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40 Useful Words and Write speech student council Phrases for Top-Notch Essays. The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in Assignments writers struggling writers, the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your points. To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered. Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is Write funny student crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to Assignments writers writers equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them. It’s by no means an funny student exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills whether you’re a native English speaker or taking your first steps into writing essays in English. Let’s start by a good essay vocabulary, looking at student council language for general explanations of complex points. Usage : “In order to” can be used to Project management pdf hnd introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example : “In order to understand X, we need first to Write funny speech understand Y.” Usage : Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to vocabulary understand, or to emphasise or expand on funny council a point.

Example : “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.” Usage : This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in my homework, particularly complex points, when you feel that an funny student council alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example : “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the website sun.” Usage : “That is” and speech student council “that is to Account say” can be used to Write speech add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example : “Whales are mammals.

That is to say, they must breathe air.” Usage : Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to Assignments writers struggling writers “in order to” or “so”. Student! Example : “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and Simple zoos their possible meanings.” Adding additional information to support a point. Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of Write speech student council, “and” each time they want to add further information in Tax homework help, support of a point they’re making, or to build an Write speech argument. Account Writing Essay! Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

Usage : Employ “moreover” at student council the start of writing xat, a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example : “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…” Usage :This is also generally used at Write funny speech the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example : “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…” Usage : This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example : “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.” Usage : Use “likewise” when you want to talk about Tax homework, something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Write Speech! Example : “Scholar A believes X. Struggling! Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.” Usage : Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”.

Example : “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to council what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.” Usage : Use the phrase “another key point to my homework website remember” or “another key fact to Write funny council remember” to Assignments writers introduce additional facts without using the funny word “also”. Example : “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to zoos remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on Write the world around him.” Usage : Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example : “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.” Usage : This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example : “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.” Usage : Used when considering two or more arguments at a time.

Example : “Coupled with the literary evidence, the Project assignment statistics paint a compelling view of…” Usage : This can be used to funny speech student council structure an Tax homework help chat argument, presenting facts clearly one after the funny speech student council other. Example : “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Project Assignment Pdf Hnd! Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z. 16. Write Speech Student Council! Not to mention/to say nothing of. Usage : “Not to help live chat mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example : “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of Write speech student council, people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.” Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast. When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the Tax homework help “but” in Write funny council, these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting. Usage : Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example : “Scholar A thinks this.

However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.” Usage : Usage of Project management, this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of speech student council, evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the thesis zoos other hand, the Write speech student council archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.” Usage : Used in a similar manner to “on the my homework other hand” or “but”. Example : “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the Write funny archaeology tells a different story.” Usage : Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example : “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.” Usage : Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example : “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.” Usage : This is essay used in the same way as “then again”. Write Speech Student Council! Example : “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the Tax homework live evidence is unreliable at best.” Usage : Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea.

Example : “Much of scholarship has focused on funny speech this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.” Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations. Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so. Usage : Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example : “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.” Usage : Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of assignment pdf hnd, something else. Example : “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in student council, mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.” Usage : This means “on condition that”.

You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to Make mean the same thing. Example : “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in Write speech student, mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.” Usage : These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Tax Homework Live Chat! Example : “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…” Usage : This is Write student similar to “despite this”. Example : “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for Tax homework help, its day.” Usage : This is the same as “nonetheless”.

Example : “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.” Usage : This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example : “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the Write workings of the human mind.” Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing. Example : “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in conclusion for an, early winter and fly south…” Example : “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…” When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such. Usage : Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example : “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Write student, Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.” Usage : This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the statement first of these ways of using it). Example : “Actual figures are notably absent from speech, Scholar A’s analysis.” Usage : Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Project Pdf Hnd! Example : “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the Write funny speech student situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”

You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the help chat arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you. Usage : Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example : “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.” Usage : Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the Write funny council essay. Example : “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…” Usage : This is statement a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example : “Scholar A’s point that Constanze Mozart was motivated by Write funny speech, financial gain seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.” Usage : Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example : “The most compelling argument is presented by Assignments writers, Scholar A.” Usage : This means “taking everything into account”. Example : “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…” How many of these words and phrases will you get into Write speech your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list?

Let us know in Simple thesis, the comments below! 221 Responses to speech council #8220;40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays#8221; January 09, 2015 at 8:47 am, Jimmy Tan said: January 23, 2016 at Simple zoos 1:13 am, AN INDIAN said: It is very useful for junior as well as to Write council senior.It is awesome#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230; thanks for this. November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: March 10, 2017 at 3:30 pm, Vaibhavi said: May 04, 2017 at 3:54 pm, felix said: September 17, 2017 at Make my homework 8:02 am, arjun said: April 29, 2016 at 1:13 pm, ron said: September 01, 2016 at 1:18 am, RedKeyMon said: Ty bruv! It#8217;s really useful!

November 26, 2016 at Write student 12:00 pm, Ranch Dressing said: This the real RedKeyMon? May 26, 2017 at 2:28 pm, inosh said: September 07, 2016 at 12:04 am, winter the savage said: yeh these words are lit. October 15, 2016 at 6:19 pm, Freya said: Thanks!! I have to right an essay on the battle of hastings and I really need to website widen my vocab! It really helped December 12, 2016 at funny speech student 1:13 pm, rose said: great thanks,now i know how to use big words in an argumentative essay. April 18, 2017 at 4:55 pm, nikie said: very very useful! May 26, 2017 at 9:13 am, Anthony said: Thanks for the article! October 02, 2017 at 3:08 pm, yoyo said: January 13, 2015 at 2:55 am, Amila said: Wonderful. Thank you so much. Make Website! Keep in touch. February 05, 2015 at 12:36 pm, Tanya said: February 08, 2015 at speech 8:12 am, Ram said: Thank you very much.

Useful for Tax homework help live chat, my revision. February 13, 2015 at 10:53 am, Lucienne said: Thank you so much, really useful! October 05, 2015 at 12:40 pm, Dhanushreddy said: very useful for students. February 26, 2015 at 9:08 am, Ayanika Arora said: March 28, 2015 at funny speech student 6:06 am, Abhijeet said: Perhaps #8220;In the wake of#8221; would have been feasible to writers be included. March 31, 2015 at 11:04 pm, Loli said: it is wonderful, you#8217;ve helped so much.

May 03, 2015 at funny council 10:44 pm, Rihards said: Wouldn#8217;t do as great without this! May 04, 2015 at Tax homework help chat 1:47 pm, Dan said: Thanks so much, this is really going to help my essay. Write Funny Speech Council! I#8217;m already a good writer, all I needed was a good source of words, and a good conclusion vocabulary this was it. I will recommend this website to my friends and I definitely will be checking what other information you guys have. Funny! Thanks!

May 06, 2015 at 3:08 pm, Danny said: Thank you for your help. Assignments Writers Writers! My essay will be great! May 08, 2015 at 8:51 pm, Oxford Student said: Thank you, for your excellent choice of words oxford is very hard on Write speech you as it is one of the top schools so I appreciate these words. May 16, 2015 at 5:31 am, Aleena said: These words are quite knowledgeable to me because when I was writing an essay my phrases are so absurd to Project pdf hnd put it another way these words make my essay beautiful. Thank you for providing such words. May 19, 2015 at 4:50 pm, juules said: ostensibly appears? tautologies seem to be a thing in the english language. May 25, 2015 at council 8:56 am, gimhan savinda said: This was great, thanks a lot for these meaningful words. Hopefully I can face my exam in good perfect manner.

Thanks a lot for the assistant support. December 27, 2015 at essay vocabulary 10:55 am, Ikoo said: I need more information about Write, black#8217;s writing .also,his romantic way in nature . Please could you help me ? May 26, 2015 at Simple thesis statement zoos 2:39 pm, Mike said: These are reach-me-downs and Write speech student council the ideas you express are poorly connected. Project Pdf Hnd! For example, #8216;As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and Write funny nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on Project pdf hnd the world around him.” You link these facts incorrectly they are not a series of points that are additive. They are causally related, i.e. Funny Speech Council! one is Project a consequence of the other. I believe this is funny speech council better, both logically and statement stylistically: #8216;Romantic writers, including Blake, decried the negative impact of the Industrial Revolution on, amongst other things, society’s connectedness with the natural world.

Consequently he foregrounded the importance of improving the Write funny relationship between humankind and nature.#8217; You also lace your examples with contractions and Tax homework help chat these have no place in Write speech council, academic writing. September 19, 2016 at 11:18 am, Helena said: March 23, 2017 at 5:33 pm, Dr. Jim Loving said: You are correct. I have taught writing for 40-plus years, and website I find many of these suggestions wordy and unnecessary. Funny Speech Student Council! For instance, #8220;In order to#8221; can simply to chat be #8220;To.#8221; June 02, 2015 at 1:48 am, phertauwete said: Thanks so much, I got it.

June 05, 2015 at 5:17 am, william said: Thank you very much, I#8217;m having my O-level English in about 2 hours now and you really helped me. I#8217;m sure i can score an funny speech student A now #128512; June 07, 2015 at 7:21 am, Lysha said: Great!! Thank you so much for including the tips above. Live Chat! June 09, 2015 at 8:40 pm, Suus said: These words will really help me doing my English writing exam well tomorrow! #128578; June 21, 2015 at 11:52 am, Ali Zorab said: Such great tips, indeed.

July 02, 2015 at 6:38 pm, Tim said: You did a wonderful job. Keep it up. Tim Saudi Arabia. Funny Speech Student Council! July 03, 2015 at 10:34 pm, maimunahm said: I am writing my thesis and it really helps me with it, thanks a lot. My Homework! August 30, 2015 at 4:26 pm, aron said: April 23, 2017 at 9:49 am, Matorankle said: September 02, 2015 at student council 3:37 pm, Anonymous said: Thank you for providing me with these phrases! They will certainly help me with my English paper. September 10, 2015 at 3:31 am, Sarah said: what a great help in teaching children in writing essay#8230;#8230; September 16, 2015 at 8:04 am, josphat lowoi said: Good work..I greatly appreciate. September 21, 2015 at 2:45 pm, David said: September 23, 2015 at thesis statement zoos 1:04 am, haripriya said: Thanks a lot!

It was very helpful for my term end English examination! October 04, 2015 at 4:47 pm, Joanna said: This is helpful! Thanks for sharing! October 06, 2015 at student council 10:59 pm, Joe said: Thanks for the list. I think it would also be helpful to include a list of Account writing essay xat, words to funny student help express the thoughts of the writers being referenced in the essay, for zoos, example, #8220;Jacob states that teachers need to consider the learning abilities of all students#8221; or #8220;Williams asserts that reading English texts more often can increase the writing skills of ESL learners#8221;. It sometimes becomes boring to keep saying, #8220;so-and-so states that#8230;#8221; October 12, 2015 at 9:07 am, faiz said: This was useful for me. October 14, 2015 at 3:09 am, Lilow W. said: This article was wonderful.

Furthermore, I don#8217;t think my world history grade, as well as my grades in language arts and Write funny speech council science, would have been half of what they are now without it. All things considered, this was an Tax homework chat amazing article and I recommend it to anyone looking to give their essay an elegant twist. October 15, 2015 at 3:41 pm, Ayushi said: Thanks!! Really a very useful list! October 18, 2015 at 3:29 pm, Missy said: Really helpful ……………. Speech Council! Thank you guys. October 19, 2015 at a good for an essay vocabulary 10:49 am, steven O'Donnell said: I would have also included #8220;in fact#8221; October 19, 2015 at funny speech 9:42 pm, Tom Howell said: *Gasp* As someone who has studied and writers struggling takes a modicum of funny student, interest in Account writing xat, the English language, and having spent a lifetime writing scientific essays, all I can say is this list of cliches will not aid you in Write speech, your academic pursuits. Tax Homework Help Chat! This is funny speech student a categorical list of English don#8217;ts that will undoubtedly be highlight with a sigh, and a comment something along the Account writing essay lines of #8220;Please, no more#8221; paraphrased of course.

Some of these are inescapable and are useful tools, but please use in student, moderation. If you truly wish to improve your writing, consider the essay xat use of language in funny, literature you may study as part of your academic endeavours be it english or technical based. What makes a writing style worthy of note, and what makes it tedious and monotonous? The use of help live, structure, engaging writing styles, and even metaphors can be true keys to essay success. December 07, 2015 at Write funny speech student 8:24 am, Jeff B. said: Tom, I must agree. In my English class such cliches as listed here would be highlighted and chat returned to the student with an admonition to #8220;please use your own words,#8221; or something to that effect. As I like to joke, #8220;Cliches should be avoided like the plague.#8221; October 20, 2015 at 8:22 pm, yoursif said: October 22, 2015 at speech 5:00 pm, nur amira said: thanks it was indeed helpful. November 02, 2015 at 1:11 pm, sania said: really..its very helpful. im unanimous in asserting that how this has engendered an advantageous my result. Account Xat! November 12, 2015 at 10:59 am, Alex said: This is so great#8230; thanks for the A grade. November 16, 2015 at 1:22 pm, Chala said: Thanks a lot for council, this helpful article.

One question though: The example given for phrase 12 #8220;Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.” has a comma included after #8220;X#8221;, but isn#8217;t a serial comma incorrect in a series of website, two items? November 21, 2015 at 9:05 pm, Yo said: November 26, 2015 at 5:29 pm, courage said: thanks very much.very useful we look forward for Write speech, other posts. Make! November 29, 2015 at 1:13 am, Joey said: I don#8217;t really feel comfortable using firstly, secondly, thirdly to Write speech student council introduce new points#8230; does anyone else feel the same? December 07, 2015 at Make website 7:58 am, Jeff B. Write Speech Student Council! said: While some of the management assignment pdf hnd suggestions in this article are valuable, I am going to funny speech council have to agree with Tom Howell about the Project assignment use of cliches. Council! Many of the phrases suggested (e.g. #8220;To put it another way#8221; and #8220;Another key thing to remember#8221;) are cliches, and writers writers should be avoided in original writing. Write Funny Speech Student Council! Another note: this article recommends the use of #8220;In conclusion#8221; to introduce the conclusion.

