera invasion of privacy one sales of labelled Fair Trade products grew by Essay maker evaluation, 56 percent, exceeding the papers annual growth of 42 percent between 2002 and 2003 (FLO, 2006). The growth of Essay maker online evaluation, Fair Trade sales since 1999 is illustrated in table 1. These growth rates are projected to continue (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 190). The market share of Fair Trade products, on average only help with, amounting to Essay maker below 3 percent is partly substantial. In Switzerland for example more 56 percent of bananas are Fair Trade and the market share of Fair Trade ground and roast coffee in invasion xbox, the UK is Essay maker evaluation 20 percent (Max Havelaar, 2006: 22; Krier, 2005: 30).

The market share of Fair Trade bananas has been estimated by the European Commission Director General for Agriculture to reach at least 10 percent in Europe. Table 1: Sales volume in comparison in million Euro (Source: Max Havelaar, 2006/FLO). Write Paper Vegetarianism. (TransFair USA, 2006c). The largest national Fair Trade market is currently the U.S. market, amounting in 2004 to €215 million, followed by the U.K. with a market of €206 million and Switzerland with €135 million (FLO, 2005a: 4). Table 2 illustrates how small the amount of Fair Trade products is maker online that consumers buy on assignments and solved, average in large economies like the Essay maker online evaluation U.S. and Germany compared to camera of privacy xbox one Switzerland, thus revealing the immense potential for future growth. Essay Online. While consumers in Germany for help example only spent €0.70 on average on Fair Trade products, in the U.K. consumers spent €3.46 and in Switzerland an impressive €18.47 per year (Krier, 2005: 29). Table 2: Average consumption of Fair Trade products per capita in different countries in Euro (Source: Max Havelaar, 2006 / FLO)

The most comprehensive study of the exact facts and figures about Fair Trade organizations is a 2005 study “Fair Trade in Essay online evaluation, Europe” published by the four largest Fair Trade organizations(Krier, 2005). It shows that in assignments and solved, Europe alone sales of Fair Trade products amount to a minimum of €660 million in Essay maker, 2005, including €60 million of of privacy xbox one, non-labelled products. Fair Trade sales increased in Europe by online, 154 percent in papers, the last 5 years or on average 20 percent per year and these increases are mostly due to the participation of supermarket chains in Fair Trade. Fair Trade products are available at 79,000 points of sale in Europe, including 55.000 supermarkets. In Europe more than 100,000 volunteers are involved in the 2.800 world shops and the 200 Fair Trade importing organization (Krier, 2005).

In the U.S. the Fair Trade coffee market is growing at astounding rates, since 1998 increasing at an average rate of nearly 90 percent per year. Fair Trade coffee is currently available in 35,000 retail outlets in the U.S. alone (TransFair USA, 2005; 2006d). There is considerable overlap between certified organic coffee and certified Fair Trade coffee. While in Europe only an estimated 25-45 percent of Fair Trade coffee is also organic, in the U.S. this share is 75-85 percent (Zehner, 2002). 8 There are 5000 to 7000 different Fair Trade products available, 250 of which are currently certifiable. Most of the uncertified products are handicrafts, but the maker online bulk of all Fair Trade products sold worldwide are agricultural products, mostly coffee, bananas, other fruits, tea and cacao. According to Leatherhead Food International the most important Fair Trade products globally are in bananas (in terms of volume) and coffee (value) (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 191, see also FLO, 2005a). 2. Help Science. 2. The Problem: The “Un”-Fairness of the Neoliberal Free Trade Regime. It is important to understand the Essay maker online reasons why we need Fair Trade in the first place. Classical free trade theory, which originates from college admissions Adam Smith’s and David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, claims that countries specialize in and export what they are relatively good at producing and they import what they cannot produce sufficiently. Since for example the climate in Germany does not allow for evaluation the production of coffee and College uchicago, since the infrastructure and the technological advancement for the manufacturing of cars is not developed in Bolivia, both countries benefit from evaluation opening their markets for mutual trade.

In theory, free trade is a win-win situation in assignments and solved papers, which everyone benefits. But social reality proves the opposite: international trade (among other things) has contributed immensely to the present situation of devastating poverty for Essay maker online the majority of humanity (McMichael, 2004). And instead of increasing the wealth of both trading parties, the relations between producers and write a term, consumers in commodity markets like coffee or bananas can be described as a “perverse transfer of wealth, by some of the supermarkets, from evaluation farmers and farm workers of developing countries to science word problems the consumers of maker, developed countries” (Tallontire Vorley, 2005: 5). The aggressive liberalization of international trade through international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund has led to an enormous increase in the volume of trade global trade in 2000 was 22 times the level of 1950 (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 17) and world exports have almost doubled over College college uchicago the last decade (HDR, 2005: 114). Online. But global inequality has grown simultaneously so drastically, that many question the basic assumption that trade benefits all. The United Nations Human Development Report 2005, for example, introduces its section on international trade with a telling quote by Scdl, Eduardo Galeano: “The division of labour among nations is that some specialize in winning and others in losing.” And to give a flavour of what the outcome of neoliberal trade is according to this report the Essay maker online “world’s richest 500 individuals have a combined income greater than that of the poorest 416 million. Writing Paper Help Meme. Beyond these extremes, the 2.5 billion people living on less than $2 a day 40% of the world’s population account for 5% of global income. The richest 10%, almost all of whom live in high-income countries, account for 54%.” (HDR, 2005: 4)

There has also been much scholarly attention to a series of Essay evaluation, commodity crises of falling prices and to changes in the structure of the supply chains that further concentrate power and benefits within a few supermarkets based in the Global North. The price index of commodities for example declined by 47 percent between 1982 and 2001, and the present the Scdl assignments and solved papers real prices for key agricultural commodities are near a 30-year low (Vorley, 2003). And the globalization of sourcing, shifting the distribution of power along the global supply chain, gave increased leverage to a small group of Essay maker online, oligopolistic supermarket chains, the “new gatekeepers” (HDR, 2005: 139). „These companies have tremendous power in their negotiations with producers and they use that power to push the help costs and risks of business down the supply chain. Their business model, focused on maximising returns for shareholders and keeping costs competitively low for consumers, demands increasing flexibility through ‘just-in-time’ delivery, but tighter control over inputs and online evaluation, standards, and ever-lower prices“ (Brown, 2005: 3). The squeezing of prices (which are paid on college, average 45-60 days after delivery; Brown, 2005: 10) and the increased pressures of maker online, tightly governed product standards and write a term, stringent criteria for make it impossible for Essay maker online evaluation many small-scale producers to compete on the market (Reardon et al., 2003). Both the commodity crisis of falling prices for college admissions agricultural products and the concentration of power by a few supermarket chains are general patterns in the agricultural industry that are exacerbated in the coffee sector (Lang, 2003). Essay Maker Evaluation. According to a study of the International Coffee Organization (Osorio, 2004) the Homework help with science word problems general price decreases in agricultural products were greatest in coffee. While exporters received US$10-12 billion per year in the 1980s this has dropped to less then half in 2003 US$5.5 billion. This immense loss in income in developing countries is contrasted with the opposite development in high income countries retail sales in consuming countries increased from US$30 billion in the 1990 to around US$80 billion at present (Osorio, 2004: 2).

Low world prices have reduced costs and at the same time boosted profit margins for those five coffee roasters (Philip Morris, Nestlé, Sara Lee, Proctor Gamble and Tchibo) that in 1998 controlled 69% of the online evaluation world market (the level of concentration seems to be even higher according to more recent studies; Gibbons, 2005). Exporting countries, meanwhile, have seen their share of final consumer expenditure fall from one-third to one-thirteenth (Ponte, 2002). Studies on the impact of falling commodity prices show that especially for small-scale producers the Medical school application dental effects are disastrous, directly translating into diminished opportunities for human development and increasing poverty (Gibbons, 2005). Small-scale producers of agricultural products in rural societies in many developing countries are confronted with the absence of maker, several key conditions on which classical and neo-liberal trade theory is based (Nichols Opal, 2005: 132-54): Many small scale producers face a lack of market access, in terms of transportation, language, education and market information, making it easy for middlemen or big corporations to exploit this uncompetitive situation of ‘monopsony’ (a market situation with only paper help meme, one buyer) and create a race to the bottom. Essay Evaluation. Most producers are excluded from financial markets or insurances and especially the lack of with word problems, access to credit and the inability to switch to other sources of income in response to maker price changes make it extremely hard for small-scale producers to survive under the global free trade regime. These market situations reveal important power asymmetries in global commodity markets.

Fair Trade tries to address these difficulties by trading directly with producers, promoting long-term trading relationships and by paying a floor price and a social premium. But what is Fair Trade, conceptually, and what are its effects? Before I will assess the impact and functioning of Fair Trade closer I will in the next section systematize the different theories about Fair Trade, particularly distinguishing two different visions. The variety of College college uchicago, objectives and characteristics of Fair Trade and the theories about Fair Trade have in the literature been conceptualized in terms of two visions of Fair Trade (Renard, 2003: 91; Moore, 2005: 74; Goodman Goodman, 2001). While the first and online, pragmatic position sees Fair Trade as a way to paper help meme increase the standard of living for some of the disadvantaged producers in the South through fairer trade relations, the second and more idealistic positions sees Fair Trade as a means or a tool to modify the neoliberal economic model and to transform the entire economy into maker online one in which Fair Trade abandons free trade. College. 9 And, putting it in a similar dichotomy, whereas some argue that Fair Trade is compatible with the maker evaluation free market claims of Scdl assignments papers, contemporary dominant neoliberal discourse (Nichols Opal, 2005) others claim that Fair Trade promotes “social change” (Taylor, 2005), challenges “abstract capitalist market principles” (Raynolds, 2000: 306) and operates “in and against” the same global capitalist market that it wants to transform (Brown, 1993: 156). Maker Online. The main dividing line centres around the question if Fair Trade is an attempt to admissions bring neoclassical economic theory “closer to reality” (Nichols Opal 2005: 19), or if Fair Trade is a practical critique and departure from free trade theory and practice that opens up an alternative way of trading. Before I will criticize these two conceptions of Fair Trade as both being too extreme and missing the Essay online evaluation real impact of Fair Trade I will take a closer look at Introduction write a term paper the specific claims these theories make. The moderate view of Fair Trade as perfect neoliberalism argues that the aim of Fair Trade is to create trading conditions that are beneficial rather than exploitative to the most disadvantaged producers in Essay online evaluation, the Global South.

Nicholls and Opal (2005) argue in their comprehensive account that Fair Trade as “market-driven ethical consumption” (so the subtitle), “by correcting market failures to Writing help meme make the trading system work for everyone [is], in Essay maker evaluation, fact, a neo-liberal solution to the problems with trade” (p. 13). Instead of construing Fair Trade, like many others, as opposed to free trade, they argue that Fair Trade “makes the free trade system work the way it is supposed to.” (p. 31). It does so by correcting those market imperfections that characterize agricultural markets for small-scale producers in developing countries.

And this “market-led commercial success story”, so the authors conclusion along the science problems same lines, “works within a capitalist system, rather than abandoning the Essay maker online evaluation liberal trade model entirely” (p. Uchicago. 13). Interestingly Paul Rice, president of the Essay U.S. labelling organization TransFair USA seems to share this view. In the 2004 annual report of TransFair he writes: “Fair Trade makes globalization and ‘free trade’ work for the poor” (TransFair USA, 2005). On the other hand, so the more idealistic and radical vision, Fair Trade challenges both theory and practice of neoliberal free trade. Homework With. It does so by criticizing conventional competitive trade relations as “unfair”, as socially and ecologically destructive and by Essay maker evaluation, campaigning for broad change in the way trade between the powerful industrialized countries and the countries of the Third World works. Fair Trade thus recognizes the discrepancy in power between the developing and the developed world and school application essay, it is a practical model of pursuing international trade beyond competition and liberalization. Essay Maker. This type of argument often refers to school application socio-cultural changes in terms of the consciousness of market participants.

Raynolds (2002a) for example analyses Fair Trade in terms of new kinds of maker online evaluation, ‘consumer/producer links’ that shorten and humanize the supply chain and application dental, introduce values such as fairness, equality and global responsibility into the market. And Tallontire (2000) sees this cooperation as a new ‘partnership’. And Raynolds (2000: 306) even argues that the Essay online evaluation importance of the Fair Trade movement (similar to the global movement for organic agriculture) lies primarily in its ability to challenges the “abstract capitalist market principles that devalue natural and human resources, particularly in countries of the South”. The idea of this line of argument is that consumers as well as producers through participation in Fair Trade change their attitudes towards markets and trade in general and that this change of mentality has further implications for the free market in paper, general. Some claims even go as far as Goodman and Goodman (2001: 99) who would prefer to have Fair Trade result in a “fundamental transformation of maker online evaluation, capitalist society and its distinctive rationality.” It has been argued that this is an “inherent contradiction of the [Fair Trade] model” (Renard, 2003: 91). This is certainly the case, if one constructs Fair Trade as constituting either one of these visions. But as will become clear from the following evaluation of how Fair Trade works in practice, these visions are both too extreme and one sided. The reality of Fair Trade lies somewhere in between: Fair Trade incorporates some elements of the free market and abandons others; with some of its multiple activities Fair Trade stabilizes free trade and with others it challenges free trade. The possible impact of Fair Trade, as has been illustrated by the two visions about Fair Trade, lies in two different areas: First, Fair Trade is supposed to benefit producers and College college, the producer communities. Essay Online Evaluation. This is more or less straightforward and uncontroversial and the results of different case studies will be summarized and assignments, systematized in Essay maker evaluation, the following section.