My suggestion is to avoid it, and I am not the only one who feels this way. To quote the Writing Center at Harvard University: summary,#8217; and #8216;to sum up.#8217; These phrases can be. usefuleven welcomein oral presentations. But. readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the. pages, when an essay is Tax homework live about to end. You#8217;ll irritate. your audience if you belabor the funny obvious.#8221; If your readers cannot figure out that from reading your text that you are presenting your conclusion, then your conclusion has more problems than simply the introduction to it. December 07, 2015 at 8:03 am, Jeff B. said: Note: In my comment above, I should have specified #8220;for college-level writing#8230; and above.#8221; Further, I will say that sometimes, indeed, #8220;In conclusion#8221; can be a useful phrase, but in Account xat, many if not most cases it should be avoided. December 07, 2015 at 10:43 am, Jeff B. said: * Assuming, of funny council, course, that my #8220;comment above#8221; is actually posted after it undergoes #8220;moderation.#8221; Otherwise my note makes no sense#8230; December 07, 2015 at 8:25 pm, pavla said: put (or set) the record straight. Account Essay Xat! December 09, 2015 at 12:42 pm, Ahsan said:

Really great info. I will use these words in content of my site in Write speech student council, order to get best rankings. Tax Homework Help Live! December 09, 2015 at 8:48 pm, khalid Benameur said: really these are benificial words to use and Iam going to use them. December 10, 2015 at Write funny student council 1:51 pm, cp8 said: This is easily the Tax homework help live chat go-to site when I write essays. Thank you! August 05, 2017 at Write funny speech 10:48 pm, abdo raheem said: January 04, 2016 at 2:41 pm, panthe veroski said: Thank you, it#8217;s so useful! January 19, 2016 at 8:33 pm, BOB said: really good, I loved it! Would really help in essay xat, my test. January 19, 2016 at student 8:34 pm, daddyshrekked said: Fantastic, wouldn#8217;t do that well without it. January 28, 2016 at Simple thesis statement 12:52 pm, yahya said: it is very helpful idea because i have exam thxn.

January 31, 2016 at Write funny council 3:24 am, Alex Joseph said: THANK YOU so much!! January 31, 2016 at 4:08 am, Jass said: Yes, it really works in my essay writing. Statement! Thanks, and speech student the best thing is Simple thesis zoos I am finding some more useful vocab words from other#8217;s replies.:) November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: Oke i kno now veri muchh. February 04, 2016 at 3:54 pm, James said: Wow, this is really something valuable to funny council me! I will have to jolt down all this and use them in my academic writing tmr. February 05, 2016 at 6:26 am, hanna said: AMAZING. Writing! VERY USEFUL. THANK YOU SO MUCH. February 10, 2016 at 9:37 am, Shruthi said: Not useful#8230;I want idioms and phrases please.

February 12, 2016 at 9:45 am, ORA Admin said: Thank you for your comment. It is funny speech worth bearing in mind that examiners often consider idioms risky, as when over-used (or mis-used) they can place a candidate at live chat a disadvantage. You are absolutely correct, however, that learning idioms is Write funny vital to Writing a good conclusion for an essay vocabulary acquiring fluency in any language you might enjoy our article on some of the more bizarre idioms in the English language! Best of luck in your studies, February 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm, reyan said: Thanks it came in handy. February 20, 2016 at 5:20 pm, Unknown said: I think this might help me to Write funny speech student council improve my essays. A Good Conclusion Essay! Thanks to funny speech whoever gave such great words#128522; February 28, 2016 at 6:04 pm, Divya said: In all probability I find this this things very helpful which would surely enhance my essay. February 29, 2016 at Writing a good conclusion 1:28 am, Tanya Roy said: this phases helped me in 10th board icsc examination#8230;.. thanks a lot #128512; February 29, 2016 at 2:39 am, shubham said: I think this might help me to improve my essays.

Thanks to whoever gave such great words#128522; March 03, 2016 at 7:30 pm, Abhishek Mandge said: Its really useful for student council, me. March 07, 2016 at struggling writers 11:33 am, ashrin said: March 14, 2016 at funny student council 2:03 pm, Lekesh said: Thanks a lot#8230;.Helped me very much !! Really thanks for making this!! April 13, 2016 at 3:20 pm, Jiya Goyal said: thanks a lot#8230;,helped me very much!! April 21, 2016 at 3:30 am, Juanaye goodall said: This words are really going to live help me in my graded essay tomorrow. April 23, 2016 at 1:29 pm, lyricist chaani said: it was really very usefull for me . Write Funny! so i am alluding to other students to writers struggling writers use above lines.

April 29, 2016 at 1:12 pm, Vape Naysh V/ said: tanks m8 ( ?° ?? ?°) May 01, 2016 at 12:07 pm, Asuna Yuuki said: Very useful for Write funny speech student, essay writing. Statement Zoos! Thanks a lot. May 04, 2016 at 3:58 am, SJAll said: Quentin Crisp, upon Write funny, being asked to give advice to aspiring writers replied: #8220;Never read. This is very important. Assignments Struggling! if you read books in order to speech student council improve your writing style, you will find yourself trying to write literature, instead of saying what you really mean. It#8217;s very important not to get caught up trying to write better American prose. Zoos! Don#8217;t do any such thing. Just try to speech student council think, Am I saying what I mean? Have I pared away, have I taken away all the words except the ones that say what I mean.

And then your writing will be fine. You have the most wonderful writers in Account, America, really great stylists, people like Damon Runyon, and there#8217;s no floweriness, no literary effect, in the work of Damon Runyon, he is as neat as he can possibly be. One of his stories begins #8216;Some parties who do not wish him well have put Maury in Write speech council, some quicklime.#8217; March 23, 2017 at 5:39 pm, Dr. Jim Loving said: Excellent advice. Simple Statement! Many writing students would do well to student council read Zinsser#8217;s book #8220;On Writing Well.#8221; He emphasizes clarity in conclusion essay vocabulary, writing, and no one does it better. May 04, 2016 at speech council 1:43 pm, angielski said: Very useful to have it in one place. A Good Conclusion! Thanks ! May 10, 2016 at 7:57 pm, Cheese said: Hello Oxford Royale community, Thank you for this extremely helpful guide on improving flow using phrases. This has helped me improve, overall, as I have now taken these tips to my heart. Thanks an awful lot, May 11, 2016 at 9:17 pm, Khirod Maharana said: I greatly appreciate thankful#8230; May 12, 2016 at 12:11 am, Inderpreet said: thnk u for the amazing words#8230; May 26, 2016 at 11:11 pm, Georgia Kathleen said: This is really helpful, I#8217;ve been looking to expand and vary the words I use during English exams.

Thanks! May 29, 2016 at 5:17 am, Noosh said: i was going to use conventionally but i have already used it so i had to speech student council use significantly #128512; June 02, 2016 at Make my homework 2:24 am, jo sladky said: this is so helpful, thanks. June 02, 2016 at 11:50 am, irisha said: truly very helpful#8230;thanksss loadsss. June 02, 2016 at 2:37 pm, Kannan.P said: Could you please add more pharse. Thanks. June 04, 2016 at 2:04 pm, Wish said: This was very much useful to me. I pay my regards hundreds and thousands of times. This has actually a vast collection of Write student, effective words and phrases to be used in an essay. Once again thank you. #128214; June 13, 2016 at help 6:54 pm, Alan said: June 18, 2016 at 4:48 pm, Sohaib said: It#8217;s really awesome. As well as helpful thanks a lot.

June 22, 2016 at 1:49 pm, Tuan said: Thank you so so muchh. June 25, 2016 at 2:00 pm, Ranthimo said: It is my first encounter with these eye opening phrases. Honestly speaking, they are indeed helpful aids that will unfailingly help me speak English fluently. It is funny council a well packaged informative tool that will help nonnative English speakers to have good command of English language.Thank you very much for your good effort. June 27, 2016 at conclusion for an essay 7:18 am, Vivian said: Thank you so much for the useful words to use in Write speech student council, essay. This help me a lot. June 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm, Chris Speck said: Great stuff, thanks. July 01, 2016 at 2:16 pm, Pius Ndeti said: In light of the new learning, I am not only inspired, but also enthralled.

July 12, 2016 at 10:06 am, Fernando said: July 19, 2016 at 8:01 pm, ashok kumar said: very useful guidelines. thank you so much. Thesis! August 10, 2016 at 8:41 am, Widya said: very useful, thanks a lot. August 16, 2016 at 1:12 pm, Prabanya said: They were very simple.. But, good.. They helped me..

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These cliche phrase will NOT help you write a top-notch essay. Account Essay! Do NOT use these. October 26, 2016 at student council 11:52 pm, KittyKat300 said: Awesome tips I got a great grade! October 30, 2016 at 1:28 am, lolo said: November 01, 2016 at 1:15 am, sylvia said: this are very helpful, thanks bro : ) November 01, 2016 at 2:41 pm, Julia Jeka said: Great!! They are all really helpful. November 05, 2016 at thesis zoos 6:13 pm, Ro Mon Lian said: Thank you a lot, It is massively helpful for Write student, a beginner. How can we learn more? Is there any book to purchase? November 08, 2016 at 11:51 am, Leah okoth said: Thank you so much. You have made it sink into my head.

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Pfizer – Marketing Case Study Essay Sample. The objective of this portfolio is to analyze whether Pfizer Inc. is a market leader of producing ethical products in the pharmaceutical industry in Hong Kong. To achieve this objective, Pfizer needs to enlarge and rectify their marketing communications, (such as, adjust their promotional tools, differentiate their products…etc). Pfizer Inc. is established since 1849 by Write speech Charles Pfizer and Charles Earhart and website up till now, it has 150 countries using their pharmaceutical products. The headquarters is located in New York, NY(USA) and the research development location in England, Japan, France and Write funny USA respectively. 120,000 employees in world-wide. Stock exchange listings at the New York Stock Exchange (PFE), London (PFZ) Euronext and Project management Swiss. In 2002, the revenues is up to USD$32.4 billions. Pfizer operations are established in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, England, Mexico, Panama, and Puerto Rico.

The variety of their pharmaceutical products is large which covers cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system diseases, genito-urinary system diseases, upper and lower respiratory system diseases…….etc. Hank McKinnell, Ph.D., Pfizer’s Chairman of the Write funny student council, Board and Chief Executive Officer leading a pharmaceutical company with $32.4 Billion revenues in 2002 and the Resources Development budget in 2003 is $7.1 Billion. Pfizer Inc. started from a fine chemical company since 1849, then up till now with 120,000 employees in worldwide. Merger and acquisition allowed for rapid growth and international expansion as more than 150 countries use their product brought into Hank’s vision. Pfizer Inc., discovers, develops, manufacturers, and markets leading prescription medicine for humans and animals and many of the world’s best-known consumer brands. Our innovative, value-added products improve the quality of Simple life of people around the world and help them enjoy longer, healthier, and more productive lives. The company has three business segments: health care, animal health and consumer health care. According to the figure from the student council, Finanical Times (April 6th, 2000), the 3-top worldwide pharmaceutical companies in sales is from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Pfizer and Merck (MSD) respectively. However, in 2001, the writers struggling writers, top number one in sales is Pfizer and they maintain this top level for the next 2 years up till now.

The main reason for their tremendous growth is that their key pharmaceutical products are able to improve the quality of life of people. Those products are Aricept (donepezil hydrochloride) tablets, Celebux (celecoxib), Diflucan (fluconazole), Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) tablets, Neurontin (gabapentin), Norvasc (amlodipine besylate), Viagra (sildenafil citrate) tablet, Zithromax (azithromycin), Zoloft (sertraline HCI) and Zyrtec (certirizone HCI). Research Development is a key factor that a pharmaceutical company must have. Pfizer inc. spent USD7.1 billions in 2003 and this is the only pharmaceutical company that can spend this huge amount for R D. Mission: Pfizer Inc wants to Write council become the world’s most valued company to for an essay vocabulary patients, customers, colleagues, investors, business partners, and the communities where we work and live. Their aggressive attitude would lead them to Write funny speech student fulfill the task. Purpose: Pfizer dedicates ourselves to humanity’s quest for longer, healther, happier lives through innovation in pharmaceutical, consumer, and live animal health products. Current Situation of Pfizer Inc. After the acquisition of Pharmacia, Pfizer Inc. is now the number one in terms of corporate size and sales in the pharmaceutical industry.

The expansion of Pfizer, whose strong performance and wellspring of skills promise greater benefits to millions and millions of Write council people and their animals. The expanded Pfizer is ready to master the challenges ahead, challenges that range from unlocking the Human Genome to bring lifesaving medicines to areas that have yet to see a paved road. Pfizer Inc. now has world-class capabilities in virtually every therapeutic category, providing everything from basic care for people and their animals….. to the most serious and complex treatments for life-threatening conditions. Joining with Pharmacia moves Pfizer Inc. closer to that goal. Pfizer Inc. is now the undisputed leader in Account essay xat, human pharmaceuticals, first in speech student, every major world market.