The second type of impact Fair Trade allegedly has that it influences free market and free trade in general is more controversial. In order to analyse this claim I will divide it up in Medical application essay, three areas. I will assess the socio-cultural impact of Fair Trade on producers, consumers and on actors not participating in the Fair Trade market, analyse the economic impact on the conventional market and see in how far Fair Trade politically challenges the rules of free trade. 4. 1. Essay Maker Online. Impact on Fair Trade Producers. Measuring the impact of Fair Trade on the lives of producers is extremely important. Fair Trade claims to and solved be an effective way of improving the living standard of producers in the global south, and consumers buy Fair Trade products in the belief that their purchase is having this developmental effect. Essay Online Evaluation. In the end all the money that NGOs, government agencies and private donators give in assignments and solved papers, support of Fair Trade and all the money that consumers of Fair Trade products spend on Essay maker online evaluation, the higher prices of these products could be spent on other development projects that might be more effective. In recent years a variety of case studies and survey studies on the impact of Fair Trade have been published, both by academic research groups (at the University of Greenwich, UK and the Colorado State University, USA) and by NGO’s and ATO’s. These studies, most of which are qualitative non-systematic analysis, converge on several general points: Fair Trade has a positive impact on the lives of producers; Fair Trade benefits the producers in a variety of ways beyond increasing income; and the most pervasive problem is that Fair Trade products make up only a part of the sales of producers. There are some limitations to these impact studies, the most important being that most studies do not compare the changes in incomes and livelihoods of the Fair Trade producers to non-Fair Trade producers and communities (an exception is Homework with science word problems Bechetti Constatini, 2005) and that it is analytically hard to separate the unique contribution of Fair Trade from other influences, especially since Fair Trade projects are often supported in various ways by development agencies (Raynolds 2002b).

10 As has been convincingly argued by a survey study of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the benefits from online evaluation developmental aid and from participating in a term paper, Fair Trade are highly mutually supportive and interlinked (Dankers, 2003: 64). Complicating the evaluation further, some studies and especially surveys seem to overemphasize the positive instances and to leave out some of the more problematic findings. 11. There are a variety of different impacts on Essay online evaluation, producers. The direct impacts include an increase in College college uchicago, income due to online the Fair Trade minimum price and the social premium; access to credit; improved education; psychological and organizational effects such as producer empowerment and write a term vegetarianism, its effect on maker online, civic participation (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 204). I will first analyze the benefits from the price premium and a term, other directly financial benefits, I will then assess the non-monetary benefits and the organizational and maker, political impacts of Fair Trade on producers and help with word problems, finally I will try to give a picture of how effective Fair Trade is in transferring money from consumers to producers. 4. 1. 1. Benefits from the price premium. Fair Trade producers receive for maker their products a floor price, which is, depending on the fluctuations of the Surveillance camera invasion world market prices, significantly higher then what conventional buyers pay and an additional social premium.

This price difference is sometimes substantial: due to extremely low world prices, coffee producer organizations for example get at present around twice the money conventional producers are paid. On an aggregate level the direct benefits of maker online, this extra income for producers are impressive: This extra income calculated from the difference of Fair Trade floor prices and Writing paper help, world prices for all the certified global retail sales (estimated at US$ 1 billion for online 2004) and Introduction, the social premium amounted in 2004 to US$100 million, so the 2004-2005 annual report of the FLO (FLO, 2005a: 4, 21). And similarly, the extra benefits for coffee farmers during 2003 amount to over US$22 million, if one calculates the difference between the world market price as defined for maker evaluation Arabica by the New York and for Robusta by the London stock exchange with the Fair Trade minimum price and premium (FLO, 2006). 12 All these benefits are distributed among the 531 producer organizations that are certified by the FLO, representing over one million farmers and Homework with science problems, workers and, including their families, five million people are affected by online, the extra income earned through Fair Trade sales above world prices (FLO, 2006). Just looking at these aggregate numbers this means that in 2004 out of US$100 billion consumers spent on Fair Trade products an extra income of almost US$100 on average was transferred to more than one million farmers. On the micro level the picture is, however, more complex. The benefits for Scdl assignments individual producers range from doubling their income to just securing their employment without immediate direct benefits.

All studies and surveys conclude that Fair Trade has a positive influence on Essay maker online evaluation, the income of cooperatives and individual producers, significantly improving their standard of living (Riedel et al, 2005; Mayoux, 2001; Ronchi, 2002; Nicholls Opal, 2005; Taylor, 2002; Dankers, 2003). 13 Different studies demonstrate however highly differing results even in Medical school dental, terms of the basic financial benefits. Essay Maker. This reflects the different particular circumstances of Introduction write vegetarianism, producers and their environment as well as the uneven distribution of Fair Trade benefits among the producers organizations. Let’s look, at some examples: In a cooperative of 1500 small coffee producers in Chiapas, Mexico, the individual members received up to evaluation 200 percent of the conventional price for their coffee - and since coffee incomes made up some 80 percent of family incomes, this made a huge difference (Perezgrovas and paper meme, Cervantes, 2002: 16, 19). In a coffee cooperative in Costa Rica the individual members earned 25-60 percent more than the local middle men would have paid them and on average 39 percent more then farmers that did not sell on the Fair Trade market (Ronchi, 2002: 10). In a coffee cooperative in Bolivia the prices in 2000, compared with the conventional market, ranged from 106 percent to 123 percent for Fair Trade, and from 109 percent to 195 percent for organic Fair Trade (Dankers, 2003: 59). In one of the only economistic studies on evaluation, a Fair Trade farm in Kenya Bechetti Constatini (2005) conclude that Fair Trade improved the social and economic well-being and the nutritional life quality and Medical application essay, that participation in Essay maker online evaluation, Fair Trade resulted in a higher perceived income, which they attribute mainly to lower expectations among Fair Trade farmers who had access to complementary welfare services. Several studies emphasize the importance the Fair Trade premium plays in improving the overall economic conditions of a cooperative, such as stabilizing loans, buying new infrastructure or improving the working conditions (Lyon, 2002; Mendez, 2002; Dankers, 2003). The wages at a Fair Trade banana plantation in Ghana, however, were only paper, insignificantly higher than the wages of casual labour in maker evaluation, the region (Dankers, 2003: 57, 59).

And in camera of privacy xbox one, a cooperative in El Salvador the financial benefits of participating in Fair Trade were only Essay online, enough for outstanding debt servicing, in both cases mainly because only admissions uchicago, a small percentage of products could be sold on the Fair Trade market (Mendez, 2002). Mutersbaugh (2002) evaluates Oaxacan coffee producers’ participation in alternative trading networks very critically, arguing that what producers find most relevant about these networks and Essay online evaluation, dislike most are the expansive and technically demanding aspects of Writing, organic certification. As Raynolds (2002b: 14) correctly analyses, Mutersbaugh does however not analytically distinguish between Fair Trade and organic labelling, and assumes incorrectly that costs for certification are paid for evaluation by producers. Medical. Since most Fair Trade coffee is also certified as organic, it is worth noting that sometimes the prices paid for organic coffee on the conventional market are as high or higher as the Essay maker online Fair Trade premium for school application organic coffee (VanderHoff Boersma, 2002: 11). In addition to the direct monetary benefits from the Fair Trade price premium another important benefit is the provision of credit at Essay online reasonable rates and the pre-financing of up to 60 percent of the price of the purchases, if the cooperative demands that. The provision of credit and prepayment is immensely important and is mentioned in most studies as very positive (Taylor, 2002: 21). A problem that has been reported however is that contrary to the rules of the different Fair Trade labelling organizations and Medical school dental, ATOs the actual payment comes very late, creating immense financial pressures for producers (Lyon, 2002: 32). In a cooperative in Essay, El Salvador farmers complained that the payments were usually delayed by school, more than 3 months, as opposed to payments after 30 days on the conventional market (Mendez, 2002: 19).

The most pervasive problem and at the same time the major explanation for the difference in the direct benefits for individual producers and cooperatives is that many Fair Trade producer organizations are only able to online evaluation sell a small portion of their products on the Fair Trade market. The supply by far outstretches the demand. On a world-wide average Fair Trade producers are only able to sell around 42 percent of their product on Homework help science word, the Fair Trade market (Bechetti Constatini, 2005: 3), while Fair Trade coffee cooperatives are selling half of their crops at Fair Trade prices (Levi Linton, 2003). How this plays out at an individual level is illustrated by a recent study of Nicaraguan coffee farmers (Bacon, 2005). This study shows that although the price paid for Fair Trade coffee at the farm gate is more then two times higher then for conventional coffee (US$0.84/lb as opposed to maker online evaluation US$0.39/lb to write a term paper vegetarianism an agro export company or US$0.37/lb to a local middleman), the Essay maker online average price for all the help with problems coffee that Fair Trade farmers get is still very low, only slightly higher then conventional prices and sometimes lower then the Essay maker online evaluation monetary production costs (US$0.56/lb as opposed to the conventional average of US$0.40/lb, while the monetary production costs average US$0.49 to 0.79/lb, see p. 505).

Other factors that play into the difference in income revealed by the case studies are different local price levels for conventionally grown products and the fact that depending on the internal organization and the social context of the school application essay different cooperatives differing proportions of the extra income are absorbed by administrative activities and communal projects. Some producer groups decide to return most of the extra income to their members, but many decide democratically to maker retain part of the extra income and Medical school application essay, use it communally for health, education, community projects, debt repayment, infrastructure, organic conversion and technical training (Nicholls Opal, 2005, table 9.2 on Essay maker online evaluation, p. 206). In evaluating Fair Trade projects it is furthermore crucially important to take the larger social and geographical of a specific cooperative into account. Bacon’s study on Nicaraguan coffee farmers emphasizes correctly, that although the vulnerability of Medical application essay, farmers in Essay maker, the Fair Trade cooperatives to loose their land titles due to low coffee prices is four times lower then for farmers selling for the conventional market, the more important finding is essay that a vast majority of surveyed farmers, both those selling to Fair Trade and to conventional markets, reported a decline in the standard of living during the last years (Bacon, 2005: 506). And Lewis (2005) points out in his study of the relation between Fair Trade and migration that in the Mexican village he researched the positive effect of Fair Trade organic coffee was outweighed by the negative impact of increased migration patterns. The higher price Fair Trade retailers pay to producer communities has a significant impact on the lives of thousands of small-scale producers. A closer look at Essay maker different Fair Trade farms and cooperatives shows however that the impact is very different depending on a variety of factors. There has not been a systematic comparative account that describes the general patterns of these differences. But all studies point out with science problems, that the biggest problem for producer communities is that they cannot sell all their products on the Fair Trade market.

The fact that most producer groups in different studies emphasize the need to increase the Fair Trade market furthermore reveals the importance participation in Essay maker online, and benefits of Fair Trade has for small-scale producers (Murray et al, 2003: 5). Producers not only Medical application essay, directly benefits from the online evaluation extra income or Fair Trade, but also from long-term relationships, improved organization and market information, all of which may affect their non-Fair Trade relations (Nichols Opal, 2005: 202). In several studies psychological benefits like improved self esteem and pride in the higher level of control over the value chain are evaluated as very beneficial and important. Murray et al (2003: 8) for example reports from and solved seven case studies with coffee farmers in Latin America that “in case after case, farmers reported that the increased attention to their farming including the Essay maker evaluation visits of Surveillance invasion xbox one, Fair Trade and organic inspectors, buyers and even visiting Northern consumers () promoted renewed pride in coffee farming.” (see also Mayoux, 2001; Ronchi, 2002: 17). Taylor (2002: 19) found that this increased self esteem “was often manifested in producers’ behavior relative to others in their community, such as increased participation in public assemblies.” In other studies these more subtle improvements were only acknowledged by a small minority (e.g. of only 14 % in a case study in online evaluation, El Salvador; Mendez, 2002: 21).

Other indirect benefits of participation in Fair Trade reported in case studies are increased spending on education of children (Lyon, 2002: 9; Ronchi, 2002: 8; Murray et al, 2003: 9) and invasion xbox, the preservation of indigenous cultures (Murray et al, 2003: 4; Lyon, 2002: 32). It must however be noted that the evidence for the claim that high proportions of the extra income through Fair Trade is spent on Essay maker online evaluation, education and that Fair Trade supports the survival of help, indigenous cultures is more anecdotal than systematic and that other factors like low success rates in schools or powerful trends like urbanization and migration may neutralize these impacts (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 209). An important issue in Fair Trade is the apparent gender bias. A variety of studies has shown, that since the income generated from Fair Trade crops is generally controlled by male household members, and since less woman are employed in Fair Trade cooperatives, there is no or little female empowerment or improvement of the livelihoods of woman through Fair Trade (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 208; Tallontire, 2000: 170; Redfern Snedker, 2002: 39). Sometimes more women are employed but men still get the income (Mayoux, 2001). Often specific woman empowerment programs are required by the certifiers but the implementation seems hard (Taylor, 2002: 4). And as Mayoux (2001) has pointed out, if females are employed in Fair Trade their workload often increases since they are not exempt from household work.

There are however also positive examples: In a producer organization in India in the increased participation of females in the production process had broader impacts like “increase in self-confidence, economic independence, better access to health, and participation in decision-making in the family, community, and maker, local council” (Redfern Snedker, 2002: 39; see also Paul, 2005: 148). Many studies emphasize the importance of organizational development through Fair Trade (Ronchi, 2002; Mayoux, 2001; Murray et al, 2003; Nicholls Opal, 2005; Paul, 2005). A report by the FAO that is based on seven case studies concludes for example: “In all the invasion of privacy xbox cases involving farmer cooperatives, it is clear that the fair-trade price premium is maker only part, and often only Medical essay, a small part, of the maker online benefits derived from the fair-trade system. The success in self-organization seems to be far more important, resulting in better bargaining positions, better credit worthiness and economies of scale” (Dankers, 2003: 64). Fair Trade certification requires small farmers to be organized in cooperatives and workers to establish democratically elected bodies to decide on the use of the social premium. It is important to note the mutually supportive effects of Fair Trade and cooperatives. Cooperatives enhance producer power in local markets, increase income for both members and non-members by invasion xbox one, creating competition to private intermediaries and democratically empower its members to express their voices collectively. Milford (2004) has shown in a study on Essay maker online evaluation, cooperatives in college uchicago, Chiapas, Mexico, that cooperatives often failed if they were not involved in selling for Essay maker the Fair Trade market.

If cooperatives are engaged in Homework with science problems, Fair Trade, they cannot only online, compete better in the conventional market but Fair Trade also works better in Medical dental, generating cooperative and organizational benefits then other financial and developmental support by NGOs or governments (Milford, 2004). Other studies raise doubts about the accountability and efficiency of cooperatives. A study from a coffee cooperative in Essay online evaluation, Nicaragua argues that the cooperative as a organizational structure “involves an Homework help with word problems expensive, top-heavy entrepreneurial hierarchy, including a large administrative staff and substantial representation costs for its leaders” (Mendoza Bastiaensen, 2003: 42). Several studies revealed a lack of “effective democracy” in large cooperatives and even the emergence of a new “management class” (Dankers, 2003: 64) and there have even been reports of corruption (Lyon, 2002: 35). Other organizational benefits that have been highlighted in Essay maker online, several studies are access to market information and the increased credibility of producer organizations that participate in Fair Trade. All these aspects have helped many producer cooperatives their performance in the non-Fair Trade market, often enabling small farmer coffee organizations to help meme establish direct links with foreign companies, sometimes under conditions similar to Fair Trade (Taylor, 2002: 10, 21). The organizational strength of Fair Trade cooperatives has helped several producer organizations to take innovational routes of opening up new market possibilities. La Selva, a coffee cooperative in Chiapas, Mexico, for example started to Essay maker evaluation sell their coffee in camera xbox, a Mexican chain of cafeterias, the first of which opened in San Cristóbal de Las Casas in 1994 (Cabanas, 2002: 30). Maker. In an interesting article titled Bringing the moral charge home Jaffe et al. (2004) have investigated several Fair Trade initiatives within the South. Realizing that conventional Fair Trade is only able to benefit a small fraction of Scdl and solved papers, cooperatives, civil society organizations and producer groups in Essay maker online evaluation, Mexico launched their own label called Commercio Justo México in 1999 (Jaffe et al, 2004: 184). In 2001 the first coffee was sold under this Mexican domestic label, thus addressing the problems of small producers that sell to the domestic market and changing a situation in which the science word problems best coffee products had to be imported (Comercio Justo, 2006).

14 A similar initiative is the network ANEC (National Association of Peasant Marketing Enterprises) that started to sell domestically labelled Tortillas to counter recent trends of deteriorating quality of corn which were caused by cheap U.S. imports after NAFTA (Jaffe et al, 2004: 186). These initiatives seem very promising and, as Jaffe et al (2004) argue, together with similar attempts in the North they could broaden our understanding of Fair Trade in positive ways. Another interesting aspect of Fair Trade one that is extremely hard to measure and online, that only few studies take into account are the possible spill-over effects to Surveillance of privacy xbox non-Fair Trade producers and the entire community stemming from the organizational power of Fair Trade cooperatives. There are obvious benefits to maker online evaluation the families of producers through the extra income and on the producer communities through the impact of the developmental projects (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 213; Taylor, 2002: 24). In a coffee cooperative in College uchicago, Mexico the members became politicized through their participation in the assemblies. One member reports: “We know that even if La Selva decided to stop selling coffee, the organization would go on.

We know this because in the assemblies we discuss the sale of coffee and management of the farms, but also the people are concerned about more wide reaching problems about our relationship with the rest of the world. For example: how the online evaluation government projects are run, the school application essay problems in the Registro Civil (office for births, marriages, and deaths), land tenancy questions, and religious festivals.” (Cabañas, 2002: 30). And a Guatemalan cooperative helped the Essay online government in setting up a trash collection program and supported community events and the local school with supplies and furniture (Lyon, 2002: 30). In general Fair Trade seems to Scdl papers increase what Putnam (2000) called the social capital of communities by thickening organizational structures and strengthening civil society (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 215). Besides the financial benefits Fair Trade thus provides a variety of other benefits, all of maker online, which are important to the improvement of the lives of producers. Introduction A Term Paper Vegetarianism. Especially the organizational and cooperative benefits of Essay online, Fair Trade, even if sometimes not perfectly effective, are crucial in increasing the market power of producers, in providing new sources of income and in papers, strengthening the political struggle of farmers. The gender bias observed in several studies is an issue that must be addressed in the future. There is still a lack of consistent research on the impact and the effectiveness of Fair Trade (Paul, 2005). Especially the attempts to come up with quantifiable methods of calculating if the money spent on Fair Trade products or donated to Fair Trade organizations is well spent, is only in its preliminary stages. Since all the impact studies conclude that the Essay maker evaluation most important benefits of dental, Fair Trade are non-monetary, quantitative assessments can only maker, capture one part of the Introduction vegetarianism entire impact that Fair Trade has on Essay maker online, producers (Paul, 2005).

The non-monetary impact on admissions, the life of producers is hard to quantify, but the qualitative research summarized above should give some insight. Nicholls Opal (2005: 225) attempted to use a quantitative and maker, highly sophisticated account to Scdl assignments measure the Essay maker evaluation social return on investment for a South African wine cooperative and Writing paper, found with this somewhat contingent and problematic method that “for every £1 spent on Fair Trade wine (at the Essay import level), a value of £6.89 was returned to the community.” Since the higher price of Fair Trade products is divided up by several margins (retailer, distributor, coffee roaster, importer, producer) it would seem far less efficient then giving the money directly to the producers. There has not been a systematic account yet. While some studies suggest that a reasonable percentage of the Surveillance invasion one extra price for Fair Trade actually reaches producers, other reports seem to imply that sometimes Fair Trade is a pretty inefficient way to transfer money to producers in the South. In a critical article in the Wall Street Journal Stecklow White (2004) have reported some examples that show how Northern retailers benefit far more then the producers from Fair Trade: At Sainsbury's, a British supermarket chain, the price of Fair Trade bananas (which was four times that of conventional bananas) was US$2.74 per pound. The producers receive only maker online, 16 cents per pound, 55 cent go to all the middlemen and importers and the rest to the supermarket, which earns approximately US$2 with every pound of organic Fair Trade bananas.

15 At a Cafe Borders in New York City, producers paid nearly US$12 a pound for bags of Fair Trade coffee while farmers received only invasion, US$1.41. A comparative study of the coffee supply chain of Nestlé and the Fair Trade supplier Cafédirect found that out of the 34 percent Fair Trade mark-up for the consumer price only 4 percent ended up with the Essay maker evaluation producers, mainly due to higher costs of advertisement and marketing licence (Mendoza Bastiaensen, 2003: 40). Zehner (2002) compared Fair Trade coffee and conventional coffee and found that 43 percent of the higher price of US$1.50 is Introduction a term paper passed on to producers while 39 percent went into the increased margin of online, Starbucks itself. Help With Science Problems. And there are more similar examples (Stecklow White, 2004; Nicholls Opal, 2005: 51). This is however not the general rule. Other retailers, by selling Fair Trade products at online the same price as conventional products, have shown the way to increase the Homework market share of Essay maker online evaluation, Fair Trade and to decrease exclusion on the side of consumers. At the supermarket chain Migros in Switzerland for example Fair Trade bananas have almost the college uchicago same price as non-Fair Trade bananas (which made it possible to increase the market share of Fair Trade banana to 56 percent) and Wild Oats Natural Marketplace in Essay online evaluation, the U.S. sells Fair Trade bananas and bulk coffee at the same price as their conventional counterparts (Stecklow White, 2004). To change this situation, in which consumers pay very high prices with the intention of Medical dental, helping producers, but end up mostly increasing the margin of the retailer, it would be interesting to investigate the possibility of establishing a further criterion for Fair Trade certification, ruling that the margins of maker online, retailers cannot be higher for Fair Trade products than for conventional products. Admissions. A related criterion could be to make all retailers of Fair Trade products disclose their margins, something many retailers refuse to do (Stecklow White, 2004). 16 Another problem is the inefficiency of many Fair Trade supply chains.

In order to increase the market share of Fair Trade products and to benefit more producers this problem has to be addressed as well. (Mendoza Bastiaensen, 2003). Another important ratio is the return on investment in the labelling organizations. If one just takes into account all the money the FLO and Essay maker, its member organizations spent in school application essay, 2002 and calculates the return on investment of this money by dividing it with the total benefits for Essay maker farmers, the ration is 2.8 : 1, meaning that every dollar spent by the labelling organizations increases farmer income by US$2.8 (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 216). And TransFair USA claims that since 1999 “each dollar of TransFair USA's budgets has been translated into school dental more than $7 in supplemental income for Essay maker evaluation farmers and farm workers.” 17 These measures, however, do only include one part of the extra money consumers spent on camera invasion of privacy xbox one, the higher prices for Fair Trade products. These examples show that due to Essay maker online very high margins in the North or to inefficient management of the trade partly only a small portion of the extra money consumers pay goes directly to the producers. This is particularly appalling because the high prices of Fair Trade products prevent the demand from increasing. And, as we have seen, one of the main problems of Fair Trade producers was the insufficient demand and producers could immediately double their supply. 4. 2. Assignments And Solved Papers. Impact on the Free Trade Market. Fair Trade does not only benefit the producers it sources its products from, but as an attempt to create alternative or at least different trading practices it has a wider impact on the free market in general. This means, Fair Trade influences not only the producers, but as well consumers, other actors on the market like competing companies and political decision makers. Essay Maker Online Evaluation. Most authors who write about the broader impact of Fair Trade emphasize socio-cultural changes and neglect the political and economic pressures Fair Trade exerts on the market.

But all are important and I will address them separately. 4. 2. 1. Socio-Cultural Impact of Fair Trade. There has been no systematic research on how participation in Fair Trade brings about socio-cultural changes. I will in this section lay out the general idea of what the socio-cultural impact of Fair Trade might be. Scdl Papers. In the next section I will then raise some general doubts and problems that might limit or neutralize the socio-cultural impact of Fair Trade. What is this socio-cultural impact, the “quiet revolution” 18 Fair Trade is supposed to bring about in the values and practices of its participants and maker evaluation, even among those who don’t participate?

Fair Trade links consumers and Writing paper help meme, producers together in Essay maker online evaluation, ways that are fundamentally different from the with conventional market, so a claim held by many activists and researchers (Raynolds, 2002a). It ‘humanizes’ the trade process (so ETFA, the online evaluation European Fair Trade Association, Raynolds, 2002a: 404) by shortening the consumer-producers chain and by introducing values like solidarity, cooperation and Scdl assignments, equality into the market. While in conventional markets the Essay evaluation interests of producers and college admissions, consumers are inherently contradictory and gains for the one are losses for the other Fair Trade re-personalizes trade by introduces real deliberative decisions and values into the otherwise automatic and anonymous price mechanism. The Fair Trade movement recognizes that economic activity is social activity. Fair Trade, just by functioning the way it does, “destabilizes neo-liberal knowledge claims” (Raynolds, 2002a: 398). Whereas the quality of Essay maker, conventional products just consists of the physical features and the image attached to it by the brand (Klein, 2002), thus excluding the conditions of production from the value or the quality, Fair Trade includes these into the quality of the product. Surveillance Invasion Xbox. Producer and maker evaluation, consumer links that make the conditions and lives of Writing paper meme, producers visible to the consumers are created, maintained and “performed” through the discursive and narrative tactics of images and label texts about corporate policies, personalities and lives in the producer community (Goodman Goodman, 2001: 109). This competition for Essay the “hearts and College admissions, minds” of the evaluation consumers through disclosing facts about the production process, which are absent from other, changes the geography of production: The power of who defines what is paper “quality” in a product is to some degree shared by producers and consumers as partners (Goodman Goodman, 2001: 112). Fair Trade furthermore uncovers that conventional markets are dominated by the most powerful actors that create the Essay maker online market and shape its rules in their own interests, thus contributing to counter the neoliberal view of the economy as a level playing field (Taylor, 2005: 139).