Pfizer Inc. also has, by far, the world’s largest privately funded biomedical research group, visible around the world and investing more than USD$100 millions every week discovering and thesis statement developing high-value medicines. Pfizer Inc. is recognized as the world’s most charitable company, donating more than USD$2 millions in money and medicine every working day to help people in Write funny speech student council, need. Much of their effort is devoted to providing people in need more access to the medicines they need. The Pfizer brand now represents the conclusion for an essay vocabulary, efforts of more than 120,000 men and women responsible for many of the most important advances in human and animal health. Write Speech Student Council. They are now the live chat, undisputed leader in their industry. Their future, as one company, with a single purpose and mission, is sharply defined. Pfizer Inc. Write Student. wants to be the company that does more good, for more people, than any other on the planet. To achieve our Purpose and Mission, we affirm our values of Intergrity, Leadership, Innovation, Performance, Teamwork, Customer Focus, Respect for People and Community. We demand of chat ourselves and others the highest ethical standards, and our products and processes will be of highest quality. Innovation is the Write funny speech student council, key to improving health and sustaining Pfizer’s growth and profitability. We recognize that people are the cornerstone of Pfizer’s success, we value our diversity as a source of Simple thesis statement strength, and we are proud of Pfizer’s history of Write funny speech council treating people with respect and writing essay xat dignity.

We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of Write student our customers, and we constantly focus on struggling customer satisfaction. We know that to be a successful company, we must work together by frequently transcending organizational and geographical boundaries to meet the changing needs of our customers. We believe that leaders empower those around them by sharing knowledge and rewarding outstanding individual effort. Leaders are those who step forward to achieve difficult goals, envisioning what needs to happen and student council motivating others. We strive for continuous improvement in our performance, measuring results carefully, and ensuring that integrity and respect for people are never compromised. We play an active role in making every country and community in which we operate a better place to live and work, knowing that the ongoing vitality of our host nations and local communities has a direct impact on Make my homework the long-term health of our business. The rights of the funny student, Company: -To recruit the best professional people for the job.

-To expect an Simple thesis statement excellence level of contribution, performance and commitment. -To expect respect for it values. -To dismiss sales people when every cycle target did not meet. -To promise greater benefits to Write funny speech council millions upon millions of people and their animals. The Responsibilities of the Company. -To do the Account essay xat, best to speech student provide enough support for their employees. -To train medical representatives for every new products to ensure the product knowledge is excellence. -To educate employees about the company’s business. -To provide adequate supportings such as leaflets, gimmicks….etc.

-To listen, care and support. -To be honest to medical representatives about what price term they are offering to the doctors. -To carefully review every feed back from the medical representatives that the Writing for an, doctors advised. Focus on Performance. Pfizer is now implementing a strategy to drive performance within the global business, building on Write funny student council the business model and management ethic that they applied in USA. The most important priority is to improve sales performance across the business through the launch of statement new pharmaceutical products, keep on reminding doctors to Write speech council continuously using existing products and try to increase consumption and enlarge the a good for an essay vocabulary, OTC market. Pfizer is a strong and funny speech council reliable brand, with a strong competitive position and differentiated products into writers, different types of diseases, especially in cardiovascular and hematopoietic system diseases, which appeal to a wide customer base.

However, Pfizer needs to communicate with their clients more effectively in order to capitalize on their opportunities. Their current objective focuses heavily increasing profitability and sales volume of the new products of Write speech student council LIPITOR, NORVASC, CELEBREX and Project pdf hnd NEURONTIN. They are seeking increased efficiency through improving much better relationship with cardiovascular professors and funny speech student council specialists, the sales network in HA and reorganization of the structure of the Make, company. Marketing Communication Planning Framework (MCPF) The MCPF brings together the various elements into a logical sequence of activities where the rationale for promotional decisions is built upon information generated at a previous level in the framework.

Another advantage of using the Write funny student council, MCPF is that it provides a suitable checklist of activities that need to be considered. The MCPF represents a sequence of management decisions that marketing managers undertake when preparing, implementing and evaluating communication strategies and Write funny student council plans. Writing A Good. It does not mean that this sequence reflects reality; indeed many marketing decisions are made outside any recognizable framework. Marketing communications require the satisfaction of promotional objectives through the explicit and student council deliberate development of communication strategy. The MCPF will be used to thesis zoos show first the key elements, second some of the linkages and third the integrated approach that is required. Pfizer divides operations into two segments: pharmaceutical and Write speech student consumer products.

Most recent full fiscal year sales were $32.259 billions, with 91% from Writing a good human and Write speech student council animal health products and writers 9% from confectionary, shaving products, and Write funny pond and Simple thesis statement aquarium products: Animal health care4.5% Consumer healthcare 7.5% Shaving Products 2.0% Tetra Pond and Aquarium 0.8% Total Consumer Products16.5% With the acquisition of rival pharmaceutical firm Warner-Lambert in June 2000, driven by Pfizer’s desire to gain control of full profits from sales of Lipitor, Pfizer became the world’s largest ethical pharmaceutical (prescription drug) company based on sales.

Pfizer’s impressive product portfolio, which includes five of the Write, ten most prescribed medicines in the U.S. in 2001, is also fairly well protected from generic competition over the next 5 years. Simple Thesis. The company has a presence in nine drug segments: *Cardiovascular–includes Lipitor, the world’s largest selling cholesterol lowering agent (sales of $6.4 billion in 2001); and student anti-hypertensives such as Norvasc (sales of Account essay xat $3.6 billion) Cardura ($552 million), and Accupril ($605 million) *Infectious Diseases Comprises Zithromax broad-spectrum quinilone antibiotic ($1.5 billion); anti-fungals Diflucan ($1.1 billion) and Vfend; and protease inhibitor Viracept for the treatment of HIV/AIDS ($364 million) *Central Nervous System Zoloft anti-depressant ($2.4 billion); Neurotonin anti-convulsant ($1.8 billion); Aricept, the world’s leading medicine for Alzheimers which is Write funny council, copromoted with Eisai Co. Ltd; Geodon, a new treatment for schizophrenia ($150 million) *Arthritis Celebrex and Bextra, copromoted with Pharmacia. *Urogenital Viagra ($1.5 billion) *Allergy Zyrtec, the most widely-used second generation antihistamine worldwide ($990 million) *Diabetes Glucotrol XL and Exubera. *Respiratory Diseases Spiriva, a one-day inhaled treatment for congestive obstructive pulmonary disorder, currently in an advanced stage of regulatory review in Europe. Metabolic Disorders Lasfoxifene for osteoporosis, currently in Phase 2 studies in the U.S. Pfizer has built the world’s largest biomedical research and development organization to support its commitment to innovation, the major driver of the company’s remarkable growth. The industry leader in RD investment, Pfizer boosted its investment in research to $4.87 billions in 2001, a 347% increase over the past 10 years with plans to increase research investment to over $5 billion in 2002. Website. The Warner-Lambert acquisition allowed Pfizer to build on its significant advantage in research both by adding thousands of researchers and by providing expertise in several new areas: Pfizer’s library of compounds effectively doubled, substantially increasing the funny speech student, likelihood of drug discovery. At the beginning of 2002, the company had 94 new compounds in development together with 68 projects devoted to expanding the uses of current drugs for 162 ongoing projects.

Pfizer’s strong research focus positions the company to successfully respond to patent expiration and challenges from generics by extending the life of existing products via formula or compounding modifications or conversion to over the counter (OTC) products. Pfizer’s focus on essay RD is matched by an equally strong emphasis on marketing. The company promotes its human pharmaceutical products to health care providers including doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs), and managed care organizations (MCOs.) Pfizer also promotes its products directly to consumers in the U.S. via direct-to-consumer (DTC) print and television advertising. Pfizer has responded to the Food and Drug Administration’s 1997 decision to loosen restrictions on DTC advertising of funny speech prescription drugs by website increasing DTC promotional spending each year. The corporate goal is to become the most valued company in the world. Funny Student Council. Pfizer’s commitment to discovering and developing innovative treatments and cures for diseases has improved the lives of countless people around the world. Pfizer’s delication to Tax homework help chat continually enhancing its pipeline ensures that it will set the standard in new and current therapeutic areas for the future. It is a push strategy. Funny Student Council. Pfizer’s strong marketing and sales operations have enabled the company to become the “partner of choice” for the marketing innovative products developed by others. Live. Pfizer has been extremely skilled in Write funny, creating alliances with other pharmaceutical companies via co-promotion agreements.

Through co-promotion and licensing agreements, Pfizer promotes and markets such highly promising products as Celebrex, Bextra, Aricept, and so on with alliance partners. Pfizer provides cash, staff, and other resources to further develop, market promote, and a good conclusion essay vocabulary sell the products in exchange for funny speech, a share of revenues. Sound clinical research is the cornerstone of Pfizer marketing and conclusion essay vocabulary lays the speech, foundation for communicating scientific data to healthcare professionals and writing essay xat consumers. Write Funny Speech. Marketing and medical personnel work closely throughout the entire life cycle of a product to provide appropriate information to the customers. This partnership ensures that all medical information from Pfizer is credible, relevant and useful to the healthcare professionals who use its products to care for their patients. Nowadays, in the pharmaceutical industry, it has 4 main target market groups and Pfizer is focusing on these areas. They are listed in details as follows:- i)Public Hospital under HA (Hospital Authority)’s supervision. For example, Prince of Wale Hospital, Ruttonjee Hospital, Queen Mary Hospital….etc.

ii)Private Hospital such as St. Tersea Hospital, Evangel Hospital, Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital, Union Hospital…etc. iii)All General Practitioners (private doctors) and Specialists (such as Paediatrics, O G, Surgery….etc) iv)OTC market, such as dispensary, Watson, Manning…etc. Pfizer concluded that “frequently transcending organizational and geographical boundaries to meet the changing needs of our customers” was important to their target audience, and would therefore, be a relevant and effective point of differentiation versus their competitors. Pfizer’s Research Development department keeps on focusing on Writing a good essay vocabulary developing the medicines for coronary diseases, like the successful case of LIPITOR and NORVASC developed that is sharing at least 50% of the Pfizer’s total business per annum. Write Speech Council. The strategic of enlarging their selling network through different media such as magazine and Project public relations activities that identity themselves as a top-class pharmaceutical company in funny speech council, coronary diseases in world-wide other than the other competitors like AstraZeneca and Novartis. Because medicine development for coronary diseases is still the priority in the pharmaceutical market now.

Marketing Plans – Marketing Mix (4Ps – Product, Price, People and Project assignment pdf hnd Place) For pricing strategy, as Pfizer Inc is selling ethical products. Once a new pharmaceutical product is developed, Pfizer will buy patent for various contents, such as, ingredient, packing, trade name, dosage….etc so the other pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to produce and speech student sell within the thesis, patent period. Usually, the patent is at least for 5 years or even longer. In other words, Pfizer is okay to sell any price as they want because doctors can not find substitution if they really need that product.

According to economic theory, Pfizer is in a monopolistic market. Following is a table showing the pricing strategy of one of the student council, Pfizer’s key product (ZITHROMAX) for different target market groups. ProductPublic HospitalPrivate HospitalGeneral PraditionersOTC. Zithromax HK$5.00 HK$8.00 HK$9.00 – HK$13.00 HK$15.00. (250mg per capsule) The above price unit is based on Hong Kong Dollar . This price is just for reference as it will increase or decrease depends on market conditions. As above shown, the price range of a key product from Pfizer is quite large.

The percentage in between the struggling writers, lowest and the highest price can be 200%. Write Funny. As Public Hospital requires more consumption, the selling price would be lower while OTC market can sell high retail price so the price Pfizer sells to them should be higher. However, for General Practitioners, the price is flexible and the range is large. It all depends on the relationship between the Account essay, medical representatives and the doctors and the monthly consumption. Furthermore, for public hospitals, the Write council, price should sell higher as public hospital’s fee is expensive than public hospitals. For every product Pfizer sells to people, it has fixed term. That is, buy 2 box of medicine with 1 box bonus, bonus would be more if purchase more. It is Tax homework, not allowed to sell in net price. Different market groups will have different price term as the funny speech student, above table clearly indicated. For example, anti-inflammatory medicine, COX 2 class, the price of one capsule Pfizer sells to doctors is approximately HK$5.50 while the price at OTC market is more than HK$10.

That’s why the 2002 revenue in Hong Kong is more than 1 billion and keeps on having health growth for 2003. Every year, Pfizer spends a lot of money on Resources Development (2003 R D budget USD$7.1 billions), usually it has 2-3 new products developed. The variety of their pharmaceutical products is very large which covers cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system diseases, genito-urinary system diseases, upper and lower respiratory system diseases, neuropathic pain diseases, histamine diseases….etc. We are now listing the key product of each diseases group as followings:- For cornary diseases. LIPITOR, Generic: Atorvastatin Ca. Indication: Adjunct to diet to reduce elevated total – C, LDC-C, apo B and TG levels and to essay increase HDL-C in funny student council, patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous familial non-familial) and mixed dyslipidaemia (Fredrickson Types IIa IIb). Reduces total-C LDL-C in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia as an adjinct to Project assignment other lipid-lower treatments or if patients are unavailable.

Treatment of such patients with elevated TG levels (Fedrickson Type IV) and patients with dysbetalipoproteinaemia (Fedrickson Type III) who do not respond adequately to funny speech student council diet. NORVASC, Generic: Amlodipine besylate. Simple Statement Zoos. Indication: 1st line treatment of hypertension. 1st line treatment of myocardial ischemia, whether due to fixed obstruction (stable angina) /or vasospasm / vasoconstriction (Printzmetal’s or varlant angina) of coronary vasculature. For central nervous system diseases. CELEBREX, Generic: Celecoxib. Indication: Relief of funny council signs symptoms of osteoarthritis RA in adults. For genito-urinary system diseases. VIAGRA, Generic: Sidenafil Citrate. Indication: Erection difficulties, such as erectile dysfunction (ED).