Fair Trade frames conventional products as ‘un-fair’ and thus challenges consumers that do not buy Fair Trade products to think about the social and environmental costs that might not be included into the cheap price of the product. Fair Trade has thereby contributed to the impressive rise of ethical or “green” consumerism (Cowe Williams, 2000; Nicholls Opal, 2005: 186). Various studies reveal that a growing portion of consumers sees itself as “ethical” or “green” consumers that are taking social and environmental values into account in their market behaviour and are partly willing to Homework problems pay more. Different studies estimate the percentage of ethical consumers differently, but there is increasing evidence that 50 to 80 percent of all consumers fall under this category and that the market for ethical goods and services is growing at rates of 20 percent per year and already amounts to maker U.S.$8 billion (Nicholls Opal, 2005; Cooperative Group, 2004). 19 From these surveys it is obvious that the market for ethical products is huge and admissions uchicago, growing and that many consumers care about the social and ecological externalities of the evaluation production process. This is a clear signal that self interested utility maximisation is Homework help with science not the only driver of economic action certain values associated with the dislike of global inequalities are becoming additional determinants of individual choices. Maker Evaluation. 20 It is important to notice however the “ethical gap” between the preferences consumers state in surveys and their actual behaviour on the market (Nicholls Opal, 2005: 187). Although most surveys reveal that around 30 percent of the population is particularly motivated to buy ethical products these products make up only fewer than 3 percent of their individual markets. This phenomenon has been termed the “30:3 syndrome” and it is school dental one of the most important challenges Fair Trade faces for the future to Essay maker online evaluation close this gap (Cowe Williams, 2000: 5). Fair Trade also represents a model that provides orientation for change (Roozen Boersma, 2002).

Fair Trade establishes, in contrast to help with word the competitive trade relations, a partnership approach to Essay online trade that aims at incorporating ethics into trade by focusing on school essay, values such as equality of exchange, cooperation and fairness and by trying to increase the terms of Essay evaluation, trade in favour of the producer (Tallontire, 2000). 21 Fair Trade is however not only a practical model of paper help meme, alternative trading practices but a variety of companies in the Fair Trade movement embody also a model for alternative business practices. Instead of being characterized by external shareholders and profits like conventional companies, many of the alternative trading organizations involved in Fair Trade are cooperatively run, owned by the workers and some do not work for Essay online evaluation profit (Nichols Opal, 2005: 96). One example is The Day Chocolate Company that directly connects small-scale cocoa farmers into global markets by making the farmers shareholders in the company (Doherty Tranchel, 2005). The social impact of Fair Trade is assignments multilayered and complex. Fair Trade humanizes trade relations through consumer-producer links, it undermines conventional the legitimacy of conventional production and it epitomizes functioning alternatives. Fair Trade can be understood as a model for Essay maker online politicians as well as for private corporations. A model of alternative trading practices that restricts competition, includes social externalities into the price and is fairer in its outcomes; and an example of an alternative company model that does not only aim at increasing profits, but at serving both producers and consumers. The section on college admissions uchicago, the political impact of Fair Trade will discuss deliberate attempts by Fair Trade actors to lobby for political change of the rules of Essay maker, international trade by invoking the Fair Trade system as a model of admissions uchicago, cooperation in trade that works.

And the Essay maker evaluation section on economic impacts of Fair Trade will see in how far Fair Trade influences competing corporations to college admissions uchicago improve their practices, both through market pressures by Essay online, conscious consumers and by representing a functioning alternative. Although and most researchers agree on this point participation in assignments and solved papers, Fair Trade has important socio-cultural impacts on maker evaluation, consumers along the lines laid out Homework science problems, above, some concerns can be raised about these claims. Especially in how far producers really are part of the “consumer/producer links” in Fair Trade networks is evaluation questionable. Many studies reveal the limited sense of understanding and identification producers have towards Fair Trade for help most it is online just another market that demands higher quality and pays higher prices (Mendez, 2002; Perezgrovas and Cervantes, 2002; Lyon, 2002; Dankers, 2003). Assignments Papers. One researcher at Essay maker online a Guatemalan coffee cooperative observed: “The vast majority of interviewed members stared at me blankly when asked if they knew what Fair Trade was. Some came up with creative responses that exhibited a minimum level of comprehension such as ‘Fair Trade is the good price that they pay us for paper help meme our coffee’” (Lyon, 2002: 24). 22 The understanding many producers have of Fair Trade is mostly based on quality and price. Essay Maker Evaluation. Taylor (2002) reports in his summary of seven case studies that it was easier for producers to school application essay understand the impacts of organic production since it was more related to their farming activity and they got a higher price for maker online improved quality. And one producer claimed: “In Fair Trade there are higher quality products, and in the conventional market the camera xbox one produce is contaminated and at the same time sold at lower prices.” (VanderHoff Boersma, 2002: 18). Other cooperatives have an Essay maker evaluation understanding that is closer to the theories about and solved papers, consumer/producer links.

Isaías Martínez, a farmer in Mexico, for example says: “The most important contribution of the Fairtrade Labelling system is in my eyes that our ‘dignity as a human being’ is recovered. We are no longer a plaything of the anonymous economic power that keeps us down” (FLO, 2006). This gap in understanding Fair Trade is, according to maker several studies, a new development that is commonly attributed to the increased activity of big national labelling organizations and large retailers that see Fair Trade more as business than the alternative trading organizations. College College Admissions Uchicago. 23. On the consumer side there is another set of worries. Especially the mainstreaming of Fair Trade has led to Essay online a diffusion of its message that changed from help with problems participation in an international project of trade reform to one in which consumers are “shopping for a better world” (Low Davenport, 2005b). It is important to be conscious of who is getting what out of a Fair Trade deal: The consumer on the one hand receives, in addition to the product, the “good feel factor”.

A reason to perceive herself as an “ethical” and “responsible” consumer is given by Essay maker online, the message on write a term paper vegetarianism, the Nestlé coffee: “Partners’ Blend: Coffee that helps farmers, their communities and the environment”. 24 The producer on the other hand gets a couple of cents more than on online evaluation, the conventional market, but will never be able to consume in a similar way. In light of the asymmetry in wealth between consumers and help with science problems, producers one could ask if the online standards in Fair Trade are an college “adequate representation of ‘equal exchange’ or ‘fairness’ in relation to the rich consuming North?” (Goodman Goodman, 2001: 115). Although this is a legitimate question it is not important in a practical or pragmatic sense since not buying regular coffee or not buying coffee at all are both detrimental to the producer. Online Evaluation. It is however important to not let the experience of consuming a cup of school, fairly traded coffee become an “absolution” (Howley, 2006) and a justification to maker online evaluation source all the other products through conventional markets. There are some further general concerns that can be raised about the power relations in Fair Trade, in particular about the commodification of the lives of help science, producers in advertising for Fair Trade and exclusive standards and maker online, prices, but both are necessary mechanisms to make Fair Trade effective and successful on the market. 25. 4. 2. 2. Economic Impact of Fair Trade.

Besides the socio-cultural impact of Writing meme, Fair Trade described above and its attempts to influence the politically established rules of the market explained in maker online, the following section the most recognized impact Fair Trade has on the market is economic. With Word Problems. The argument has two parts. The first part is concerned with the amount to which international trade gets transformed just by the fact that more and more products are traded through Fair Trade organizations. And since that is maker limited somewhat, the other part analyses the indirect impact Fair Trade has on competing companies in forcing them to change their trading policies by raising awareness about the social and environmental externalities of the production process. Fair Trade only amounts to a small portion of all international trade, currently to far less than one percent. But Fair Trade has potential to grow especially since Fair Trade has shifted from being an alternative to increasingly penetrating the mainstream, and in some markets Fair Trade already accounts for large portions of all trade (Krier, 2005; Taylor, 2005). There is an extremely controversial discussion about the Writing meme recent development of Fair Trade into Essay the mainstream which gives practical importance to the debate between the two visions of Fair Trade described above. Introduction A Term Paper Vegetarianism. The positive sides of selling Fair Trade products through mainstream channels and commercial supermarkets such as Starbucks in the USA or Tesco in the UK are fairly uncontroversial: immense increases in the volume of Fair Trade products, which thus benefit more producers, an Essay maker online increase in the availability and range of Scdl assignments and solved papers, products and opening up the message of Fair Trade to a much wider audience then through ‘alternative’ trade (Low Davenport, 2005a: 150). The downside of mainstreaming Fair Trade, on the other hand, is online evaluation more controversial. There are several concerns about mainstreaming Fair Trade.

A general critique comes from conservative free market advocates. Philip Booth (2005) from the London based Institute of Economic Affairs argues that by paying a minimum price Fair Trade is disturbing the automatic market mechanisms of camera of privacy xbox one, Adam Smith’s invisible hand. While it might help the producers that sell on the Fair Trade market it is detrimental to all other producers in that market. Guaranteeing a minimum price, so the argument continues, also creates oversupply. 26 While this critique overestimates the power of Fair Trade to disturb the market and to Essay maker evaluation create oversupply and although it suppresses the far more important market disturbances described above (market power of TNCs, monopsony, imperfect access to credit and information etc.), it raises the important issue of how Fair Trade influences non-Fair Trade producers. Paper Meme. The argument against Fair Trade is however flawed. In order to avoid negative impacts on other producers and to decrease the dependency of Essay, Fair Trade producers the labelling organizations encourage producers to diversify their production and help them to Surveillance xbox access new markets. Furthermore, as I will discuss in the next section, contrary to harming other producers, Fair Trade has contributed to a broader trend of maker online, social standards and Introduction a term paper vegetarianism, certifications that might bring about evaluation, positive change for all producers.

Most of the Homework science problems criticism of the mainstreaming of Fair Trade comes however from supporters of the general idea of alternative trade. One worry is that big mainstream corporations that take part in Fair Trade undermine the message of Fair Trade. Whereas the Fair Trade movement started as a movement of alternative trading organizations that practiced trade not along cooperative lines and challenged conventional competitive and exploitative trading practices the evaluation mainstreaming of Fair Trade introduces new actors with different interests and practices into Fair Trade. Whereas ATOs are interested in increasing the benefits for the producers in the South, the Surveillance camera invasion of privacy one motives of mainstream corporations like Starbucks or Tesco are by no means the principles of Fair Trade but to increase their profits (Ransom, 2005). Mainstream supermarket chains this is confirmed by most studies see Fair Trade as a “useful marketing tool which differentiates them in the market [and as] one of the tools in the CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility] armament rather than a basis for doing business” (Young, 2003: 10). This difference in interest becomes manifest for example in the overpricing of maker online, Fair Trade products by admissions, many supermarket chains, that has been discussed above. 27. Another concern is that this “clean-washing” (Low Davenport, 2005b) or “fairwashing” (Nichols Opal, 2005: 138) helps mainstream corporations to justify and perpetuate their exploitative trading practices (Raynolds, 2002a). By selling a small percentage of their products under the Fair Trade certification, mainstream companies can use the strategy of Essay maker online, “parallel production” (Mutersbaugh, 2005b: 398) to improve their image as socially conscious without fundamentally changing their sourcing practices.

Some of the Medical application smaller alternative trading organizations that sell 100 percent of their coffee Fair Trade dropped out of third party certification altogether as a response to these practices. Just Coffee, one of them, explains the strategy of Essay online, fairwashing or parallel production: “the conventional roasters are lining up to access the Fair Trade label. Scdl And Solved. The problem is that they want to do this without changing their business practices (), still buying the bulk of their coffee paying low market prices while they use the Fair Trade label on the miniscule amount of ‘Fair Trade’ coffee they purchase. They want to capitalize on the symbol without committing to what it stands for.” (quoted in Nicholls Opal, 2005: 138). Some examples: Starbucks, which adopted Fair Trade coffee under severe consumer pressure in 2000, purchased in 2005 only 3.7 percent (5.21 million kg) of Essay, its coffee under the Fair Trade label (Benjamin, 2006; Renard, 2003). And, as mentioned in the introduction, Nestlé is using the Fair Trade label to make up for College uchicago being labelled 2005s “least responsible company” worldwide by selling some of their products with the Fair Trade label the Essay online actual amount is not laid open but are estimated to be less than 1 percent (Nestlé, 2005). As Booth (2005) has noted, the biggest retail promoter of science, Fair Trade in Essay maker online, Britain, the Coop, is at the same time the biggest recipient of subsidies from the EU common agricultural policy in the country. Homework Help Word. “There is no doubt whatsoever that the subsidies do more damage to the developing world than the sale of Essay maker, Fair Trade products does good” (Booth 2005: 8).

Bill Vorley (2003: 77) gives another interesting and telling example: The Asda Wal-Mart excused its shift away from sourcing most of its bananas from small farms in the Caribbean by pointing to its Fair Trade bananas, highlighting the fact that it is still possible to buy Caribbean bananas. It did however suppress the fact that the Fair Trade bananas only made up an science extremely small percentage of all the maker bananas it sold. A related problem with mainstreaming Fair Trade is the asymmetry in power that is created by uchicago, the fact that mainstream corporations only Essay, sell a small portion of their products under the label (Renard, 2005). Since this portion makes up a huge percentage of all the Fair Trade sales, the labelling organizations become dependent on these sales, while corporations like Starbucks could easily change their buying policies. In the U.S. for example, where Fair Trade coffee is growing at impressive rates of almost 90 percent per Medical application essay, year, huge parts of these increases are due to the participation of mainstream actors like Peet's Coffee Tea, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonalds and Tully's (TransFair USA, 2006a; 2006b). If Starbucks would decide to trade its 3.7 percent of Fair Trade coffee under its own label C.A.F.E. (Coffee And Farmers Equity) a move that would not much affect Starbuck this would have devastating affects on Fair Trade in the U.S., decreasing world coffee sales by more than 10 percent and decreasing Fair Trade coffee sales in the U.S. by 21 percent (Starbucks, 2006; TransFair USA, 2006). Renard (2005: 30) mentions a similar dilemma: “Would TransFair USA be capable, at Essay maker online this point, of stripping Starbucks of its seal if in fact Starbucks practices were shown not to comply with Fair Trade norms or generally unethical, despite the importance of Starbucks Fair Trade sales in the US?” Another threat is the strategy of “standards dilution” (Mutersbaugh, 2005b: 398) employed by TNCs to a term vegetarianism alter the standards set by an NGO like the FLO, using their immense power and share of Essay maker online, sales (Renard, 2005).

The growth of Fair Trade into the mainstream bears immense possibilities; but at the same time it creates some new dangers, mainly the undermining of the Scdl assignments and solved message of Fair Trade, the fairwashing of socially and environmentally destructive corporations and increasing dependency of the labelling organizations on large retailers. The question is thus one of finding the online evaluation right balance between these, or as one scholar has put it: “At what point do increased sales and economies of College college admissions, scale cross the fuzzy line between more income and benefits for producers to dependency on Essay maker online, mainstream markets and potential loss of the cutting edge in invasion one, challenging unjust world trade relations?” 28. The other side of the economic impact Fair Trade has on the market is its indirect power to influence competing corporations to change their trading practices outside of Fair Trade. This power of Fair Trade is mainly its ability to indirectly influence and change the preferences of Essay online evaluation, consumers by pointing attention on uchicago, the producers and Essay maker, the conditions of production and by providing a viable alternative. The socio-cultural changes associated with this argument have been laid out above. Various studies reveal that a growing portion of consumers sees itself as “ethical” or “green” consumers that are taking social and environmental values into account in their market behaviour and College college, are partly willing to pay more.

Fair Trade plays an important role in this increase of the segment of conscious consumers, especially by showing that alternatives are possible (Roozen Boersma, 2002b). Transnational corporations have often responded to consumer demands and pressure for better social and environmental production by arguing that it is impossible to Essay evaluation control the entire supply chain. The new division of labour, involving the establishment of export processing zones (EPZs), global subcontracting and Surveillance camera xbox one, lean production are used by TNCs to justify exploitation and environmental destruction as inevitable and impossible to control (McMichael, 2004). Fair Trade shows in practice that social and ecological exploitation are not natural and that corporations can take responsibility, thus proving the standard apologetic reactions of online, corporations wrong. It is a well established fact that more and more corporations react to these market pressures and shifting consumer preferences by establishing CRS (corporate social responsibility) standards and by creating guidelines and standards for Writing internal monitoring (Mutersbaugh, 2005a; 2005b; Renard, 2005). This has been described as a “paradox of globalization” (Barrientos, 2000: 556; Tallontire Vorley, 2005): On the one hand there are strong trends to deregulation and Essay, market liberalization in the context of the rise of write paper vegetarianism, neoliberalism and on the other hand there are more and Essay maker online, more attempts to privately re-regulate the Surveillance camera invasion one market; while transnational corporations abuse their increasing market power to further lower the price of production and externalize social and Essay online, environmental costs these same corporations take part in the rise of different and mostly private measures that claim to improve social and environmental sustainability of production. I will not go into the developments of this general process of the increase of labels and just mention one example (see Muradian Pelupessy, 2005). Starbucks, which sells 3.7 percent (5.21 million kg) of its coffee with a Fair Trade label, has established its own self monitored first party label “C.A.F.E” (Coffee and Farmers Equity) practices that amounts to another 24.6 percent (34.84 million kg) of invasion of privacy, total sales.

This label is supposed to “ensure the sustainable production of high-quality coffee by Essay, addressing social, environmental and economic responsibility throughout the coffee supply chain” (Starbucks, 2006a: 20). Starbucks goal is, as illustrated in table 3, to double the amount of coffee traded under the C.A.F.E. practices to around 70 million kg in 2006 and Medical school application, further increase it to 102 million kg in Essay, 2007, which would mean that almost three fourths of all the coffee Starbucks buys is monitored under its own label (Starbucks, 2006a: 4; Benjamin, 2006). Table 3: Projected increase of Starbucks coffee bought under its own label C.A.F.E. practices (Source: Starbucks, 2006a: 19). In assessing these developments one first has to Surveillance invasion take into account the extremely high price Starbucks pays to its producers. Maker Online. Starbucks has paid an average price of $2.84 per kg for all the 142 million kg of unroasted coffee it bought, both for labelled and unlabelled coffee. This average price is 23 percent higher than the average commodity market price, and College admissions, even more than the minimum price of Fair Trade ($2.80 per kg) (Starbucks, 2006a: 17; Benjamin, 2006).

This is an Essay maker evaluation extremely promising and extremely effective development. The entire sales of Starbucks, sold at an average price higher than Fair Trade, amount to 2 percent of help problems, global coffee sales and are more than four times the Essay maker amount of Fair Trade coffee certified globally in 2003 (30 million kg) (TransFair USA, 2005: 2). It is camera of privacy xbox however also important to take a close look at the supply chain, to dig into the reasons why Starbucks does not substantially increase its participation in Fair Trade and to see in how far these high prices are outweighed by the high costs of standard compliance to the high quality requirements. The high price Starbucks pays for its coffee can partly be explained by the fact that Starbucks only buys gourmet coffee with extremely high intrinsic qualities. And the C.A.F.E label is only a “code of conduct-lite” (Renard, 2005: 429), focusing first and foremost on the intrinsic quality and the taste of the coffee and adding ecological and social standards as secondary. Essay Online Evaluation. Further important differences to the Fair Trade label are among others (Starbucks, 2006b): the payment of higher premium prices increases with better performance instead of a guaranteeing a minimum price; the infrastructure of certification remains internal to Starbucks, making it impossible for producers to influence the Writing help standards (Mutersbaugh, 2005a); there is no substantial third party monitoring; verifiers are not autonomous, making it a “fully private” as opposed to the “semi-public” space in Fair Trade certification (Mutersbaugh, 2005b); and there is less organizational and developmental support. Essay Maker. Since the high price is only one of the benefits of participation in Fair Trade, and as shown in the case studies above not even the most important benefit, all the non-monetary benefits of Fair Trade do only partially apply to those producers selling to Starbucks through its C.A.F.E. scheme. Besides these trends to undermine the Fair Trade label there are reports of problems at the producer level that forced several cooperatives to break up their trading relations with Starbucks. 29.

There are some important dangers in this general trend towards voluntary certification that are important to fully assess the economic impact Fair Trade has on the market. These are mainly the way power relations in the production process change and a curious convergence between the with word rhetoric of Essay online evaluation, Fair Trade and contemporary discourse in dominant institutions. While voluntary standards are often praised as the uchicago positive influence of consumer power on corporations and Essay maker online evaluation, the increasing social and paper meme, environmental accountability and awareness of those corporations, studies like the Human Development Report conclude that “the growth of Essay, private standards is acting as a barrier to market entry for smallholder farmers” (Brown, 2005: 5; Vorley, 2003: 70). Homework Help With Science. It has been argued that this “just in space production” of certified products transforms rent relations, shifting the costs of standard compliance to the producers, increasing rents for Essay maker retailers and giving the retailers more power and governance over the supply chain (Mutersbaugh, 2005a; 2005b; 2005c). 30 This line of argument, seeing certifications as a place of Surveillance of privacy xbox, conflict and power rather than cooperation, criticizes the broad trend towards the Essay maker evaluation establishment of write a term vegetarianism, semi-public spaces through NGO-third party certification.

Fair Trade, so the argument, by promoting the privatisation of standards, facilitates the maker evaluation already existing tendency of the demise of the state in market regulations. Scdl Assignments Papers. Fair Trade, without intending to do so, thus stabilizes neoliberal globalization and supports the further decline of state power to regulate markets and to restrict exploitation and environmental destruction. A similar argument can be made on the level of contemporary development that converges with the discourse of Fair Trade in an interesting way. Essay Maker Online. 31 Faced with the controversial debate about the East Asian miracle in the early 1990s, the destructive Asian economic crisis in 1997 and the emergence of powerful NGOs and social movements, the dominant paradigm in Writing help, the major development institutions like the World Bank and the IMF shifted in the late 1990s from neoliberalism towards a more “inclusive liberalism” (Porter Craig, 2004; Gore, 2000; Hart, 2001; Wade, 1997). Revisionist or inclusive neoliberalism, while using a slightly different, more inclusive and empowering discourse, shares with orthodox neoliberalism the maker online evaluation preference of the market over the state, has enabled processes of immense social and Scdl papers, environmental destruction and is in similar ways interpreted as yet another discourse of domination and control (Porter Craig, 2004; McMichael, 2004). And the rhetoric of the Fair Trade movement conforms to an astounding degree with this discourse of revisionist neoliberalism. Central parts of both discourses converge albeit with different connotations on notions like market ‘opportunity’, ‘empowerment’, social and Essay evaluation, economic ‘inclusion’, ‘social capital’, ‘civil society’ and ‘partnership’. And Solved. What should one think about the fact that these concepts are employed both by institutions from the centre right like the World Economic Forum and by the Fair Trade movement?

This convergence of revisionist neoliberal discourse and Fair Trade discourse helps explain why this small movement of alternative trading organizations could move into evaluation the mainstream; why several studies interpret Fair Trade as part of neoliberalism or social capitalism; and Medical application, why such prominent supporters of free trade as the Essay evaluation European Commission and the G 8 summit are celebrating the success of Fair Trade. In both cases by using private certifications and by admissions, employing a certain discourse of market empowerment Fair Trade converges with contemporary reactionary tendencies. Maker Online Evaluation. While this certainly carries the dangers of supporting (as an unintended consequence) the privatisation of market regulations and Writing help meme, the justification and naturalization of neoliberal discourse, there is also the potential for change. Private standards are not inherently opposed to state regulations and through its political efforts Fair Trade actively tries to maker lobby for change in the political market rules. Writing Meme. And discourses are contradictory, unstable and contested and Essay maker online, political and social pressures can, alongside with Fair Trade, transform a discourse of domination and oppression into a discourse of entitlements and Writing help, rights, taking serious the ‘inclusive’ and ‘empowering’ part and turning it against the inhumane consequences of neoliberal hegemony. The discussion and analysis of the possibilities for Fair Trade to economically influence the conventional market has revealed opportunities as well as dangers. There is first impressive potential for Fair Trade to grow into the mainstream and to directly change trading practices. But these possibilities depend on the participation of big mainstream corporations that only use Fair Trade to their advantage without sharing its message and taking the responsibilities. This brings along the dangers of undermining the message of Fair Trade and of becoming dependent on maker, these mainstream companies. Secondly by showing that ecologically and socially responsible trading practices are possible Fair Trade is part of a more general push by consumers that brought about the rise of private standards and certifications. This development in a similar way opens up new possibilities to introduce social and environmental standards on a broad basis into the mainstream economy but at the same time bears the danger of papers, getting down-washed into intransparent and unenforceable standards-lite that are (mis)used by big mainstream corporations to control and exploit the supply chain in new ways.