For upper and lower respiratory diseases. ZITHROMAX, Generic: Azithromycin Dihydrate. Indication: Upper Lower resp tract infection, skin soft tissue infection otitis media. Uncomplicated STD caused by Chlamydia trachomatis or susceptible Neisseria gonorrhoea Mycobacterium avium-intacellulare complex (MAC) prophylaxis. For neuropathic diseases. NEURONTIN, Generic: Gabapentin. Indication: Adjunctive treatment of partial seizures with without secondary generalization in adults children. For histamine diseases. ZYRTEC, Generic: Cetirizine HCI.

Indication: perennial or seasonal allergic rhinitis, acute chronic urticaria other allergic dermatological disorder, allergic conjunctivitis. The product packaging is all in blister pack that is convenient for any patients to take. Product form is in capsule, tablet, supension, zyrup….etc for different patients. For example, for children in between 2 – 4 years, doctors would prefer to give zyrup or supension rather than capsule or tablet. For all capsules and tablets, they should have the name “Pfizer” and the dosage (= mini-gram) indicated and also the generic name and statement trade name of that product are clearly printed at the back side of the blister. Also, clear instruction / indication paper is to be inserted inside every medicine box. Funny Speech Student Council. Supension and zyrup are with instruction / indication label to be printed on the outside of the bottle. Pfizer Inc’s Hong Kong office is called Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited and the location is at Project management assignment pdf hnd, Stanhope House, North Point. It is funny speech student, located in the commercial area that other top pharmaceutical companies like Aventis, Merck Sharp Dohme, Astra Zeneca…etc are all located. The Hong Kong office is Pfizer Inc’s own office. For every countries in world-wide market, Pfizer should have their office there and will not adopt agent or distribution for selling their products.

Pfizer will not keep stocks at their end. They assigned a distributor called Zuelling in Hong Kong to keep stocks and distribute products to Doctors, Hospitals and OTC market. Commission is 5% per each order. The network of Zuelling is large in Hong Kong, other than Pfizer, they have other clients, such as, Aventis, AstraZeneca, GSK….etc using their services. Zuelling also acts as a collector for Pfizer to get payments from target market groups every month. Usually, the Assignments struggling writers, payment term is 30 days after the Write student council, delivery of the products.

Once the medical representatives received the sales orders from clients, it takes a maximum of 2 days for delivery no matter at country side or downtown. The logistic from Pfizer is quite simply as all products are centralized to pdf hnd be manufactured in the U.S.A. and import to Hong Kong and store at Zuelling’s warehouse for delivery. For OTC market, such as, registered dispensary, every districts in Hong Kong should have registered dispensary so people is easily to purchase its products. Or, visit Mannings or Watsons with dispensary for purchasing. Both Watsons and Mannings have more than each 100 shops in Hong Kong. Pfizer has already assigned Zuelling as their appointed agent to funny speech student council sell their products to the OTC markets. For General Practitioners and Specialists, according to the statistical figure from writers struggling 2002 (source from the website: http://www/, Hong Kong has more than 10,000 GP and 3,000 specialists so the distribution channel is Write speech council, rather extensive. They should have stock for regular medicine or, if no stock for some products, doctors would give “paper” for patient to purchase from the Account essay xat, OTC market, such as, at the Watsons shop and registered dispensary Of course, in council, public and private hospitals, all medicine should be fully stock and is directly purchased from Pfizer not through agent.

For OTC market, Pfizer advertises on newspapers, magazines and uses outside media (such as advertising at the gateway of MTR inside), especially for key pharmaceutical products. Pfizer also have advertisements at newspapers and popular magazines. Like the cardiovascular medicine “LIPITOR”, people usually see their advertisement when reading newspapers and popular magazines. As cardiovascular diseases is a long-term diseases, people usually purchases outside after visited GP or Specialists several times in order to reduce the costs of medicine. For doctors, Pfizer spends a lot money for advertisments, such as small catalogs, relevant posters, printed 3D diagram regarding the specified product because doctor is their main customer. Once the patient sees those things inside the clinic, they would have more knowledge about the live chat, product and Write speech council build in the confidence of assignment using the product. The image of Pfizer is good for cardiovascular and antibiotics products as their strength is in developing medicine of funny student council these two classes in the coming year, Pfizer’s R D is focusing in this development in order to Make my homework build up loyalty and confidence between people and the company. Pfizer keeps on having sales promotion since each year is having 2-3 new products developing. Council. The sales promotion focuses to Hospitals and General Practitoners. Before the conclusion for an essay, new product is going to be launched, Pfizer should announce several relevant details to these people first and advice them necessary supporting. Once launched, clinical study paper and samples should be passed to speech council the doctors when medical representatives visiting them.

For antibiotics, they are classified into 4 groups which is Penicillins, Quinolones, Macrolides and Cephalosporins. Every people should have resistance for that medicine if usually taking the same antibiotics, that’s why Pfizer keeps on developing new antibiotics from time to time. So, sales promotion is very important for Pfizer to launch their new product. Just give an example, Klacid and Zithromax are antibiotics under the same group of Macrolides but Klacid is manufactured by Abbott Laboratories Limited while Zithromax is from Assignments writers struggling writers Pfizer Corporation. Klacid has been launched earlier than Pfizer but due to the aggressive spirit of sales promotion (selling point: shorter treatment course than Klacid which takes 3 days maximum and can specific to use one gram (= 4 capsules) for Write funny speech student, non-gonorrhoea diseases) from Pfizer’s medical representatives, the market share of Zithromax in Tax homework help live, Hong Kong is Write speech student, increasing now. Pfizer has employed more than 100 medical representatives in essay xat, the Hong Kong office and divided into several groups for different products and target clients.

Sampling is council, a must for doctors to considerate whether to stock the product or not. No matter selling Hospitals or General Practitioners, it should provide samples to doctors for trying. Writers Struggling. For public hospitals under Hospital Authority’s supervision, medical representatives need to do pre-call and post-call to gradually approach the doctors for selling the products. For General Practitioners and Specialists, face to face conversation to analyze the Write funny speech student, products is the regular process for selling. Of course, both clients are needed to Make my homework provide leaflets, gimmick, D/A……etc when make necessary selling. Pfizer’s medical representatives have been fully trained about the funny student, pharmaceutical products and the background of the company. Product training has been provided to each medical representative to a good conclusion essay vocabulary ensure that their knowledge is accurate. This is to Write funny speech council enable them to better provide clients on the doubts that they have.

Overall, it can be said that Pfizer’s medical representatives are qualified, experienced, dedicated and motivated to Account writing xat help the clients. Marketing Public Relations. Publicity communicates a story the public wants to know. Stories are everywhere, in every organization. Write Funny Student. These stories are waiting to be told and made available to the media. Effective publicity can build brand identity and Assignments brand loyalty. Write Funny Student Council. A good public image established through positive publicity, equals greater profitability.

How and what your company conveys will inevitably contribute to your organization’s success, as well as to thesis zoos its reputation. For every quarter of a year, Pfizer will arrange booth at the Hong Kong Exhibition Center for speech, a year. It should across week end in order to let more family to visit the booth thus deliver health care message about popular diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia….etc. Essay Xat. It also advises necessary prevention and let more people to know Pfizer’s new products. Sometimes, Pfizer will invite Specialists to join the student, booth to present talk-show to people regarding the benefits of using Pfizer’s products. For public vehicles, motor-bus is the transportation tools that most people chooses other than MTR. Due to rapidly modernization, all air-conditioned motor-bus is Tax homework help, with mini television installed. “Road Show’ channel is popular now. However, Pfizer did not hard-sell their products through “Road Show” channel.

They designed a film show that a patient visits a Cardiovascular Specialist consulting about cholesterolaemia and the Specialist detailly analyses the whole process of checking the diseases and advise prevention and necessary treatment. The sponsor of the film is Pfizer Corporation and the web-site of Pfizer will be disclosed at the end of the film show. So, people will contact them accordingly once they have further queries. The above promotional tools shows more direct contact in between people and pharmaceutical company that is more convenient to get brief information / knowledge rather than through doctors. Personal selling (Face to Face meeting) 1.Personal meeting is easily for medical representatives to introduce the new products to the doctors in council, details. Especially for the products for some special treatment, it needs time (might be at least 4-5 meetings) to clearly explain to the doctors how to use the medicine and what benefit to the patients in compare to other competitors and relevant side-effect. My Homework Website. Face to. face conversation gives audience significant confidence for products selling. 2.Easily to build relationship for direct selling as medical representatives can directly get in touch with the end-user. Funny. For Pharmaceutical industry, convincing doctors to shift to my homework use your product if they are using another competitor is council, difficult than to sell them a new product.

So, once the product is sold and with good-relationships with the clients, the business will be in a cycle as repeat order keeps on running. 3.Can get more market information (or competitor’s info) from doctors. Project Pdf Hnd. Will help company to speech change strategic and tactics in the market. 1.High operational cost as it is costly to hire a medical representative. Basic salary just for a junior representative plus traveling allowance, it costs at writing xat, least HK$17,000.00 per month. With commission that the target per month is Write speech student, met, the expense should be over Assignments writers struggling writers, HK$20,000.00 per month. Write Funny Speech Student. In compare with other industries, salary in struggling writers, pharmaceutical industry is high. 2.Doctors only see medical representatives at Write funny student, most of the time so relationship is easily to be built in Writing a good conclusion essay, between these two parties. Company will highly rely on sales representatives to get orders. Sometimes, it is Write student council, quite difficult to control in case some representatives have harsh requirement thus affect the Tax homework help live chat, operation of the Write speech, company.

1.Pfizer always advertised on several hit magazines for their key products so more people knows their product and Account essay xat will consult physicians when necessary. Right now, people is easily to get updated info through different media and they would have brief knowledge about some new pharmaceutical products so advertisement at magazines is a good strategic to increase the selling network. 2.Long life as people might pass to their friends, relatives and families to re-read thus enlarge the selling network because more people will have further knowledge and understanding about Write funny council, Pfizer’s pharmaceutical products. 3.Cost is cheaper than advertising at Television but the feed back is also efficient in Assignments writers, compare with TV advertisement. The variety of speech student council magazines in Hong Kong is quite large, from younger magazines up to luxury magazines so people from different level might see the AD. 1.As the cost of advertising at assignment pdf hnd, magazines is Write, calculated based on words counting, it is not possible to fully advertise everything of that product on the AD so people might have queries or considerations to directly purchase the product. 2.It loses the opportunity to demonstrate the product fully and can not see the help live chat, actual product (such as size, packing….etc) and no sample to be provided to try. Funny Speech Student. As the product is medicine, people should be more careful before buying.

3.For some hit magazines like fashion and cosmetic, audience’s attention should focus on what the magazine attracts and might neglect such advertisements that selling medicine. People might have no interest on that kind of AD. Advertisement at MTR station inside. 1.More than 20% of Hong Kong people is taking MTR for Account writing essay, work so advertising inside MTR station will draw people’s attention for Pfizer’s product. As the design of the AD is quite interest and Write funny speech council presentable, people might remember after seen one time. 2.Cost is not so expensive in compare with other media like TV and magazines. Right now, in Hong Kong, it has trend for advertising inside MTR. 3.Not like TV advertisements, different time period will have different charges due to Assignments writers writers different level of audience rate.

However, it has fixed charges for advertising inside MTR no matter in the morning or evening, as long as the MTR is opened so the audience coverage would be bigger but, on the other hand, Pfizer would save some money on advertising. 1.Short life as MTR has fixed advertising period for every company that advertises inside MTR. Usually, it lasts for 1-2 weeks maximum. Write Funny Speech Student Council. So, it will not draw some people’s attention in case they miss the chance while Pfizer advertising. 2.In comparison with TV advertisements, advertises inside MTR does not have action, and not so exciting. TV can generate attention-grabbing scenes, establish a mood to complement a product images or fully demonstrate a product’s benefit. However, advertisement inside MTR can not do so. Booth and public talk. 1.Provide more confidence to the people about Pfizer’s products because they will invite relevant doctors and Assignments writers specialists for talk-show. Write Speech. People can see the writers struggling, actual product at the booth, more understanding about the dosage and speech student side-effect, make demonstration through video tape so people will have more understandings and knowledges about Simple thesis, that product.

Plus the professional advice, confidence will be built up. 2.For easy communication, during the speech council, booth, people will immediately raise up questions once they have queries and the doctors will reply them directly thus avoid misunderstandings through other media. 3.More attractive as booth is alive with action, more exciting and help chat entertaining than those in any other medium. 1.This kind of function is not so often. Only 1-2 times per year.

Also, it is not so convenient to invite doctors or specialists to join from time to time as they have their own work. Without doctor’s support, confidence would be less. 2.Cost is not cheap as it needs to book the Hong Kong Exhibition Center and Write funny student council Government does not have any sponsorship. 3.It involves a lot of manpower to arrange the booth, at least the teammate of that product including product manager and chat sales manager need to Write funny speech attend. In view of this, it reduce the power for Make my homework website, direct selling to private doctors and hospitals.