Fair Trade certification and the general trend towards private standards are not intrinsically good or bad. Both are social institutions that are sites of conflict and Essay maker, power where contesting interests get negotiated and fought out between different actors. Future developments depend among many other social forces on the evolution of write a term vegetarianism, Fair Trade. 4. 2. 3. The Political Impact of Essay evaluation, Fair Trade. Contrary to dominant discourses and public opinions on trade issues, the current trade injustices are not “natural” or the outcome of different levels of knowledge, technology and education. These factors surely play their part, but the unjust system of international trade is admissions politically established and maker online, maintained by countries with very different levels of power. Scdl Assignments. The rules that enable the Essay maker online evaluation free market and free trade to function are not “neutral” or “natural” but serve certain interests and not others. Without going into detail this can be illustrated by looking at Introduction write vegetarianism the unjust tax system and the immense amounts of subsidies in the global north, which both make trade with agricultural products very difficult for developing countries. According the United Nations Human Development Report 2005 the average tariffs low-income countries, which are exporting to high-income countries, face are three to four times higher than the barriers applied in maker online evaluation, trade between high-income countries (HDR, 2005: 126). 32 Since primary products like cacao beans are taxed less then processed products like chocolate, this perverse tax structure also makes it impossible for many developing countries to do the high value-added processing and paper meme, retailing parts of the production process in their country, ensuring that most profits in the value chain are added in the Global North. In the European Union, for example, tariffs rise from maker online 0 to 9 percent on and solved papers, cocoa paste and to 30 percent on the final product, which explains why 90 percent of cacao beans are produced in developing countries while only online evaluation, 44 percent of cocoa liquor and 29 percent of cocoa powder exports originate in those countries, making Germany the worlds largest exporter of cacao products (HDR, 2005: 127).

The unbelievably high levels of agricultural subsidies, especially in Europe and the U.S. Medical. furthermore undercut any comparative advantage of developing countries and the UNDP calculates that the real costs for developing countries of rich country agricultural subsidies is as high as all official aid flows in 2003 - US$72 billion a year (HDR, 2005: 130). The global legal framework for trade justifies exploitation and the externalization of social and online evaluation, environmental costs of production. This can be illustrated by the fact that the WTO under the with word PPM clause (Production and Processing Methods) does not allow discriminating against products that are produced through social and ecological exploitation. 33 There is considerable discussion in the Fair Trade movement if the Essay online PPM clause, created for governments, does also apply to labelling organizations like the FLO, but it is generally assumed that voluntary discrimination does not violate the WTO rules, even if they include non-physical characteristics such as the real social or environmental costs. 34. Whenever those institutions that currently determine how the markets function mainly the World Trade Organization and its sisters World Bank and International Monetary Fund there are powerful attempts by NGOs and social movements to vegetarianism protest and lobby for market and trading rules that are fairer to the most disadvantaged producers. This Trade Justice Movement is online evaluation “campaigning for trade justice - not free trade - with the paper help meme rules weighted to benefit poor people and the environment” (Trade Justice Movement, 2006).

Fair Trade is online evaluation part of help with science word problems, this push for fair market rules. And it is the deliberate goal of Fair Trade, stated by Essay maker online, the four major Fair Trade organizations as one of three strategic intents, to “play a wider role in the global arena to College achieve greater equity in international trade” (FINE, 2001: 1). Also the above mentioned widely recognized definition of Fair Trade states: “Fair Trade organisations (backed by consumers) are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of online, conventional international trade” (FINE, 2001). Just one example: At the WTO meeting in Hong Kong in 2005 FINE, the informal network of Fair Trade organizations, organized a “Fair Trade Fair” that featured producers from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Introduction a term vegetarianism, Latin America which were displaying and selling their products, including coffee, chocolate, spices, crafts, textiles and many others. At a symposium producers shared their stories the impact Fair Trade had on Essay maker online evaluation, their communities and experts discussed the development of with word, Fair Trade and the implications of the WTO rules for its functioning. 35 Besides this eventful critique of free trade FINE also lobbied the WTO with a position paper stating what the Fair Trade movement thinks “is wrong with the WTO” (FINE 2005a). The style of this document is maker online evaluation captured in its beginning statement: “We, members of the international Fair Trade movement, know from College admissions experience that trade can reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. However, if not carried out in a fair and responsible manner, trade can exacerbate poverty and inequality.” FINE, acting as the advocate of small scale producers around the Essay maker evaluation world, demands the end of subsidies and tariff escalation mechanisms, argues against deregulation and liberalization and promotes the expansion of Fair Trade principles of Scdl papers, regulating and managing the global supply chain (FINE, 2005a). Essay Online Evaluation. After the meeting, another publication described the outcome of the WTO summit as serving “the interests of companies operating globally” instead of promoting an agenda that is in any way favourable to the developing countries (FINE, 2005b). Assignments And Solved Papers. The political impact of Fair Trade operates as well on the micro level. Besides contributing to a necessary change in consciousness that has been described above Fair Trade politicizes people and strengthens the Essay maker online evaluation Global Justice Movement through the thousands of world and solidarity shops that are important centres of this movement.

Although some activists might see this as the most crucial part of Fair Trade, arguing that the structural change promoted by the Global Justice and Scdl assignments, Third World Movements is necessary for real improvement in the producers lives, the political side of Fair Trade should not be used as an excuse for the economic and social problems described above (Mendoza Bastiaensen, 2003: 41). Organizations working with Fair Trade are thus using the maker evaluation practical example of Fair Trade to lobby for a change in the international trading rules away from free trade and towards cooperative trade, essentially seeing Fair Trade as a practical prefiguration of assignments papers, a more desirable trade. 5. Conclusion: Fair Trade as a Re-embedding Countermovement. So what is Fair Trade: A neoliberal solution to current market failures that works within the free market regime or a practical tool of social change that aims at transforming the free market? The discussion of the impact of Fair Trade on Essay, the level of producers as well as on the level of the free market in general has shown that there is Homework help word problems no easy and clear-cut answer to this question. The social reality of Fair Trade entails both, free market mechanisms and non-markets restrictions and Fair Trade seems to both undermine free trade and to be used and interpreted as supporting neoliberalism. To better understand this rather puzzling result I will propose a theoretical framework to understand Fair Trade that is heavily influenced by Polanyi’s work. In order to better understand the effects of Fair I will situate Fair Trade historically using Polanyi’s theory of the double movement. And I will then use Polanyi’s concept of embeddedness to argue that Fair Trade is neither a free market solution nor a transformation of Essay, free trade.

In order to situate the emergence of Fair Trade in Surveillance camera xbox, a broader context the work of Karl Polanyi (1944), especially his understanding of Essay maker online evaluation, capitalism as progressing in form of a ‘double movement’ concerning the relations between the market and society has been increasingly used and seems very instructive (Barham, 2002: 350-352; Murray Raynolds, 2000; Mutersbaugh, 2005a). Polanyi argued that the unleashing of markets for the three ‘fictitious commodities’ land, labour and money causes intense social and help, environmental destruction and generates counter-tendencies that demand regulation, intervention and social protection from these destructive market forces. This protective countermovement is, however, not an external intervention into a structurally determined process but these opposing forces are contained within capitalism (Hart, 2002: 304). Polanyi’s historical analysis of the double movement has its contemporary parallels (Silver Arrighi, 2003): 36 The neoliberal revolution of the 1980s on the one hand destroyed societal regulations protecting labour, money and land/nature by promoting free market economies as the only model, liberating financial transactions and privatising and destroying natural resources. The growing importance of civil society in the 1990s and the rise of transnational social movements that push for “counter-hegemonic globalization” (Evans, 2005) on the other hand represent efforts to re-embed the destructive market forces into Essay online evaluation societal norms and regulations. These actors promote political regulations for paper help financial markets, fight against the commercialization and maker, privatization of write a term paper vegetarianism, natural resources and counter the Essay dismantling of labour regulations that restrict exploitation. 37 It is important to note that these attempts to re-embed the market have also been incorporated into conservative discourses and practices where they represent efforts to Writing paper meme contain dissent and to Essay maker evaluation enable the neoliberal project to papers continue. They are employed by personalities in neoliberal institutions like the online world bank and the IMF (Wade, 1997; 2001; Sachs, 1998; Stiglitz, 2000) and help science problems, have shaped the paradigm shift from orthodox neoliberalism to ‘revisionist’ or ‘inclusive’ neoliberalism (Hart, 2001; Porter Craig, 2004).

And exactly here is where Fair Trade comes into the picture: Fair Trade, so I will argue, is part of the protective countermovement. Essay Maker. I will come back to this point, but first I want to employ Polanyi to argue that Fair Trade is neither a neoliberal free market approach nor an attempt to Homework help with word transform free trade. Fair Trade is concerned with the unleashing of markets for the fictitious commodities labour, and, to a lesser degree, land/nature. Online. While markets might be useful and efficient mechanisms to College produce and online, distribute products, if labour and nature are included into the market as free and unrestricted commodities the Writing meme results are destructive. Free trade theory rests on the notion that free competition results in Essay online evaluation, the lowest possible price, and that because the producers with the lowest price outcompetes other producers competition stimulates efficiencies and improved technologies. Free trade theory does, however, falsely assume that competition does only take place regarding technological innovation, productivity and marketing. 38 In reality, and especially in trading relations between large retailers and small-scale producers in the global south, business companies use the externalization of costs onto other parties as one of the main strategies of competition. If Chiquita cannot outcompete another retailer in the banana market with improved technology or better marketing strategies it can do so by externalizing the social and environmental cost of production.

This means that the Homework help with science social cost of Essay online, production is passed on to the producer and the environmental cost of production is passed on to future generations. This is possible if labour and nature are not socially embedded through political legislations like minimum wages and environmental restrictions or social forces like unions or NGOs. And Fair Trade is exactly this, an attempt to re-embed the market within society by internalizing both the real social and environmental cost of production into the price. The real price of a product and the price Fair Trade tries to pay thus consists of the real social cost of the work (human wages, dignified working conditions etc.) plus the real environmental cost of production. Roozen and VanderHoff Boersma (2002), two founders of the first labelling organization Max Havelaar, argue convincingly: “The costs of a term vegetarianism, a socially responsible production are included in the price of the product in the Fair Trade market. Competitiveness does not depend on maker, the level of exploitation that goes into the production of the product.” Fair Trade is thus not abandoning the market, but it also does not provide a free market solution.

Fair Trade rather re-embeds the market by internalizing the a term paper vegetarianism social and environmental cost of production into the price. By paying a guaranteed minimum wage that reflects the real social and environmental costs of production it restricts market competition from exploiting labour and nature, but at the same time uses competition in the production process to function in the market. The essence of Fair Trade is according to Brown (1993: 158) “that the consumer should be told the truth, not only Essay evaluation, about what is in the product but also the truth about the producer, her or his conditions of life and work, what they get for their work and what it does to the environment.” Far from pure competition or state-led planning, Fair Trade combines the power of producers and consumers to create links between them that both limit and engage competition and that consist of information: 39 “Connections between consumers and Fair Trade organizations [and producers] are rooted largely in flows of Surveillance camera of privacy one, information. Online Evaluation. Fair Trade networks socially re-embed commodities, so that items arrive at the point of consumption replete with information regarding the social and environmental conditions under which they were produced and traded” (Raynolds, 2002a: 415). Fair Trade challenges the idea that the setting of prices on the market as an automatic and depersonalized process is the only instrument for valuing commodities (Raynolds, 2002a: p. 409). Instead of competition as the main driver of the market, Fair Trade introduces an interesting type of “contract economy” into the market, in which the Medical application dental price is negotiated between consumers, producers and salesmen and their contradictory interests are resolved in cooperation.

As one scholar has put it: “Fair Trade is primarily about reasserting human control over a mechanism that claims to be in the best interests of everyone but no longer even bothers to prove it” (Ransom, 2001: 9). The fact that Fair Trade does not challenge the existence of the market as such does not mean that it is not a radical vision, since, as the domestic Mexican Label Comercio Justo insists, Fair Trade is maker online evaluation about transforming the very purpose of markets; by reorganizing markets in a way that can benefit the college more disadvantaged members of society Fair Trade creates un mercado donde todos quepamos “a market where we all fit” (quoted in Jaffe et al, 2004: 192). Fair Trade, as an attempt to re-embed the market in the sense described here, is part of the protective countermovement. But back to the question do the broader effects of Fair Trade stabilize or transform free trade? The dichotomous and somewhat mutually exclusive conceptualizations of Fair Trade in the two visions that underlie the question this paper tried to answer both turn out to maker online evaluation be present and paper vegetarianism, future tendencies and trajectories of the Fair Trade movement rather than descriptions of Fair Trade. As such the Essay maker two visions both describe somewhat idealized versions of different simultaneous and Surveillance invasion, contradictory effects of Fair Trade. A definite answer to this ‘either, or’ question is impossible since the impact study shows that Fair Trade as a multilayered social phenomenon works both in and against the market, partly stabilizing neoliberal free trade and partly challenging it. Instead of the question what Fair Trade is in terms of Essay maker evaluation, its broader effects the impact study forces one to ask more specific questions about how Fair Trade works and what exactly its effects and outcomes are in the multiple arenas it works in. Rather than being either “in or against” the market Fair Trade can be analyzed as a complex and multilayered process of social defence against destructive effects of unrestricted market. Paper. But this process, since it is part of capitalist development, is a site of contestation, conflict and negotiation between different actors with different and partly opposing interests. Because the protective countermovement as a whole is fundamentally threatening those power structures that rely on the exploitation of land, money and labour, these power structures, Polanyi’s “liberal creed”, engage in containing, controlling and weakening the movement.

These opposing interests, as has been demonstrated in many examples in this study, bring about multiple and partly contradictory effects on different levels. Essay Online. Anticapitalist activists support and propagate Fair Trade as a practical alternative to capitalist trading relations while revisionist neoliberals see Fair Trade as useful mechanism to privately regulate a small part of the camera one market without fundamentally changing the political market rules. Both support Fair Trade for Essay maker online different reasons, they thus understand Fair Trade differently and these contradictory understandings in turn shape and change what they try to explain, the Fair Trade movement. Similarly, what small-scale coffee growers in Ecuador think about Fair Trade and College admissions, what they want Fair Trade to do differs dramatically from the understandings and maker online, interests of large retailers like Nestlé. How these different, partly contradictory and partly mutually supportive interests play out depends on the power relations between the different stakeholders. Particularly since Fair Trade entered the mainstream market in Homework science problems, the late 1990s and actors with opposing interests became stakeholders, Fair Trade is at a crossroads: On the one hand the mainstreaming of Fair Trade opens up immense possibilities to increase the impact of Fair Trade in transforming neoliberal trade relations, in benefiting more disadvantaged producers and in further re-embedding the maker online evaluation market. But on the other hand the mainstreaming of Fair Trade bears a variety of dangers, mainly due to the power of the mainstream companies to Scdl and solved undermine the meaning and practice of Fair Trade and, instead of online evaluation, using Fair Trade to the advantage of producers, to write paper misuse it for the interests of their shareholders.

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2000. “Partnerships in fair trade: reflections from a case study of Cafe´ direct” Development in Practice 10 (2). Tallontire, Anne and Bill Vorley. 2005. Achieving fairness in Essay evaluation, trading between supermarkets and their agrifood supply chains. Write A Term Paper Vegetarianism. London, UK: Food Group. Taylor, Peter Leigh. 2002. “Poverty Alleviation Through Participation in Fair Trade Coffee Networks: Synthesis of Case Study Research Question Findings.” Report Prepared for Project Funded by the Community and Resource Development Program.

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Zehner, David. 2002. “An Economic Assessment of ‘Fair Trade’ in Coffee” Columbia Business School’s Chazen Web Journal of International Business, Fall 2002. 1 Peter Mandelson, EU commissioner for trade, said in Essay maker, 2005, after having emphasized the success of the Fair Trade movement: “Fair Trade has shown that those working in difficult conditions in commodity-dependent and poor developing countries can aspire to a better life for themselves and their families” Mandelson (2005). 2 FINE involves the Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International (FLO), the Network of European Shops (NEWS!), the International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT), and Surveillance camera invasion one, the European Fair Trade Association (EFTA). The aim of FINE is to enable these networks and Essay online, their members to cooperate on strategic levels on crucial issues affecting the future of the Scdl and solved Fair Trade movement, such as advocacy and Essay online evaluation, campaigning, standards and monitoring. See (April 2006). 3 This paper will focus mostly on dental, those products that are certified by the Fairtrade Labelling Organization International (FLO), since most data are only available for certified products and since certified products make up the huge bulk of all Fair Trade products sold worldwide. 4 All standards are publicly available under (Mai 2006).

Quality requirements for Fair Trade bananas for example include among others: “Size of bananas. Minimum length 16 cm (baby bananas 14 cm), minimum thickness 27 mm. Tolerance: 10% of the bananas. Packing. slippage and “high pack” are not permitted. There must be reasonable uniformity among the bananas in a carton. Tolerance: 5% of packing cartons. () Residue and foreign matter. No residue or foreign matter may be encountered in the cartons. Tolerance: 1% of the cartons.” FLO (2005c: 10). 5 The coffee market price is fluctuating highly. Essay Evaluation. The current prices are summarized by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations): “Coffee prices reached 101.44 US cents per pound in March 2005, a 67 percent increase compared to the level of Surveillance of privacy, 60.80 US cents per Essay online evaluation, pound the corresponding month last year.

In April 2005, the average daily price fell to assignments 98.2 US cents per pound, following some profit taking by investment funds”. See (Mai 2006). 6 According to the FAO “Industry sources report that farm-gate prices in Ecuador decreased below the official minimum price of US$3 per box, and in some cases, fell to less than US$1 per box.” See (Mai 2006). 7 In 2001 the maker online evaluation FLO had registered over College admissions uchicago 300 coffee grower associations that represent 500,000 small-scale growers. This amounts, according to one estimate, to 30 percent of the world’s small-scale coffee growers most of which however could only sell a small portion of their harvest on the Fair Trade market. (Murray et al, 2003: 6). 8 The scope of the organic world market is Essay evaluation considerably larger than the Fair Trade market.

In 2003 organic sales amounted to US $ 31,3 billion while Fair Trade only reached one billion in 2005 (Nichols Opal, 2005: 182). 9 “Though blurred by Introduction a term paper, the uniform term “Fair Trade” tension remains between two visions: one, a more radical conception that sees ‘‘fair’’ trade as a tool for modifying the dominant economic model, and the other, more pragmatic, that emphasizes the insertion of products from the South under fair conditions in the markets of the North.” Renard, 2003: 91. 10 For a further discussion of Essay, these difficulties see Mayoux (2001) and Nicholls Opal (2005: 201). 11 A report of the Fair Trade coffee market in Latin America that is based on seven case studies concludes, for example, by exclusively citing the most positive study (Perezgrovas and Cervantes, 2002), concluding (and thereby implying this as the general finding) that the direct financial “revenues for Fair Trade coffee [are] twice the help meme street price for conventional coffee, even after deductions were made for cooperative management and Essay maker online evaluation, other expenses.” (Murray et al, 2003: 7). Paper. Other studies by the same research team (which are only cited at other instances), however, sound less promising. In a cooperative in El Salvador for example, the financial benefits were only enough for Essay evaluation outstanding debt servicing (Mendez, 2002). 12 But to put this into perspective it is uchicago interesting to note that more or less the same amount (€ 18.3 million) is spent annually only in Europe by Fair Trade organizations for education and awareness-raising campaigns (Krier, 2005: 31). 13 And even the most studies point at several advantages of Fair Trade.

Robbert Maseland and Albert de Vaal (2002) at the University of Nijmegen in maker online, Holland for example compared Fair Trade with free trade and protectionism and paper help meme, concluded that it was “obvious” that Fair Trade is the only way to guarantee the fulfilment of minimum requirements such as stopping child labour or environmentally harmful effects. Maker Online. They however argued also that concerning the reduction of inequality it is not clear that Fair Trade is always fairer than other options. 14 “The low prices paid to small producers on the national market mean that the best Mexican products are exported. College. Fair Trade makes it possible for maker online small producers to also receive dignified prices in the national market and to not depend exclusively on export.” Comercio Justo México on its webpage in 2001, quoted in Writing paper help, Nicholls Opal (2005). 15 “Sainsbury's, which says it sells more fair-trade bananas than any other British supermarket, sells the fruit in bagged bunches of maker evaluation, six, not by weight. A bag of fair-trade Dominican Republic bananas, weighing about school essay dental, a pound, recently cost around $2.74 in London. Online. That's more than four times the price of a pound of unbagged regular bananas, also from the Dominican Republic.

According to school FLO, Dominican Republic fair-trade banana growers receive about 16 cents a pound from middlemen. Sainsbury's won't disclose its banana margins, but industry executives estimate British supermarkets pay their suppliers about Essay maker online, 71 cents a pound for fair-trade bananas from the Dominican Republic. If that's the case, Sainsbury's is earning almost $2 a pound.” 16 This claim totally goes against what Paul Rice, chief executive of Writing, Transfair USA argues: “As a core philosophy, Fair Traders believe in as little market intervention as possible [and: regulating retail prices goes against the idea of] using the market as a vehicle for creating a win-win scenario for farmers and for industry.” The growth of online, fair-trade sales in College admissions uchicago, the U.S. suggests “millions of U.S. Essay Online Evaluation. consumers are willing to Medical dental pay a bit more to feel that they are making a difference.” (Stecklow White, 2004) 17 “In the past six years, TransFair has leveraged limited resources to certify 74.2 million pounds of Fair Trade coffee. This has provided coffee farmers in some of the poorest communities in Essay evaluation, Latin America, Africa, and Asia with over $60 million more than they would have earned selling their harvests to local intermediaries. This means that each dollar of write a term vegetarianism, TransFair USA's budgets has been translated into more than $7 in supplemental income for farmers and farm workers since 1999.” TransFair USA (2006). 18 Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade's executive director in the UK, in Essay online, Jones (2004).

19 Nicholls Opal (2005: 181-190) have collected a variety of research and surveys. A survey of 30.000 consumers in Britain by the Cooperative Group and write, MORI in 2005 for example showed that 84 percent of consumers are willing to pay a little extra to help producers in evaluation, developing countries and 6 out of 10 are willing to boycott for Writing help their ethics. Producers especially emphasized the importance of Essay online evaluation, complete product information on food labels, which was important to 96 percent of the sample (Cooperative Group, 2004). Another study argues: “The most in-depth research into ethical consumerism to date reveals that just over Surveillance camera half the population have bought a product and recommended a supplier, because of its responsible reputation, at some time in the last year. Essay. A third of Writing meme, consumers are seriously concerned with ethical issues when shopping and a quarter have investigated a company’s social responsibility at least once. Roughly one in Essay online, six shoppers say they frequently buy or boycott products because of the manufacturer’s reputations” (Cowe Williams, 2000). 20 In a recent survey the “ 2003 Corporate social responsibility monitor ” finds that the amount of consumers looking at social responsibility in their choices jumped from school essay dental 36 percent in 1999 to 62 percent in 2001 in Europe. 21 “The approach to Fair Trade becoming dominant among ATOs can be termed `partnership’, where partnership is defined as a trading relationship between stakeholders that has both market-based and ethical elements and Essay maker evaluation, that aims to be sustainable in the long term.

For Fair Trade, the Homework help key stakeholders are the producers, the producer group, the ATO, and the consumer; and the partnership between these stakeholders is based on a combination of market and ethical elements.” (Tallontire, 2000: 167). Maker. Partnership in with science word problems, an economic relationship like Fair Trade can be understood with Tallontire (2000: 172) as requiring the following necessary conditions: a shared understanding of the problem or issue and Essay maker, its context, shared objectives, mutual commitment to the partnership, a distinct or unique contribution, and mutual trust. Essay Dental. Besides that some related structural condition can be identified that will determine the success of the relationship, such as a shared timeframe, equal participation, a balance of responsibilities, autonomy of the partners, accountability and transparency (Tallontire, 2000: 173-176). 22 This lack of understanding that is prevalent in most case studies applies even to leading positions. Maker Evaluation. An example given by Lyon (2002: 24): A member of the Junta Directiva in this cooperative told a researcher that the FLO had visited their plantations and, asked whether the FLO had certified the cooperative, answered: “no she [the FLO person] is just here to Homework help with problems see how everything is going with us.” 23 “Many Mexican interviewees concurred in calling for a renewed commitment to Essay maker online developing and maintaining direct ties between Northern consumers and Southern producers. These visits help producers better understand the nature of the Fair Trade market, and Writing paper help, create positive impacts on producer self-esteem and coffee quality.” Taylor (2002: 10). 25 It has been argued that Fair Trade by including the livelihood, culture, indigeneity and Essay maker online evaluation, difference of the producer communities into their advertising strategies “deepen rather than subvert the processes of Homework word, commodification by objectifying and commoditising the very things they are trying to save“ (Goodman Goodman, 2001: 114). Another concern points at Essay the contradiction between Fair Trade’s message of inclusion and cooperation and its exclusive elements. Since it is a label that relies on quality standards and higher prices, Fair Trade is exclusive both on the producer side with its “dictates of quality” (Goodman and Goodman, 2001; Mutersbaugh, 2005c) and on the consumer side with its higher and assignments papers, sometimes extraordinarily high prices (see Jaffe et al, 2004: 183). 26 “What happens if there is Essay adjustment to world supply or demand and prices in one part of the market are fixed?

Prices in Writing paper help meme, other parts of the Essay online market must fall by more other growers suffer more. What happens to those employees of Writing help meme, large producers when Fair Trade consumption shifts away from them towards small producers who frequently offer poorer working conditions than the multi-national corporations?” Booth (2005: 7). 27 A further example: In 2003 several supermarkets in Britain were accused of online, charging too much for Fair Trade products Tesco among them overcharging one US dollar per kilogram bananas, more then double the premium for producers. The Sunday Times, 29 June 2003, quoted in college uchicago, Ransom (2005). 28 Thomson (2003), quoted by Low Davenport (2005a: 151); see similar comments in Tiffen (2000) 29 Renard (2005: 430) reports: “Furthermore, Starbucks obligates producers to sell their coffee through Starbucks-affiliated importers which, in Essay online evaluation, this case, turns out to be the largest Mexican coffee marketing corporation, AMSA (of the Omnicafe-Atlantic Coffee group), which engages in decidedly non-equitable commercial practices.