Conclusion and Recommendation. Basically, Pfizer is a very aggressive pharmaceutical company as you will see that they are the no.1 in sales starting from 2001 and maintain for 2 years up till now. Their strong Resources Development department focusing the need of the pharmaceutical industry and creating up to date products for today’s market. Every topest doctor is Write student, willing to use Pfizer’s product as it represents they are the a good essay vocabulary, leader in the pharmaceutical industry but on the other hand, the price is quite expensive. As Pfizer is so aggressive, the Write funny student, consumption no matter for a good conclusion for an vocabulary, hospitals and private doctors has already been over the target of the following years so it is Write student council, quite difficult to have further growth. If the company keeps on adding target to medical representatives, the outcome would become negative. So, Pfizer is better to slow down their strategic a little bit that to let the outside consumption to be digest first than to make further increment. Outside competitor like AstraZeneca is following Pfizer’s strategic to expand their business. AstraZeneca is Make my homework, very famous in Write student council, United Kingdom and chat going to increase the market share in Hong Kong so Pfizer needs to aware this competitor and make necessary arrangements. Fill, Chris, (2002) Marketing Communications: Context, Strategies and Applications, Third Edition, England: Prentice Hall.

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8 Applicant Tracking System Secrets You Need to council Know. What if I said you could triple your chances of getting a job interview with almost no effort. At Jobscan, we’ve found that job seekers who use applicant tracking system keywords within their resumes can triple their chances of getting an interview. This post includes what you need to know about ATS systems and writing a resume that#8217;s ready for ATS. If you have a specific job in mind, you can start by Tax homework help, trying our tool for free right here. Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: you’ve found the council perfect job, you’ve spent days injecting your resume with high-impact action verbs and evidence-backed accomplishments, and you’re confident about your chances. Ready to put your best foot forward, you loop back to the job posting in search of the recruiter’s email address, only to find a blue “apply now” button in its place. You take the bait—you’ve come this far, after all—and realize you’ve run full speed into job hunter purgatory: the applicant tracking system. The key to Writing conclusion understanding applicant tracking systems rests in Write student council, understanding the xat hiring process itself. This is funny speech council, actually a pretty common scenario: For most of us, the applicant tracking system doesn’t cross our mind until it’s staring us right in the face. But here’s the scary part: In the scenario above, what you do next has the chance to make or break your chances of getting a job interview.

That’s right: career progression, chances of Simple statement zoos, landing your dream job, that potentially huge salary boost#8230;they all depend on your ATS resume strategy. Write Funny Speech Student Council? Throw caution to the wind and Make my homework website, move ahead with your application, as-is. Spend a few minutes or hours perfecting any required application questions, and then submit the Write student council same resume to the application tracking system. Hit the pause button and think about Tax homework live, how to Write funny council beat applicant tracking systems; cross-reference your resume with the original job description using Jobscan; and re-work the details just to be safe. If we’re honest, most of us will probably choose Option 1 or 2. Heck, I’m a former recruiter, and Project management pdf hnd, I’ve done it before! The problem? Option 1 and 2 negatively impact your chances of getting an interview. It’s like spending your entire life training for the Olympics, finally qualifying, and then getting denied at the airport check-in counter because you forgot to book a plane ticket. The thing is, with a bit of time, a little knowledge, and the right tools, you can make a massive difference in speech student, your job search. As in, triple your chances of Simple thesis statement zoos, getting an interview massive. Have I got your attention?

Good. Here are all the things you need to know about writing your resume for Write funny speech, an applicant tracking system. Make Website? Secret 1: Writing an ATS resume takes planning. Remember back in the day—think Don Draper and Mad Men— when you had to get past the secretary if you wanted a meeting with the executive? Well, in 2015, you have to get past the applicant tracking system if you want an interview with the recruiter. And sadly, applicant tracking systems can’t be bought with martinis and flowers. Brushing off the importance of applicant tracking puts you at a massive disadvantage in a job search. Write Funny? While things like your LinkedIn profile, social media presence, personal brand, and cover letter all matter, if your resume ends up bouncing around in the ATS system black hole, the recruiter is never going to know you exist, let alone see your latest post about leadership over on Medium. Account Writing Essay? So what does planning mean, exactly? Secret 2: Applicant tracking system keywords and resume SEO matter.

As a former recruiter, I get a #8220;friends and family#8221; resume question at least once a week, and my #1 tip is always the same: Before you start writing your resume, make a list of the keywords that are important to speech council your industry and function. Before you start writing, plan your applicant tracking system keywords. This is good advice if you’re writing for an actual human being. After all, recruitment is a time-crunch industry, and recruiters rarely read resumes in detail. Beyond that, keywords are critical to writing an help ATS resume. You may have heard of search engine optimization (SEO). It’s the careful mix of keywords that writers, marketers, and funny speech student council, website designers use to Simple thesis statement tell search engines what their website is all about.

In 2016, resumes need SEO, too. The keywords you use throughout your resume are what the applicant tracking system uses to assess whether your experience matches the job. Secret 3: Not all ATS resume keywords are created equal. When you’re writing a resume for ATS recognition, any old keyword won’t do. You need to use the exact same keywords listed in Write funny council, the job description. ATS systems are smart, but at writing essay xat, the end of the day, they only find what they’ve been told to speech student look for, and help chat, that’s a list of keywords from the hiring manager. Consider these three examples of Write funny speech, how an ATS can get tripped up: Some ATS can’t distinguish between front-end and Writing for an vocabulary, front end. Many ATS can’t distinguish between Master of Business Administration , Masters of Business Administration , Master’s of Business Administration and MBA. Some companies use different titles and keywords to mean something similar. Student Council? For example, Project Manager vs.

Program Manager. The only way to Project get around this is to Write speech student council use the exact same language and punctuation as in conclusion for an vocabulary, the job description. Funny Speech? And when it comes to abbreviations and acronyms, use the full term first, followed by the shortened term. For example: #8220;Master of Business Administration (MBA).#8221; Secret 4: Keyword placement matters to some applicant tracking systems. When we tested some of the most popular ATS systems out writers there, we were surprised to find that some applicant tracking systems not only consider what keywords you use, but also where you use them. Speech Student? Let’s consider Jenn, a fictional management consultant with 15 years of experience: After a number of successes in her current role, Jenn feels it#8217;s time to struggling go after her dream job with McKinsey Co. The role she#8217;s looking at requires eight years#8217; consulting experience, and council, Jenn is confident she#8217;ll be a contender. Jenn is trying to decide between two different versions of her resume. Chat? Which should she use? A typical consulting resume consisting of summary and key skills sections, experience listed in reverse chronological order, and education.

Jenn has listed consulting in her key skills section, and uses variations of the verb consult in Write funny speech student council, her current role, which she’s been in for three years. For the remaining 12 years of experience, Jenn uses the a good essay vocabulary synonyms advise , counsel , and guide to keep it fresh. Similar to Resume #1, but in funny speech student council, this version, Jenn was under a deadline, and Make, didn#8217;t have time to council change the verbs, meaning every role she#8217;s ever had includes a variation of consult. Make My Homework? This is a simplified and example, and I think you can probably see where this is council, going: As far as ATS resume optimization is concerned, Resume #2 is far better. In fact, some ATS systems we#8217;ve tested would interpret Resume #1 as meaning Jenn only Account xat has three years#8217; consulting experience, because the keyword only appeared in her most recent job. Funny Student Council? Secret 5: Resume keyword stuffing is a huge no-no. As with many things in Writing conclusion for an vocabulary, life, when it comes to writing an applicant tracking system (ats) optimized resume, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Let me be clear: If you #8220;keyword stuff#8221; your resume, the ATS will red flag it, sending your resume to the black hole of Write speech student council, failure. Having keywords appear more frequently in your resume does translate into Make, a higher ATS ranking—up until a point. As a rule, we recommend using a keyword two to three times per resume, taking placement into account. Secret 6: Your job title matters for applicant tracking systems.

This one can be difficult for student council, candidates to get their heads around, because it feels#8230;wrong. But I promise you professional resume writers do it all the time: tweak job titles to conclusion for an vocabulary fit the role applied for. Small changes to your job titles can make a big difference with an funny speech council ATS. Let’s consider Jenn again. Jenn sticks with the Simple thesis statement zoos titles on her business cards: Business Advisor; Commercial Development Specialist; and Practice Leader, Commercial Advisory. Speech? Jenn streamlines her titles to fit the McKinsey Co. Consultant role: Business Advisory Consultant; Commercial Development Consultant; and Consulting Practice Leader, Commercial Advisory. Can you see how those simple changes could make all the difference when it comes to applicant tracking systems that are looking for writers writers, keywords?

While ATS are intelligent, and becoming more so every year, they still have significant limitations. When it comes to formatting, font, and document type, #8220;keep it simple#8221; is the best rule to follow. Many applicant tracking systems can#8217;t read tables. Write Funny? As such, they#8217;re best avoided. Microsoft Word is the safest format for your resume, although many ATS systems will offer guidelines concerning acceptable formats. An applicant tracking system might struggle with non-standard section headers, so it#8217;s best to Account writing essay xat stick with classics, such as #8220;Work Experience#8221; or #8220;Professional Experience,#8221; and avoid creative titles, such as #8220;What I#8217;ve Done.#8221; I’d be remiss to end this post without mentioning something that—while obvious—is easy to forget when you’re focused on beating an ATS system: If you do everything right, your resume will be reviewed by Write speech student, a real person. In my mind, writing your resume exclusively for an ATS system is like baking a cake just for its looks. A Good Conclusion For An Essay Vocabulary? I don’t know about you, but I want a cake that looks good and tastes good. And when it comes to Write speech your resume, you need it to do double duty—to both get you past an applicant tracking system, and appeal to human readers.

While optimizing your resume for an applicant tracking system isn#8217;t rocket science, it does require careful planning. If you#8217;re concerned about Project assignment, your resume, or simply want to see how it will perform in an applicant tracking system, be sure to test our resume scanning tool.

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Free Information Technology essays. Over the past century, communication and communication systems have developed enormously. The massive growth in bandwidth demand has led to various technologies in communication facilities in today’s network. One of the main factors for Write speech student council continuous research to create more efficient communication systems is the need to send more data (information) through a communication medium (channel) [1], communication through fiber optic is one of them. Fiber optic communication is a communication method that uses light pulses to writing xat, transmit information (data) from one point to funny student, another. Figure 1.1 represents a block diagram of optical communication system which consists of an optical transmitter, a communication channel, and an optical receiver. Optical communication system can be categorized to guided and unguided syetem. In guided lightwave system, the transmitter emits optical beam through a fiber optic which in that case the beam remains spatially confined. Unguided ligtwave system is similar to the spreading of vocabulary microwave system because the optical beam spreads in space but in student council forward direction because of its short wavelength.

Unguided optical systems are less proper for Make my homework broadcasting applications than microwave systems because of beam short wavelength they need very accurate pointing between the transmitter and receiver [2]. However, this thesis does not consider unguided optical communication system but will focus on student the guided optical systems. Figure 1.1: a generic optical communication system [2]. A guided optical fiber is a cylindrical waveguide that made from low-loss materials, in general silicon dioxide. The waveguide core has a refractive index a little higher than that of the outer medium (cladding), so that light pulses is directed along the writers, axis line of the fiber by total inside reflection. Generally a guided fiber optic communication systems consist of an optical transmitter to change an electrical signal to an optical signal for transmission through inside the optical fiber, a cable has several bundles of optical fibers, optical amplifiers to amplify the Write speech student council, power of the zoos, optical signal, and an optical receiver to reconvert the received optical signal back to the original electrical signal [3]. Figure 1.2: guided optical communication system [3]. Optical fiber technology development is considered as a major driver to student council, the revolution of the information technology and tremendous progress on telecommunication that has been seen in recent years. Moreover it the thesis zoos, most adequate unique transmission medium for data signals, voice and video.

Indeed, at present optical fibers have entered virtually in Write funny all sectors of telecommunication networks [4]. By year 1930, Heinrich Lamm introduced one of the Account writing essay xat, first attempts to use optical fiber to send image by using a short bundle of optical fiber for possible medical imaging. However, no additional works were done after the demonstration phase, because the technology for manufacturing low-loss fibers with acceptable light confinement was not yet done [5]. Further work and tests for image transmission via fiber optic continued till 1960 when the attenuation of glass-clad degraded to Write speech council, about1 dB/m. Although this attenuation makes fibers to be used for medical imaging, it is too high for communication until 1970 when it decreased less than 20 dB/km by my homework using a novel fabrication technique. At the speech council, same period, GaAs semiconductor lasers, running continuously at room temperature, were revealed. Writing. Low loss (attenuation) optical fibers together with optical so- urces led the efforts for enhancing the fiber-optic communication systems [6]. At that time it was revealed on the fabrication of first single-mode fiber with an attenuation of 0.017dB/m at the 633-nm helium-neon line and that declaration was considered a great breakthrough with many others developments which opened the door to Write speech council, fiber optic communication. In the beginning of a good 1980, first terrestrial optical system became available commercially with less than 0.1 Gb/s as a data rate. Within period of less than quarter of a century the development has been rapid as by an increasing in the system capacity by a factor of funny speech 100,000 [6]. To increase the benefits of fiber optic many technologies have been developed to Project management pdf hnd, get more network capacity, reliability, scalability and less cost and funny council, one of the first technological advances was the capability to carry multiple light channels through one fiber optic cable.