A few cooperatives have broken off from Surveillance camera xbox Starbucks, denouncing the AMSA practice of misusing the registry of certified-organic producers for AMSA’s benefit.” 30 While this is an important critique for international trade with organic products and might apply to first party certifications of maker, some TNCs like Starbucks it does not apply to Fair Trade. Papers. Contrary to Mutersbaugh (2005a) the cost for compliance with the standards are in the Fair Trade system paid for Essay evaluation by the consumers, not by the producers (Raynolds, 2002b). 31 The contemporary discourse and paper help meme, practice regarding development in the dominant institutions and in academia has been characterized by several observers as constituting an Essay important departure from orthodox neoliberalism and Medical application essay dental, the Washington Consensus of the late 1980s and the early 1990s. While the Washington Consensus held that good economic performance merely required getting the prices right through liberalized trade, macroeconomic stability and by getting the state out of the online evaluation market, the post-Washington Consensus is a more inclusive approach that focuses on good governance, new institutional economics and the state (Williamson 1990; 1993, 2000) 32 This translates into the following: “Developing countries account for less than one-third of developed country imports but for two-thirds of tariff revenues collected. Scdl Papers. They also account for Essay online two-thirds of developed country imports subjected to tariffs higher than 15%.” (HDR, 2005: 127) 33 The WTO makes bans this as discrimination against foreign or domestic “like products” on the basis of “related characteristics”, wher like product is defined as “products with the same or similar physical characteristics or end uses” (Dankers, 2003: 74; Young, 2003: 11). 34 A full discussion of WTO rules and voluntary labelling initiatives is given in a FAO report by Dankers (2003: 73-88). See notes of a panel on the PPM clause at the Fair Trade symposium during the WTO meeting 2005 in Hong Kong under This clause is defined on the world bank webpage: “ PPM : Production and processing method.

Used in instances where trade policy action by a country is motivated by a desire to ensure that imports have been produced in a way that satisfies a national or international production or process norm. With. Often these norms will be environmental in nature.“ (April 2006). 35 The webpage gives a good overview of the events and features a variety of resources, including transcripts from the symposium. A similar event was staged at the 2003 WTO summit in Cancun. 36 Polanyi analyses the first movement, the economic liberalization and integration of the late 19 th century, as one that involves the replacement of local and traditional socio-cultural relations by mere market relations.

In particular the incorporation of the three fictitious commodities money, labour and online, land/nature into the market and thus the total disembedding of the market from society unleashed destructive tendencies, which in turn lead to a variety of Medical school dental, counter movements. This second and embedding moment is the attempt by social movements and ‘enlightened reactionaries’ to counter the social disruption of the market-led liberalization with social and environmental protection and intervention. The main question Polanyi is online trying to answer with this framework is the rise of fascism in Europe. Help With Problems. He interprets fascism as part of the protective countermovement, suggesting that the protective countermovement is not inherently good but rather that it contains a variety of different responses to evaluation the destructive market forces, some of which are very dangerous. 37 Examples would be firstly the promotion of the Tobin tax by the international ‘anti-globalization’ network ATTAC that would tax all the financial transactions and invest the money in poverty alleviation (Ancelovici, 2002); secondly the environmental and the anti-privatization movement that fight deforestation, genetically engineered food, patents on Writing help meme, living beings or destructive infrastructure projects like the Narmada dam in India; and Essay maker, lastly efforts to counter the neoliberal agenda to create a global labour market without any restrictions, that has produced an incredibly destructive downward spiral of Homework help with science word, wages and, especially in the Global South, leading to conditions of immense exploitation. McMichael (2004) has collected a variety of case studies that vividly illustrate this situation. 38 This argument is explained in maker evaluation, length in Roozen Boersma (2002). 39 “Decentralization of economic decision-making and ensuring that authorities are made accountable to the people for their actions is where we need to start. Medical Application Essay. But such democratic models have generally been based either on workers' control at the work place or on consumer power in the market. The fact is that the two have to be combined.

Markets which split us into Essay maker two halves - into producers and consumers - have to be modified so that we can once more become whole.(. ) The conclusion of Introduction write a term paper, this book is that it will be by new forms of cooperation and maker online evaluation, not by relying solely on College college, competition, that this [the new economic order] will be done. We cannot now foresee what the new structures will be.” (Brown, 1993:191).

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Carles Gil, novedad sobre el csped, empieza a realizar tareas de readaptacin con baln. Marea y PSOE aparcan la revisin del IBI y optan por rebajar otros tributos locales. Negocian reducciones del IAE para pymes, el fraccionamiento del pago de deudas tributarias y criterios de progresividad en la tarifa de la basura. Dos trabajos elaborados en el instituto David Bujn fueron seleccionados para participar en una feria cientfica del Pas Vasco - Uno de los estudios es sobre contaminacin lumnica. Tres estudiosos de las ondas gravitacionales reciben el premio Nobel de Fsica. Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Homework Help Science Problems! Barish y Kip S. Maker! Thorne son galardonados por su contribucin al detector LIGO ¿Qu hacer hoy en A Corua?

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El aeropuerto puede cerrar este ao con su tercera mejor marca histrica, mientras espera el. Arranca el obradoiro de empleo dirigido a veinte parados de Arteixo y A Laracha. Nueve meses de clases prácticas y teóricas cobrando un salario y aprendiendo dos. Josefa Velo Amor, con 105 aos, es la larachesa de ms edad del municipio. La larachesa Josefa Velo Amor cumplió 105 años el pasado sábado pero lo. Oleiros, lder en la comarca en facturas en el cajn en la primera mitad del ao. El Concello tena el pasado junio 1,8 millones de obligaciones pendientes de aplicar, aunque suele. Alternativa decidir en asamblea el viernes si presenta lista en ms concellos.

El alcalde de Oleiros y presidente de Alternativa dos Veciños, Ángel García. Fernando Vidal dimite como consejero del Deportivo. El exresponsable de la parcela deportiva del club alega que en los ltimos tiempos no se senta. El argentino, ms maduro que en su anterior etapa en el Dpor: Tcticamente he mejorado un. Lucas trabaja en el gimnasio por un golpe en el cudriceps. Carles Gil, novedad sobre el csped, empieza a realizar tareas de readaptacin con baln. Su tanto vala oro para un grupo que haba perdido 20 kilos de golpe y le reivindicaba a l en un. Todo lo que debes saber para acabar con el estigma de la psoriasis.

Acudir a una piscina o trabajar cara al pblico puede suponer un reto para quienes la padecen. ¿Por qu unas personas se emocionan ms que otras? La cultura, la educacin, el entorno y las propias experiencias marcan la sensibilidad de cada uno. Asi es cmo el estrs pone en riesgo tu salud. Ms de la mitad de las personas que lo sufren desarrollan una enfermedad fsica o psquica. Los errores que cometes al dar de comer a tus hijos. Conoce qu tipo de productos no deberas incluir nunca en el men de los nios y cules s. El vestido de la novia de Bisbal, ¿un mensaje para Chenoa? Rosanna Zanetti sorprende con su ' look' en el ltimo concierto del cantante almeriense. Barack Obama y su mujer, Michelle, buscan nueva residencia en Nueva York.

El expresidente de EEUU Barack Obama y su esposa, Michelle, están buscando una nueva. Yves Saint Laurent, prendas de museo. El recién fallecido empresario Pierre Bergé no ha visto su sueño convertido. Bustamante se muda a un tico de lujo por el que paga 2.500 euros al mes. Cada vez que le preguntan a la actriz Paula Echevarría sobre su ruptura hace ya cinco meses. El gallego Antonio Garca Teijeiro, Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

El Ministerio de Cultura le galardona por su obra 'Poemar o mar', escrita en gallego. Las dos caras de la cultura en Galicia. La comunidad est a la cola del pas en asistencia al cine, a museos o al teatro, pero los. Estrella Galicia lanza una cerveza elaborada con pimientos de Padrn. Forma parte de una lnea de cervezas de temporada que se fabricarn con productos tpicos gallegos. Educacin financiera sin barreras. Abanca y la asociación Down Coruña firmaron ayer un acuerdo de colaboración. Gmail convertir nmeros y direcciones en enlaces. La nueva actualizacin permitir ahorrar tiempo al usuario que podr realizar llamadas directamente . El smartphone definitivo para los amantes de los selfies.

El mvil cuenta con una cmara frontal de 16 megapxeles y pantalla infinita de 5,7 pulgadas. Los riesgos de usar tablets en el colegio para nios y padres. El uso de las nuevas tecnologas no est exento de amenazas como la ingeniera social y el. Mi experiencia usando internet en China. Conectarse a internet en el pas, ya sea a travs del mvil o el ordenador es difcil, pero no. Marc Mrquez, Dani Pedrosa y Toni Bou reciben el nuevo Honda Type R. Los pilotos del equipo Repsol Honda de MotoGP Marc Mrquez y Dani Pedrosa, as como el campeonsimo de trial Toni Bou, han.

Suzuki llevar al Tokyo Motor Show 2017 una nueva SV650X. El saln de Tokyo que se celebra del 27 de octubre al 5 de noviembre es la antesala de los grandes salones europeos. El nuevo radar de Madrid que puede batir rcords de multas. El Ayuntamiento de Madrid va a de instalar en el Paseo de Extremadura a su paso por el barrio de Batn, el segundo radar de. Jack Miller se fractura la tibia haciendo trial y se pierde Motegi. Si hace unas semanas Valentino Rossi sufra un accidente mientras entrenaba en motocross, ahora ha sido Jack Millerel que. El beso sorpresa de una independentista a un polica. Las cmaras de Al Jazeera captaron el momento en que una defensora del referndum le planta un. As se deja la piel esta perra para salvar a sus cachorros.

Uno de sus pequeos, de escaso das de vida, se cuela en un profundo agujero. Acude a urgencias para no pasar su cumpleaos solo. Las enfermeras le atendieron por cefalea pero luego descubrieron el verdadero motivo de su visita. Rajoy llama Madero a Maduro para deleite de Twitter. La Red tambin se ha mofado de la peculiar pronunciacin que tiene el presidente del apellido Trump. Twitter se re del ´barco pioln´ en el que se hospedan los agentes para el 1-O. La decoracin de uno de los barcos desplazados a Barcelona est siendo objeto de bromas. Una nube de las denominadas 'lenticulares' se aloja en el cielo tinerfeo ante el asombro de muchos. Ahora podr·s consultar todas las noticias de tu equipo, de tus personajes favoritos, de las series de moda. Writing Paper! de un vistazo a travs de los tags.

Me encanta mirar las cosas desde diferentes puntos de vista, porque ya s cmo es el mo Tengo una relacin con los lectores, pero la historia tiene que ser verdad para m - La. El corus Xurxo Gmez expone en Moret Art su 'Tratado de botnica aplicada', 23 piezas con las. Brothers in maker online, Band dar un concierto en A Corua el 22 de diciembre. La banda tributo a Dire Straits recalar en el Palacio de la pera dentro de su gira europea. Un camino de libros para redescubrir la ciudad.

Xos Lus Axeitos abre la nueva edicin de Paseos pola Corua Literaria, una iniciativa que. Editors dar un concierto en A Corua el 28 de abril. La banda britnica solo dar tres conciertos en Espaa y uno ser en la coruesa sala Pelcano. Cinco semanas de danza en las calles. El baile llega a la ciudad con 'Quincegotas' y 'Jastas Pista', dos iniciativas ideadas para. El Noroeste, candidato a llevarse 4 Premios Fest. El festival de msica de A Corua podra alzarse este ao con reconocimientos como mejor festival. Siete claves para elegir el colchn perfecto para ti.

Dormir bien es un pilar fundamental y el descanso se pude ver alterado por problemas con la cama. Pintar tu casa de estos colores influye en su valor. Tener una cocina pintada de amarillo puede hacerte ganar hasta 1.000 euros ms que si es blanca. Soluciones para ganar sitio en los armarios de casa. Descubre los trucos para guardar la ropa, las sbanas o la bisutera y mantener siempre el orden. ¿Por qu no debemos tender la ropa en la habitacin? Esta prctica tan habitual puede generar moho, adems de suponer un riesgo para los asmticos. Siete cosas de casa que puedes meter en la lavadora. Las cortinas de plstico o las alfombrillas de la ducha son slo algunas de ellas. ¿Qu hara Marie Kondo en tu cocina?

La gur del orden y de la limpieza ha convertid su libro, 'La magia del orden', en todo un. Esta casa de 23,5 m2, pese a lo que parece, no est pensada para ganar espacio sino para poner. de la Declaracin de la Renta. Envía tus sugerencias a Inserta tu anuncio clasificado en La Opinión A Coruña. Su portal de Esquelas a un solo click. El estado del tráfico de A Coruña minuto a minuto. Conozca el pronóstico del tiempo en A Coruña. Resultados de los sorteos de la lotería y la quiniela.

Descubre la ms variada informacin en profunidad. Repasa los rincones ms atractivos para visitar en Espaa. Los mejores suplementos de tu Peridico Favorito. Toda a informacin sobre orquestas e verbenas. Historia de las calles de nuestra ciudad.

Todos los partidos del Deportivo en directo. Te llevamos la informacin a donde t ests, ¡sguenos! Sigue en directo el mundial de Motociclismo y mantente informado con las ltimas noticias de actualidad. Vive la emocin del Eurobasket, los partidos en directo y la actualidad de la seleccin espaola.

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