It achieves buy combining (multiplexing) different optical frequencies (wavelengths) onto a single fiber and that what is known Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) [7]. First WDM created in the late 1980s by using the Tax homework chat, two widely spaced wavelengths in the 850 nm and 1310 nm (or 1310 nm and 1550 nm) regions. The a second generation of funny speech WDM saw in early 1990s, occasionally called narrowband WDM, in which 2 to 8 channels were used. These channels were now apart at an interval of about 400 GHz in chat the 1550-nm window. With 16 to 40 channels and spacing from 100 to 200 GHz Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) systems were emerging in mid-1990s [8], since year 2000 when the number of wavelengths reached to over 100 per Write council, fiber and that number provides massive network capacity [7]. Currently, most of modern optical telecommunication networks composed of a plenty of various devices. Working such a network is writing essay a challenge task. It needs an accurate planning; taking into account all technological needs and offers of the optics, to end up with an operating network which provides the best return on the spent investments. Fiber optic has vast advantages over other transmission media because:

Unlike the copper that depletes the natural earth resources, it is made of cheapest resources in the earth (sand). The information travels with the speed of light. Optical pulses are immune to Write student council, the Radio frequency interface (RFI) and electromagnetic interface (EMI). It is struggling writers not affected by atmospheric conditions. Very low Bit Error Rate (BER) 10^-11. The only limitation that limits the bandwidth of an optical fiber is dependent on the equipment that creates the light in the fiber [9]. Optical Fiber Structure. In its simplest form an optical fiber consists of cladding that surrounds the student, cylindrical core that is Project management assignment made of silica glass. The core which is a central part of the fiber, has a refractive index (refractive index term refers to the change in speech student council light speed in vacuum to Simple, its speed in other media) of N1, is Write funny speech student council higher than refracting index N2 of cladding. So when the light beam enters the fiber, the xat, cladding forces it to remain in Write funny student the core, and assignment, the beam travels down the fiber because of internal reflection between of cladding and the core [10].

Figure 1.3: Optical Fiber Structure [10]. Optical signal can travel through the fiber in funny speech student council many ways and that corresponds to a particular mode. Each mode is Writing essay determined by the angle of incident of the optical beam. Internal reflection can take place at Write funny any angle greater than the critical angle but optical light may not propagate through the Make website, fiber on all angles and funny student council, that because some of incident angles result in my homework destructive interference and that leads to prohibit light propagation, in contrast with other angles that cause constructive interferences which allows the light to propagate. The mode of the fiber is the Write student council, number of paths for the light rays inside the cable and according to that numbers and structure, fiber cables can be classified as a single mode and multimode fiber. Writers Writers. Single mode fiber permits propagation of light beam by no more one path and its core size (diameter) is around 9-10 ??m. Multimode term refers to the matter of fact that many light beams (mode) are carried at Write funny speech same time through the waveguide (over more than 100 modes at a time) with size of its core diameter around 50??m or 62.5??m. In general, the diameter of the single mode is smaller than multimode diameter and because of that the number of reflections in single mode for help live a light passes inside the core is lesser than in multimode. Such reasons leads to fact that optical pulses experience very low attenuation and makes the signal to travel further (long distance) and faster and higher bandwidth compared to multimode fiber that is used in short distance because of high dispersion and funny student, attenuation [2].

Figure 1.4: Single mode and Tax homework chat, multimode fiber optic. The main advantage of multimode fibers over the single mode is speech student that a light could be inserted simply on bigger core and allows lesser coupling loss for example, through an LED. But injecting the light in the single mode is writing essay xat difficult process because of thinner core diameter and that is funny speech council one of its drawbacks. The one of problems in multimode fiber is intermodal dispersion. This is due to the inequality in velocities of writers struggling light for each incident angle. So instead of speech student a sharp ray, multiple light beams are received at zoos the far end, with separated in the time domain. This result increases with the distance between the two ends, therefore offering a lower bit rate. However dispersion problem can be lessen by funny speech student decreasing the number of modes which can be reduced by diminishing the Simple statement zoos, core radius, reducing numerical aperture, and increasing the light wavelength and Write funny speech council, that can be seen in the following equation: To find the Make my homework, number mode m in Write speech student council multimode fiber [11]:

Where V is the normalized frequency. Ko =2 ??/?? , and Make my homework, a is the core radius. ?? represents the wavelength of light in a vacuum. There are numerous impairments that affect signal propagation and speech student council, shorten transmission distance in fibers. Account Essay Xat. The major impairment that affects signal propagation is attenuation. It is Write student council a property of the fiber and it is a consequence of the several material, structural, and modular impairments in a fiber. It is given as a specification for a particular fiber type. Attenuation means loos of light energy (It is Simple statement zoos called optical loss) when the light pulses travel through fiber from one point to the other point and it is directly proportional to the length of the cable [12]. An intrinsic fiber loss and extrinsic bending loss are two components that optical loss (fiber loss) consists of. Write Funny Student Council. Intrinsic loss can be characterized to [1] [13]:

Material absorption loss: it results of imperfection and impurities in the fiber. Raleigh scattering loss: it is because of the collision of light quanta with silica molecules in the core and that causes a scattering in different directions. Extrinsic bending loss includes [1] [13]: Microbending loss: due to imperfection in the cylindrical geometry of fiber through the manufacturing cycles. Macrobending loss: bending of fiber (core and cladding) in conclusion for an vocabulary small radius leads to certain modes not to be reflected and causes loss. Figure 1.5: Extrinsic bending losses type [13]. Attenuation factor ?? represents the loss in Write dB per fiber length in kilometer. Power attenuation can calculate by using [1]: dp/dz Represents the power change with respect to Simple thesis, the length. So, if P1 is considered input power and funny speech student, L is the length of the fiber cable, the output power P2 can be calculated by Project management using equation 1.4. ?? in dB/Km can be calculated by using equation 1.5. Typically ”’??0.25 dB/km for a single mode fiber in the 1550 nm band.

?? = 0.5 dB/km for a single mode fiber in the 1310 nm band. Attenuation was considered the biggest obstacle at beginning of optical communication technology. Write Funny. It was very high (was more than 1000 dB/km) in the glass optical fibers but new process was invented by using silica as the main material, reduced the conclusion vocabulary, attenuation to less than 20 dB/km at carrier wavelength about 1??m. Progressing the optical fiber manufacturing technology decreased the attenuation quickly to the typical values that can be seen in the figure 1.6. The curve in the figure refers to the region around 1300nm and 1550nm where the attenuation at these region has minimum values whereas at region between 800nm and 900nm the attenuation at maximum value and that refers to the historical values before the development when the light source operated at the wavelengths from that region [14]. Figure 1.6: attenuation curve of silica based optical fiber [14]. Dispersion is Write funny speech student another impairment that effects on the optical signal when travel through fiber optic cable. Each optical pulse has various spectral components or multiple frequencies and each of them has its own velocity that can pass through fiber cable in different paths.

Such reason leads each component to reach at the end of fiber in different interval time. The time differences depend on different spectral components that lead to a longitudinal spreading of the Simple zoos, pulse along the speech council, Z-direction (direction of propagation of the help, optical pulse) of the fiber (cylindrical waveguide). The optical spread amount depends on the length of fiber and the bite rate [1] Over adequately long fiber the dispersion may cause intersymbol interference (ISI) whereas in high bit rate, two consecutive pulses are adjacent to each other causing difficulty in detecting the pulses and that means increasing in bit error rate (BER).There are two dispersive effects affect the funny speech student, optical pulse in Project the fiber: intermodal dispersion and chromatic dispersion [12]. Intermodal dispersion: Takes place in multimode fiber only since different modes have various group velocities. Chromatic dispersion: Is named group velocity dispersion (GVD) and speech, occurs in Account essay single mode type because of frequency dependence of the group velocity. The sources of chromatic dispersion are [13]: 1- Material dispersion: Occurs because of variation on account of refractive index of core as a function of wavelength and takes place even when different wavelengths pass at same path.

2- Waveguide dispersion: in general, any optical signal travels through the optical fiber; practically eighty percent of Write student optical power is confined inside the chat, core and rest of the power into cladding. Absorption is Write speech council other type of loss that may affect the Simple thesis, light propagation. Funny Student Council. This type comes when some molecule of the hydroxide anion OH. which is called hydrogen water molecules are combined in silica fiber during manufacturing process. Because OH anion of writing essay xat water can absorb light at 950nm, 1240nm and speech council, 1380nm but this absorption is my homework less at higher wavelength. Practically, it can be avoided by changing the transmitting wavelength to speech, 1550nm because the attenuation reduced from 0.5 dB/km at1300nm to Make website, 0.001db/km at 1550nm [15]. Since fiber cable is considered practically as an imperfect cylinder and perfectly without constant physical dimensions, the lack resulting from the manufacturing process are the causes for the differences in the cylindrical geometry. This difference also leads to Write funny speech council, what is known birefringence whereby a fiber with birefringence causes a propagating pulse to Project, lose the balance between the polarization components. Write Funny. This leads to Simple, a point where different polarization components pass at different velocities creating pulse-spread, and Write council, this spread is polarization mode dispersion PMD [1]. Generally, modern fiber-optic communication systems contain an writing xat optical transmitter, amplifiers, and receiver.

Transmitter is used to convert an electrical signal into an optical signal to send into the optical fiber, and use multiple kinds of amplifiers to recover and boost the weak optical signals that experience from different loses that mentioned before. At the Write speech student, end of optical fiber and before optical signals reach to destination an optical receiver is used to detect and convert signal to an electrical signal. The information transmitted is typically digital information generated by computers, telephone systems, and cable television companies. The most widely used optical transmitters are semiconductor devices like laser diodes and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Writers Writers. The main difference between LEDs and laser diodes is funny speech that LEDs produce incoherent light output, whereas laser diodes produce directional coherent light output. When it in my homework optical communication, it is Write funny council necessary be efficient, supply high optical output power, compact, and reliable, when operating in an optimal wavelength range, directly modulated at high frequencies [16]. Commonly, optical communications LEDs are made from gallium arsenide (GaAs) or Indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP). Since InGaAsP LEDs work at a longer wavelength than GaAs LEDs (1.3 micrometers vs. 0.81-0.87 micrometers), both output spectrum, while equivalent in energy is broader in Simple thesis statement zoos wavelength terms by Write speech student council 1.7.

The spectrum width of LEDs is function to higher fiber dispersion, and that leads limit their bit rate-distance relationship. LEDs are used with local area network applications with bit rates of 10-100 Mbit/s and transmission distances of a few kilometers, local-area WDM (Wavelength-Division Multiplexing) networks with multimode fiber cable since this type of fiber accepts large angle light [15]. Laser diodes are frequently directly modulated because the light output is Writing a good vocabulary controlled by Write council a current applied to the device. A photodetector, typically is a semiconductor-based photodiode, is the main component in the optical receiver which uses photoelectric effect to convert light source into electrical signal. There are different types of Writing conclusion essay photodetector, the first type was made from Indium gallium arsenide, then several type follows the first generation like p-n photodiodes, p-i-n photodiodes and Write funny speech student council, Metal-semiconductor-Metal (MSM) photodetectors which are used for circuit integration in generators and wavelength-division multiplex as a result of their stability [17].

A converters (Optical to electrical) are usually connected with a limiting amplifier and Simple statement, a transimpedance amplifier to produce a digital signal ( electrical domain) from the incoming optical signal, which may be attenuated and distorted during travelling through the fiber optic cable. Before the data is passed on, additional signal processing applied like clock recovery from data (CDR) achieved by a phase-locked loop [17]. Because of the limitation of nonamplified fiber span to funny student council, approximately 200 km for bit rate in Account essay the Gbs, using optical amplifiers in the optical networks are very important to work perfectly. Optical amplifier used in three different places along fiber transmission link. Amplifiers operating as power amplifier, their function are to student, amplify the power signal before it is launched on the line to extend the transmission distance before further amplification is assignment pdf hnd required. As line amplifier are placed at funny particular points along the transmission link to restore the signal to its original power level. Finally, as a preamplifier, it increases the signal level at the input of an optical receiver to improve the detection performance for Simple zoos the signal [12]. Optical amplifier has same functions of electrical amplifier or repeater. Council. Optical Repeater is my homework website known 3R generator and that means it reshapes, reamplifys and retimes the optical signal but after O-E-O signal conversion. In contrast the Write funny speech, optical amplifiers amplify data stream totally in writers the optical domain and that make them entirely transparent to signals and protocols [1].

There are three types of speech student council amplifier: Doped fiber amplifiers: they amplify light at specific wavelength and make use the cores of fibers which are doped with elements. They amplify an optical signal by a doped optical fiber as a gain medium. Doping fibers with the rare earth erbium are effective at thesis wavelength range between 1520 and 1560 nm. Erbium doped fiber amplifiers or EDFAs ( Figure 1.6) is common example for doped fiber amplifier and has gain up to 30 db and that means it outs 1000 photon for each 1 photon in Write student council [16]. In past before EDFA deployment, individual wavelength through fiber had regenerated one time each 40 km long by Simple zoos using expensive electronic device and increased to 1500-2500 km long when use more recent EDFA system [7]. Figure 1.7: Erbium doped fiber amplifiers [1]. Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers: These types make use of an Write funny student council adapted semi-conductor laser. When photons of chat light pass through the active region some of extra energy of electrons loses in the form that more photons match the initial wavelength. So any optical signal travel through the active region is boosted as it can be seen in figure 1.7 [18].

Figure 1.8: Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers [18] Raman Amplifier: the amplification process is taken place by Write speech nonlinear interaction. between a pump laser and the signal within an optical fiber. Two types Raman amplifier has: distributed Raman amplifier and lumped Raman amplifier: A distributed type uses the transmission fiber as the gain medium by multiplexing a signal wavelength with a pump wavelength. Lumped Raman amplifiers use shorter, dedicated length of fiber for amplification process. The gain providing by Project assignment Raman amplifier depends mainly on the optical frequencies, polarization and pump frequency. It is noticed from the figure 1.8 that maximum gain when pump-signal frequency difference 13.2 THz [12]. Figure 1.9: Raman Amplifier gain [12].

The main advantages of Raman amplifier are possibility to amplify variable wavelength and can be used to extend the Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers EDFAs and it is used with single mode fiber. But high pump power needs is the main disadvantage of Raman amplifier also the need of complex gain control and funny speech student, noise are two points add to the disadvantages [19]. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Generally, multiplexing term refers to techniques which combine multiple signals for Make transmission over a scarce resource. Write Funny Speech Student. The principle idea is to divide a shared resource into live equal smaller parts to be used in parallel to achieve a specific task. In this method, the utilization of resource is multiplied without expanding the resource itself. Multiplexing technique is also applied in optical networks by combining many fibers into one cable. TIME Division Multiplexing (TDM) is prominent example of that method [1]. Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a method of multiplying the funny student council, available optical fibers capacity by using parallel channels, each channel uses a dedicated wavelength of light as it cleared in Simple thesis zoos figure 1.9. WDM and Write, Frequency Division multiplexing ( FDM) both share same principles, where WDM relates to writing xat, light wavelength in fiber cable FDM corresponds to speech student council, analogue transmission but WDM is more reliable than FDM since it is totally passive.

The main advantage of WDM is Account increasing a transmission speed without increasing the capacity of the connections, and that done by dividing a high bandwidth bitstream into several time slots which each one carries traffic on a lower bitrate. In other words, upgrading to higher capacity does not need to change the backbone of fiber optic network but just needs to implement WDM and Write speech council, upgrade the transmitters and the receivers of the network. This technique allows new optical advance generation to be applied without laying new fiber [20]. Usually, WDM system based on light spectrum between 1460 nm to 1625 nm because optical signals experience relatively low attenuation at this region as shown in figure 1.1x. This region is divided into 3 regions: short band (S-band), congenital band (C-band), and long wavelength band (L-band). Most of WDM systems use C-band and extended to use L and Simple zoos, S bands to increase capacity of system [7].

Figure 1.1x WDM regin. Figure 1.10: Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) Before proceeding to examine different type of WDM, it will be necessary to summarize the Write funny student council, usage of WDM technology advantages: Upgrade the capacity of current fiber networks without adding new fibers. Add transparency feature to optical channels since they can transport any transmission format: analog, digital at Account writing different a synchronize bit rate.

Add scalability feature since any additional demand, it is required to buy and install equipment at the fiber’s end. Use wavelengths for routing and switching and that adds another dimension to time and space. Depends on wavelength pattern, WDM is divided into two types: Dense WDM (DWDM): It is Write funny speech council chosen for transporting very large amounts of Project data traffic over long distances in council the telecommunication system. From the size of data that can carry it is considered an optimal way of Simple statement zoos combining advanced technology functionality with cost efficient transport. DWDM able to transport 76-96 lambdas (channels) in conventional band (C-band) in the 1550nm region with 50 GHz spacing and supports 120-160 wavelengths (called ultra-dense WDM) in the L-band with 12.5 GHz spacing. In general, DWDM channels can carry data with 10-100 Gb/s as a bit rates and can reach to 3000km as maximum distance and in funny speech council transoceanic system, transparent link can reach up to 20,000km.

Recently, commercial systems have ability to transport accumulated traffic capacity in the range of 100 Tb/s [21]. The long distances that DWDM can reach comes from the advantage of the operating window of the EDFA Amplifier to boost the optical channels [22]. Coarse WDM (CWDM): it is similar to DWDM by using light wavelength to send signals over a single fiber. It uses 20nm wavelength spacing and it is wider than DWDM and that is why CDWM is Simple thesis statement zoos less costly than DWDM. In addition CDWM supplies only Write funny student eight [23]or 16 out of 18 lambdas (in c- band) between any two CDWM multiplexers, which are usually passive, over a pair of single fiber. Wavelengths of CDWDM can carry payload 1.2, 25, 4, 5, or 10 Gb/s which [21]. The maximum distance link that CWDM supports is 100km and that because of CWDM uses a specific wavelength range that cannot be amplified by EDFA amplifier . CWDM is my homework suitable for low-latency and high bandwidth but it is low scalable, complex installation, cost, and operation than DWDM [23]. WDM enabling equipment. DWDM systems consist of several main components as show in figure : Figure 1.11 DWDM system structure.

Optical Transmitters and Transponders. To increase the number of wavelengths in 1550nm band and Write speech, minimize the signal impairments effects like dispersion, the optical transmitter should be very high resolution, accuracy narrow-band lasers. Such lasers allow close channel spacing. The optical transmitter lessens loss of power and attenuation which to allow optical signal to pass long distances through fiber optic and a high level of signal integrity. Optical amplifiers can be used by these lasers to Writing conclusion essay, amplify the signal strength to extend the transmission distance [24] [14].

The design of the laser systems should be: Follow the ITU-T wavelength frequencies for Write council interoperability and component selection issues [24]. Laser system should be tunable to control the emission wavelength on Assignments struggling demand [9]. Some of DWDM systems use a component called a transponder, which uses optical-to electrical-to optical(O-E-O) conversion to convert a broadband optical signal to specific wavelengths (1330nm or 15550nm to a precision narrow-band wavelength). This conversion is council necessary for devices which are not equipped with precision narrowband lasers to multiplex onto a single fiber, like ATM switches, routers [24]. They used to amplify optical signals to Project management assignment pdf hnd, decrease the effects of Write funny speech council power loss and a good conclusion essay, attenuation that coming from passing light pulses through optical fiber. Use the optical amplifier or not in the DWDM depends on the optical transmitter technology and fiber optic long because not all DWDM network types need to boost the optical signals before sending since the signal reaches to Write student council, fiber end’s terminal at level which photodetector at receiving side can detect and Simple zoos, recover. Additionally, optical amplifier technology is the key to achieving the high-volume transmission, DWDM high speed to occur [24]. Optical Multiplexers and funny speech, Demultiplexers.

Optical multiplexers and demultiplexers are very important devices and Writing conclusion vocabulary, they are considered a core of DWDM technology. Optical multiplexers are used to combine transmit optical signals that have different wavelengths into a composite signal which have boosts by optical amplifier if need to Write speech council, amplify before sending onto Project assignment single optical amplifier. Optical demultiplexrs have opposite function to multiplexer by splitting the composite optical signals into their component wavelengths at the receiving terminal [25]. [14] Typically, optical multiplexers are passive devices, and work like high precision prisms to split up the individual colors of the DWDM signal [24]. Optical receivers are used to detect arriving optical signals and convert them to a suitable signal for processing by the receiving device [6]. Typically, optical receivers are passive wideband devices that have ability to detect light over wide range of wavelength between 1300 to Write speech council, 1550 nm region [24]. Remote Optical add/remove Dense multiplexer (ROADM) Remote Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) are essential devices in DWDM for Assignments struggling writers adding or dropping specific wavelengths (channels) from a fiber that is dense wave division multiplexed and bypass other remaining wavelengths. Usually, they are installed in a multi wavelength fiber span [7]. ( Figure 1.12: Remote Optical add/remove Dense multiplexer (ROADM) [7]. Hierarchy of optical network. Geographically, optical networks are segmented into four tiers, each one depends on the number of users served, demand capacity, geographic area which the Write student council, tier covers.

Figure 1.13 presents 4 tiers that optical network serves: metro access, metro-core, regional, and backbone tier [7]. Metro access partition is at the network edge where the end-users can exchange traffic (collects/distributes) with the network; it serves 10-100 users with few kilometers distance long. The main reason to build this network is to serve the end-user in direct way [26]. Moving up the hierarchy, metro-core tier aggregates the traffic from thousands of customers that relate to access networks and interconnects number of central offices of telecommunication or cable distribution head-end office by passing 10s to100s of Writing conclusion for an essay kilometers. Jump to regional networks which interconnect multiple of metro-core networks, each network in this tier is responsible for student carrying portion of traffic that passes several metro-core areas. The entire regional networks serve about100s to 1000s of users who cover hundred to a thousand kilometers [7]. Last tier in the four-layer is Backbone (long-haul) networks which span 1000s of kilometers and share millions of users because of carrying the inter-regional networks traffic [27].

Figure 1.13: Hierarchy of optical network [7]. There is other network architecture based on Account writing xat three-layer as in figure 1.14. Application layer is the top of this model which contains voice, video, and speech student council, data services. The next layer is called intermediate layer which based on electronic technology such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switches, SONET/SDH switches, and IP routers. These electronic devices pass their payloads to Optical layer (configurable WDM layer) to be carried into a good conclusion essay wavelengths and routed dynamically through optical nodes by using WDM technology and optical switches [7]. Figure 1.14: three layer model [7]. According to [12], multiwave optical network can be divided into two layers: logical layer and physical layer and each layer is expanded to Write funny council, sub- layers as introduced in figure 1.15. Logical layers can be acted as a packet/cell-switched client logical network (LN) and all electronic components are contained in this layer, while physical layers contain optical components and acts as a server for only one logical network or more. The interface between two layers in term of hardware can be noticed in figure 1.16 which is located at external port of Network Access Station (NAS). NAS is considered as a cut line between optical and Project pdf hnd, electronic domain and each NAS connects to Write, Optical Network Node (ONN) via one or more pairs of Writing a good vocabulary fiber which is called access link. Physical layer is spitted to: Optical layer and Fiber layer.

Optical layer focuses on generation and transmission of optical connection, routing, and survivability and has four sub-layers: Optical/waveband path, ?? channel , Optical connection, and Transmission channel. Logical connection (LC) is established between external ports (electronic domain) of funny council two NASs through optical nodes and live, carries logical signal in electronic format like IP packets, ATM cells, or analog video. Every LC is carried by what is called a Transmission channel that is used to convert logical signal in electronic domain (logical layer) to transmission signal (Optical domain) which is part of optical layer (figure 1.15). The conversion process usually happens in the transmission processor (TP) that exists in NAS with taking into account the requirements of the optical device that transports it for example the bandwidth of the optical transmitter (OT), optical receiver (OR), and spectrum channel. Optical connection (OC) is a connection established according to council, the organized actions between nodes (ONN) and stations (NAS).

It is used to tune the transceiver of NASs to the assigned wavelength of the ??-channel. Fiber layer encompassing the features of the supporting the infrastructure of fiber. The fiber layer is subdivided further into the fiber link sublayer and fiber section sublayer. Virtual connection (VC) is a good conclusion essay vocabulary created between two end systems and based on logical path LC which is sublayer from logical layer. In this case Logical path has two logical connections (LC) terminated by Logical Switching Nod (LSN). Figure 1.15: Optical network layer [12]. Figure 1.16: Layered view of funny council optical network connections [12]. Figure 1.17:Typical connection with multiple hope [12]. Optical network concepts. A network using fiber optic as a transmission medium provides a connections for writing xat users to enable communication between them by transporting data from a source to a destination. To perform this process, it requires an intermediate stage which data can be processed for funny speech control operation and follows the essentials of Project optical networking functions.

For successful transportation of Write funny council optical signals, it essentially follows the methodology of interconnection different optical devices altogether and operational procedures. The structure of simple optical network can be seen in chat the figure 1.18 which depicts number of interconnected nodes with link of optical fibers. Each optical node may act as a transceiver unit with multifunction. It can receive, transmit and Write funny student council, processing/switching (if necessary) the traffic. Generally, the physical connections of optical fiber is Make my homework website point-to-point when connects nodes together. Funny Speech Council. Such links are populated by one or more pairs of fiber and each fiber in pair carries traffic in one direction (unidirectional) or in both directions (bidirectional) and last one is not common [7]. Logical link can be established by using fiber links when optical signal traverses through one or many nodes (uninterrupted optical signal) to reach the destination. Ideally, a single wavelength ?? is assigned to each channel (link) to travel from source to destination across multiple optical nodes (uninterrupted link). Lightpath is a term used to refer to the signal carried on a specific wavelength, data can be transmitted over these lightpaths in time of the connections set up and apply controlling mechanism to Project management pdf hnd, validate the whole data transmission between each transmitting and receiving node [28].

As a result, optical transport networks are considered circuit-switched which preconfigure optical circuit path to the bitstreams directly from Write student council, source to destination between nodes. Bitrate of any bitstream is determined by the transmitter and receiver devices. Although there are different devices operate on different bitrate available in Project assignment the market such 2.5Gb/s or 10Gb/s, different bitrate circuits can be used with each other on the same WDM network because of Write funny speech council its transparently for different bitrates. Make Website. This important property of DWM is called grooming which means combining different lower bitrate bitstreams into funny speech student one with higher bitrate as a shared connection part [9]. Figure 1.18: Optical network structure [28]. Optical network node and switching elements. An optical node plays main role in WDM network since it achieves several tasks depending upon network requirements and its type.

Sending, receiving, resending or redirecting optical signals to Assignments writers, node’s neighboring connected nodes are the main functions of Write speech council optical node. My Homework Website. It can also function as a router or a switch when resend or redirect optical signals to desired networking nodes, and as a router when directs an input signal wavelength to Write speech student, a specified output port [28]. When the help live, desired signal can be isolated from an incoming multiplexed signal and routed by the router to a specific port then it is called wavelength router. But if the wavelength of the isolated signal is Write funny speech changed before routing to the output port, then router is known wavelength converting router and in other case is wavelength routing switch( optical switch) in case of switching the wavelength to the complaint signal wavelength [29]. MEMS methods connecting arrays of micromirrors that can deflect an optical signal to the appropriate receiver. Search our thousands of Assignments writers struggling essays:

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Essay: A Doll#039;s House by Henrik Ibsen. The play ‘A Doll’s house’ is a three act play written by Henrik Ibsen. The play is significant for its critical attitude toward 19th century marriage norms. It aroused great controversy at the time, as it concludes with the protagonist, Nora, leaving her husband and speech student, children because she wants to discover herself. Ibsen was inspired by the belief that “a woman cannot be herself in Assignments struggling writers, modern society,” since it is “an exclusively male society, with laws made by men and with prosecutors and judges who assess feminine conduct from a masculine standpoint. Henrik Ibsen, considered by many to be the speech student council, father of modern prose drama, was born in Skien, Norway, on March 20, 1828. He was the second of six children. Ibsen’s father was a prominent merchant, but he went bankrupt when Ibsen was eight years old, so Ibsen spent much of his early life living in Writing for an, poverty. From 1851 to 1864, he worked in funny council, theaters in Bergen and in Project management assignment pdf hnd, what is now Oslo (then called Christiania).

At age twenty-one, Ibsen wrote his first play, a five-act tragedy called Catiline. Like much of his early work, Catiline was written in verse. In 1858, Ibsen married Suzannah Thoreson, and funny, eventually had one son with her. Ibsen felt that, rather than merely live together, husband and wife should live as equals, free to become their own human beings. This belief can be seen clearly in A Doll’s House. In A Doll’s House, Ibsen paints a bleak picture of the sacrificial role held by women of all economic classes in his society. Account Writing! In general, the play’s female characters exemplify Nora’s assertion (spoken to Torvald in Act Three) that even though men refuse to sacrifice their integrity, ‘hundreds of thousands of women have.’ At the funny speech council, beginning of A Doll’s House, Nora seems completely happy. She responds affectionately to Torvald’s teasing, speaks with excitement about the extra money his new job will provide, and takes pleasure in the company of her children and friends.

She does not seem to mind her doll-like existence, in which she is coddled, pampered, and Tax homework live chat, patronized. Protagonist, Nora, seems like a bit of a ditz. When her husband, Torvald, calls her things like his “little squirrel,” his “little lark,” and, worst of all, a “featherhead,” she doesn’t seem to Write funny speech student, mind (1.5-1.16). My Homework! In fact she seems to Write council, enjoy and even play into it. When Torvald first calls her a spendthrift, we’re inclined to agree. So far, we’ve seen her give the porter an overly generous tip, come in with tons of Christmas presents, and shrug at the idea of incurring debt. Soon, though, we see that Nora has a lot more going on than we first imagined . On the other hand the other female in the play, Christine is a tough, world-wise woman. This lady has been through a lot. She tells Krogstad, “I have learned to act prudently Life, and hard, bitter necessity have taught me that”. In this paper I want to Project management assignment, show that at time women used to sacrifice everthing for their husbands.

Still then they were not considered to know the aspect of the funny speech student, world. As like nora , she did everything she can for her husband that she can. SACRIFICE BY NORA. As the play progresses, Nora reveals that she is website, not just a ‘silly girl,’ as Torvald calls her. That she understands the Write, business details related to the debt she incurred taking out a loan to preserve Torvald’s health indicates that she is intelligent and possesses capacities beyond mere wifehood. Her description of her years of secret labor undertaken to pay off her debt shows her fierce determination and ambition. Make! Additionally, the fact that she was willing to break the law in order to Write speech council, ensure Torvald’s health shows her courage. Krogstad’s blackmail and the trauma that follows do not change Nora’s nature; they open her eyes to her unfulfilled and writers struggling writers, underappreciated potential. ‘I have been performing tricks for funny speech student, you, Torvald,’ she says during her climactic confrontation with him.

Nora comes to Account essay, realize that in addition to her literal dancing and singing tricks, she has been putting on Write funny speech student a show throughout her marriage. She has pretended to Make, be someone she is not in order to fulfill the Write student, role that Torvald, her father, and writers, society at large have expected of her. Though Nora is economically advantaged in comparison to the play’s other female characters, she nevertheless leads a difficult life because society dictates that Torvald be the marriage’s dominant partner. Torvald issues decrees and condescends to Nora, and Nora must hide her loan from him because she knows Torvald could never accept the idea that his wife (or any other woman) had helped save his life. Furthermore, she must work in secret to pay off her loan because it is illegal for a woman to obtain a loan without her husband’s permission. By motivating Nora’s deception, the Write student council, attitudes of Torvald’and society’leave Nora vulnerable to Make my homework website, Krogstad’s blackmail. De Beauvoir argues that throughout history, woman has been viewed as a ‘hindrance or a prison’. Nora’s abandonment of her children can also be interpreted as an act of self- sacrifice. Despite Nora’s great love for her children’manifested by Write funny student, her interaction with them and Account xat, her great fear of corrupting them’she chooses to leave them. Nora truly believes that the nanny will be a better mother and that leaving her children is in their best interest. Nora’s understanding of the meaning of speech, freedom evolves over the course of the play.

In the first act, she believes that she will be totally ‘free’ as soon as she has repaid her debt, because she will have the Writing conclusion vocabulary, opportunity to Write speech student, devote herself fully to Project management assignment, her domestic responsibilities. After Krogstad blackmails her, however, she reconsiders her conception of freedom and questions whether she is happy in Torvald’s house, subjected to his orders and edicts. By the end of the play, Nora seeks a new kind of freedom. She wishes to be relieved of her familial obligations in order to pursue her own ambitions, beliefs, and identity. Mrs. Student! Christine linde , In her younger days, she had to Assignments writers struggling writers, sacrifice love for the sake of her family. Rather than marrying the dashing young Nils Krogstad, she married a businessman, Mr. Linde, so that she could support her sick mother and her two younger brothers.

In order to sever herself from her beloved Nils, she wrote him a nasty note saying that she didn’t love him anymore. (A little harsh, Christine.) Now her brothers are all grown up and her mother is dead. Her husband has passed away, too. Mr. Linde’s business went kaput after he died and she’s had to work a lot of crumby jobs. Still, Christine is finally free. It’s true that Christine is free from the responsibilities of family, but she absolutely hates it. She’s not happy again until she reunites with Nils, telling him “I want to be a mother to someone, and your children need a mother. We two need each other”. Write! It might be seen as tragic: women are so programmed by society, that the only thing they know how to do is assignment pdf hnd, be a homemaker. On the other hand, it’s not like Christine is making this decision from a place of ignorance. Unlike Nora, Christine is well aware of what life is like without men.

The major difference between Christine’s new relationship and that of the Helmers seems to be that Christine and Krogstad are entering into it as equals. Perhaps, the union of Nils and Christine is Ibsen’s example of “the most wonderful thing of council, all,” which Nora defines as “a real wedlock” A Doll’s House ends with the slamming of a door. Nora turns her back on her husband and kids, and takes off into the snow to make her own way in the world. It’s a pretty bold decision, to say the least. Some might even call it foolish. Writing Essay Vocabulary! She doesn’t have a job. Not a whole lot of marketable skills. No home. No prospects of council, any kind.

By making this choice, she’s ostracizing herself from the society she’s always been a part of. Most “respectable” people just aren’t going to struggling writers, hang out with her. Funny Council! The comfortable life she’s leading will be totally destroyed. So, why does she do such a thing? Nora makes he reason for her decision pretty clear in her last argument with Torvald. Before she makes her grand exit, he scathingly criticizes her, saying that by Simple thesis zoos, deserting her husband and children she is forsaking her “most sacred duties” . Nora doesn’t see it this way. She tells him that the duties that are most sacred to council, her now are the “duties to [herself]”

Furthermore, it can be debated that the male-female relationship in A Doll’s House is based on a Master-Slave ideology which Friedrich Hegel, the statement zoos, great Enlightenment theorist, started. The relationship between Torvald and Helmer evolves according to speech student council, a Master-Slave relationship. Hegel argues that the consciousness of one’s self as a self cannot be achieved except through confrontation with another. Writing! Both Nora and her husband Torvald recognized their dependency on each other and that self-consciousness led to Nora’s awakening in student council, the end. Thus, Nora’s character self was made through the dialectical special interrelationship between her and her husband on one side and between her and chat, the patriarchal society on Write speech council the other. Hegel says that the a good essay vocabulary, self ‘through supersession, receives back its own self, because, by superseding its otherness, it again becomes equal to itself; but secondly, it equally gives the other self-consciousness back again to itself, for it saw itself in the other, but superseded this being of itself in speech student, the other and thus lets the other again go free.’ First Nora acknowledges Torvald as her master and she dutifully assumes her role as the slave who is dependent on her master. After the confrontation, Nora realizes the master’s dependency on her which leads her to supersede him and Assignments writers writers, be free of him. After reading ‘A Doll’s House’ by Write speech student, Hendrik Ibsen. I can conclude that there is both a parallel and a contrast structure in the characters of Mrs. Linde and Nora.

A contrasting difference in the characters, are shown not in Simple thesis statement, the characters themselves, but the role that they play in their marriages. These women have different relationships with their husbands. Torvald and Nora have a relationship where there is no equality. To Torvald Nora is an Write student council object. Project Management Assignment Pdf Hnd! Hence, she plays the Write student council, submissive role in a society where the lady plays the passive role. Her most important obligation is to please Torvald, making her role similar to live chat, a slave. He too considers himself superior to her. As for Kristine and Krogstad their relationship is much more open to us. It is apparent that if Kristine and speech council, Krogstad were to Simple statement zoos, engage in an argument, it is more likely that that they would come to a compromise. A strong sign that Mrs.

Linde brings us a better understanding of Nora is their parallel in characters. Both are willing to sacrifice themselves for values dear to their lives. Council! This act of aiding significant loved ones gives us a better understanding of Tax homework help chat, Nora. It gives us an image of who the funny student council, character Nora really is. Mrs. Linde shows her loyalty to her family when she did not think that she ‘had the right’ to refuse her husband’s marriage proposal. After taking into consideration her sick mother, her brothers, and assignment pdf hnd, Krogstad having money. She married for the welfare of funny student, her family.

Which means that in this society family is website, top priority. To the women is this era, loyalty to funny student, their loved ones is highly expected. Then, we have Nora, who on the same token saves her husband (Torvald’s) life, which portrays again, the trend of women sacrificing for their families. They both (Mrs. Linde and Make my homework website, Nora) express their feelings of pride and student council, fulfillment in helping their significant others by sacrificing themselves.

Nora’s character is made more obvious to us by Mrs. Tax Homework Help Live! Linde’s actions. Not only did Nora open her mouth about saving her husband’s life, but she did it with the utmost pride. Funny Speech Student! Claiming to have raised all the management, money herself she soaks in her self-importance. In Act 1, Nora seems to thrive on the pride she gets from borrowing the money. I suppose that she is feeling useful for Write funny, a change. It seems also, that Mrs.

Linde comes off as superior to Nora because she feels that Nora has never done hard work in her life. Mrs. Project Assignment Pdf Hnd! Linde is Write funny student council, referring to the sacrifice she has made. She makes a remark about Nora still being a child. As if to Simple zoos, say that she was inexperienced.

She is half-right. Write Speech Council! At the Assignments, end of the play Nora agrees that is it ‘true’, She does not know much about the Write funny student, world and that if she is to learn, then she will have to experience that for herself. Chat! This remark tells us that Nora is capable of choosing herself over her husband. And that she has to be herself before she can be a wife or mom for that matter. Norma Helmer is the speech council, best illustration of the illusioned woman who lives in a society where the male oppresses the female and reduces to a mere doll or plaything.

Nora Helmer is that doll living in her fake doll house, which reinforces the fragile idea of a stable family living under a patriarchal and traditional roof. One can argue that Nora Helmer and Make, the other female figures portrayed in A Doll’s House are the best models of the ‘second sex’ or. the ‘other’ that the French revolutionary writer Simone de Beauvoir discussed in her essay, The Second Sex. It seems like Nora has gone through a kind of personal awakening. She’s come to the conclusion that she’s not a fully realized person. Write Funny Speech Student Council! She has to spend some time figuring out who she is as an Assignments writers individual or she’ll never be anything more than someone’s doll. This would be impossible under the smothering presence of Torvald.

Yet, the student, doll house is shattered as well as Nora’s illusion. The doll finally recognizes that her role has been nothing but the ‘Other’. She is aware that it is she who agreed to the definition of the ‘One’ and the’ Other’. It’s a moment of profound awakening when Nora realizes that her husband values his reputation and job more than he values his love for essay, her. Torvalds’s resentment and accusations after knowing about what she had done comes as a blessing in disguise. We hear Torvald telling her, ‘For all these years, for eight years now, you’ve been my pride and joy, and now I find you’re a hypocrite and a liar, and worse, worse than that’a criminal! The whole thing is an abyss of ugliness! You ought to funny, be ashamed.’ Simone de Beauvoir says that if the woman seems to be the inessential which never becomes the statement zoos, essential, it is speech, because she herself fails to bring about the change.

But here we tell De Beauvoir that Nora is willing to Writing a good for an, bring about the change. The harsh reality smacks her in the face; a wave of Write speech council, disillusionment wakes her up. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom English Literature essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to Simple statement zoos, help you. Each of us is qualified to Write, a high level in struggling, our area of expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Just complete our simple order form and funny council, you could have your customised English Literature work in your email box, in as little as 3 hours. This English Literature essay was submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. This page has approximately words. If you use part of Project management assignment, this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay UK, Essay: A Doll#039;s House by speech student, Henrik Ibsen . Available from: [06-10-17].

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